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Raider Radio! (And Mercenary/Gunner, Atom's Gospel Radio)


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Hello Folks, If raiders, Gunners, and Children of Atom, and other trouble makers make up 30% of the population, they should have their own DJ and radios so you too can listen to villain music if you're a baddy,.

OR if you're a good guy/rival faction, you can combine this potential mod with the Destroy Radios Mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15935/?), so that you can shoot the vile music off!

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Angelesnesdreams, a few contributors, and I are working on the Children of Atom Overhaul and honestly, I don't see the radio as something I would consider. Partially because of the lack of radio content, but it doesn't really seem to fit them. Mostly because they don't have a need to broadcast across the Commonwealth like the Minutemen and also because they stay in tight packs and rarely venture on their own (ie Crater of Atom, Kinsport Lighthouse/Crater House, Nucleus at Far Harbor). Based on faction data and reading the wiki, I don't think they have a centralized command structure but are individual sects, like how Christians are divided into Catholic, Baptist, etc.

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