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Looking for a simple tool to pack/unpack saves for Xcom EU/EW


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I recently picked up the complete edition of this, and I'm looking to hex edit my save data when I get started. I played Xcom EU on Xbox 360, and there was simple command line tool to unpack and repack the save data that also fixed the checksum, etc. I'm looking for a current tool like that which will work for the steam version of EU+EW with all the DLC.


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What we have on the subject can be found in the article "Savegame file format". Oddly enough, there was never that much interest in that area here.




Seriously. Nobody could be bothered to actually write the tool to do it? I'm a game hacker from the N64 era. MIPS assembly and hex editing are fun for me. I even wrote my own gameshark code creation tools, MIPS assembler/disassembler, and co-wrote a tool for PS2 hacking. I don't do compression and checksums! :sad:


Is it just one extra checksum beyond what Fairchild's Xbox 360 tool does? and does that cover everything for the current version (complete edition)?

Edited by NoLifeDGenerate
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Can't help with rhetorical questions, and I already gave you what I have.


You're about two-three years too late to drum up much interest in anything EU/EW related. You might notice I am the only one answering any queries at all, and that's just because I am the self-appointed "librarian" for the wiki and it's easy to check for the odd question. There were never more than a half-dozen "code divers" (and I wasn't one of them), most of them wound up on the Long War development team, and they all moved on to XCOM2 when it was released. I haven't seen any of the old regulars in over a year.



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