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I cant save anymore and i dont know why.


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Holla Chico. Had the same problem. Tried everything. Checked my save files and noticed that the date of the most recent saves were wrong. Thats because i had changed the date on my computer to see if i could play COD early =D (did not work tho) i changed it back after i played fallout i guess and now wasnt able to save somehow. my recent save was from november 4 so i changed the date again to november 4 and now it works again. maybe you were as stupid as i am xD


#edit# I have now set the date back to todays date (sounds wrong.....maybe is) and now cant save again so the date must be the same as the one youre trying to load/save. You could just change the date of your computer or just wait

Edited by ElAssoWipo
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Holla Chico. Had the same problem. Tried everything. Checked my save files and noticed that the date of the most recent saves were wrong. Thats because i had changed the date on my computer to see if i could play COD early =D (did not work tho) i changed it back after i played fallout i guess and now wasnt able to save somehow. my recent save was from november 4 so i changed the date again to november 4 and now it works again. maybe you were as stupid as i am xD


Dont want ti be mean but i dont play CoD and actually i didnt even know when the release date was so no i dont have this problem but thanks for trying ^^

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!!!! Update !!!!


i absolutely cant Create or Delete save files not even from the Save folder itself i am absolutely speecheless i never ever had something this on any game so far i rly need help to fix this crap i already reinstalled the game but its seems it has something to do with something else i dont know and i really appereciate any help srsly thanks

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!!!! Update !!!!


i absolutely cant Create or Delete save files not even from the Save folder itself i am absolutely speecheless i never ever had something this on any game so far i rly need help to fix this crap i already reinstalled the game but its seems it has something to do with something else i dont know and i really appereciate any help srsly thanks

Have you checked your savegames ingame? for me it didnt save either except it did but i did not notice because i had to scroll down a lot. "guck nochmal ingame. Bei mir ging dat auch nicht, dachte ich zumindest bis ich ingame runtergescrollt hab. Die neueren saves waren alle irgendwo unten

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!!!! Update !!!!


i absolutely cant Create or Delete save files not even from the Save folder itself i am absolutely speecheless i never ever had something this on any game so far i rly need help to fix this crap i already reinstalled the game but its seems it has something to do with something else i dont know and i really appereciate any help srsly thanks

Have you checked your savegames ingame? for me it didnt save either except it did but i did not notice because i had to scroll down a lot. "guck nochmal ingame. Bei mir ging dat auch nicht, dachte ich zumindest bis ich ingame runtergescrollt hab. Die neueren saves waren alle irgendwo unten


Ingame Savest (Angeblich) aber es wird nicht im Lade screen angezeigt bedeutet ich habe nicht mal eine Save datei erstellt und wenn ich gespeicherte dateien löschen möchten tauchen die auf einmal wieder auf kannst in dem video auf der ersten seite nachsehen. ^^

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While in game, open the console. Type in: save NewDude. Hit enter. Exit game. Start game. Click on Load, click on NewDude. Load game. Hit escape. Click save. Click NewDude. Confirm to save over it. Hit escape, click load, click on NewDude. Load it. Hit escape one more time when it loads. Click on New Save. Then load the new save.

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While in game, open the console. Type in: save NewDude. Hit enter. Exit game. Start game. Click on Load, click on NewDude. Load game. Hit escape. Click save. Click NewDude. Confirm to save over it. Hit escape, click load, click on NewDude. Load it. Hit escape one more time when it loads. Click on New Save. Then load the new save.

i will give it a shot after i installed the game when it still happens thanks for the instructions :)

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!!!! Update !!!!


i absolutely cant Create or Delete save files not even from the Save folder itself i am absolutely speecheless i never ever had something this on any game so far i rly need help to fix this crap i already reinstalled the game but its seems it has something to do with something else i dont know and i really appereciate any help srsly thanks

Have you checked your savegames ingame? for me it didnt save either except it did but i did not notice because i had to scroll down a lot. "guck nochmal ingame. Bei mir ging dat auch nicht, dachte ich zumindest bis ich ingame runtergescrollt hab. Die neueren saves waren alle irgendwo unten


Ingame Savest (Angeblich) aber es wird nicht im Lade screen angezeigt bedeutet ich habe nicht mal eine Save datei erstellt und wenn ich gespeicherte dateien löschen möchten tauchen die auf einmal wieder auf kannst in dem video auf der ersten seite nachsehen. ^^


Hmm bei mir war das grade der fall. Hast steam als admin gestartet? Versuch mal das hier. Habs kopiert:


Here's the fix that worked for me:

Right click on C://Documents/my games Click on the Security tab. Click the Edit button. Click the Add... button. In the blank provided, enter "Everyone." After creating this group, highlight its name, and give it full control. Exit out by clicking OK and Apply wherever possible.

As long as you have done this to My Games, you -should- be good to go, but it won't hurt to do it to the Fallout 4 folder, too. I also created a 'Saves' folder within the Fallout 4 folder and made the same permissions changes to it. Keep in mind, this leaves your folders vulnerable to being altered by malware. So, make sure you have good virus protection (you should make sure of that anyway!).

I have Windows 10, by the way.

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