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I haven't seen any air rifles yet so i thought it would be cool if someone adds one.

Pumping the rifle shouldn't be added since you need a reload and a pumping thingy so that would be difficult. lets just say it has an infinite air tank.


Here are some cool airgun examples from metro:









Things i think would be cool:

-it makes no sound. well, it makes sound, but it's like silenced without a silencer. if you know what i mean.

-custom shooting sound^

-the option to shoot either pellets or darts.

-if chosen darts, the option to retrieve the dart from dead enemies

-if you are a modding god, add the option besides reloading, to pump air into the tank.


If you are interested in making this please do... or spam someone who might be able to...



please make this a thing in fallout, it would be great for them stealthy boys.

or don't. i'm not your boss... i'm just a post. it's not like i can do anythin about it...

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those look much more interesting than

the base game vanilla air-syringer launcher.

one even looks like the joerg-sprave pipe launcher and air-zooka.


with any mod any weapon,

a base air-rifle can be modded to have .38 munitions,

and yet still make the air sound.


as to making the file itself etc...

a couple do bring different parts to the pipe-weapon set

which work great with any mod any weapon...


hopefully something as these is made,

unlikely by me, owing to my mod-fu being not strong and all...

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