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Any Chance we could get a pause time feature?


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I'm the type of person that if the connection between my Air Generator and Storage room (for example) is not perfectly straight it'll bug the hell out of me. >_< but i can't spend the time needed to make such a perfect connection because time is slowly ticking away and i have to get things up and running before my guys kick the space bucket.


And this results in crooked connections, misplanned placement of facilities or not enough space to squeeze in that water tower, unorganized power area where i have a solar and wind generator ..Not quite right or to far or to close to the collector or each other or improperly organized placement of the generators.

AH it's just NOT RIGHT!! so i was hoping someone could PLEASE make a mod that adds a Stop time function so i can plan my base accordingly and it would look fancy. i know i'm not the only one who would like a feature like this.

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  • 3 years later...

As far as I know, there is no such mod at the moment.
But personally, I normally play without a pause button. I think this is a matter of experience and the amount of time in the game. After a lot of attempts, you learn to play quickly without a pause button.
Although, I know that there are a lot of people who want to make the Pause button :-)

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  • 4 weeks later...

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