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Everything posted by genolune

  1. https://www.google.com/search?q=fallout+miami&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS690US690&oq=Fallout+Miami&aqs=chrome.0.0l6.2184j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 Pre-searched Google Search for you. Trailer Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3lHUMHzapU
  2. A small discussion about this: https://bethesda.net/community/topic/135715/custom-workshop-item-clipping-unplaceable/3 Essentially, something happens so that the ground/cement/whatever is missing the workshop stackable keyword. It's most noticable in the Castle because it seems to almost always break. It's been ages since I did anything in the Creation Kit and forgot mostly everything so I can't give a tutorial on how to fix it. I had to do that to make settlement mods I was making place nice with Scrap Everything.
  3. That would actually be pretty cool for synths like Curie. Add in one of those android outfits like what Connor wears and bam.
  4. Ask the designers of Heather Casdin or Ellen the Cartographer. llamaRCA is the one who made Heather Casdin (also Willow for Fallout New Vegas). llamaRCA's Nexus page: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/1200978
  5. Fixed for you. ;) No question about it, I think most hardcore Fallout players will not do it if there is toxic PvP. Fallout 76 might just be a game that attracts those types of people. I like the idea of cooperative building and some of the cooperative aspects. Rust was fun and interesting and creative for me when I was on a server with just me and two others (on a supposedly private server) until someone else showed up and wrecked all our progress overnight. That pretty much killed it for me.
  6. As a side note, is that why Fallout 4 is poorly optimized and also why you could achieve graphics like Witcher 3 while still performing well? I did see that the Fallout 76 trailer looked a lot smoother graphically and more like Witcher 3 in that aspect.
  7. There is a Fallout Miami or something to that being developed, FYI, unless that is what you were referring to in that case you already knew.
  8. Well I lost interest right there. If there isn't W.V. Interiors in the future, not going to play it. lol
  9. You can always use this guide if no one else gets to it: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/articles/282
  10. This makes me ask the question, what is going on in the eastern half of the united states (particularly the south) in the lore? Fallout 1, 2, & New Vegas pretty much covered a good chunk of the western half. Fallout 3 & 4 only really covered "New England" type area.
  11. I say just give it a chance after launch and some of it has been ironed out (and maybe a sale on Steam or wherever). If you don't like it, delete it. I wouldn't go so far as to preorder it, though I've been tempted just to check it out. You might actually like it. Cooperative settlement building definitely intrigues me and having someone to talk that isn't "sworn to carry my burdens" (I know, Skyrim reference) via voice communication (either in a third party app or if Fallout 76 has it in built) makes tactics a lot easier. So there are potential positives there, but if it turns out to be like Rust at its most toxic feel free to go "Nope!" and delete and never play again.
  12. Is anyone working on this? After the Fallout 76 reveal (and playing with this in Far Cry 4 recently), I was wondering if anyone decided they wanted this in their game.
  13. If it's like Rust or the video LadyMilla posted, then no. Otherwise, I'm open to it. Also, if people don't grind the nuke system to make the entire map a high level zone if I understand Todd & Company's explanation.
  14. Some research material should anyone be interested: New Vegas version: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/61874/ NV version in action: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-pkZ0a_Iuw Anime source material: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_YTth1uWL0
  15. After watching Oxhorn's latest video on it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmt50MAH0OM I too am cautiously optimistic. Honestly, I would like going to dungeons with human players and building settlements with others. Humans are smarter than AI and won't use a fatman or grenades in a narrow hallway with me present and are more accurate than Piper, Preston, Nick, etc. Building settlements is better when you can divide the labor and have more than one person building and collecting scrap. The question is, with the new take on the gameplay core mechanics will there be good lore and stories in the background waiting to be discovered? I hope so. EDIT: Also, each Fallout game has had different emphasis to enjoy. In 1 & 2, it was the overhead view and lore. In 3 it was the new first person mode and real time combat with VATS, which I preferred to the older games. In New Vegas, it was the freedom to choose responses and factions and the intricacies of all the quests and role playing it provided. In Fallout 4, it was mostly the settlement building and to a lesser degree the gunplay I am not good at first person shooters so I didn't feel the improvements being that much of an improvement. In Fallout 76, it may be the cooperative experience. Who knows?
  16. Unique Followers https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4293 Allows followers to have unique body meshes/textures. Combine with: Gen 2 Synth Skin https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/27937 OR Female Robot Textures by Tateki https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9853/ And you can make Cait a synth. It's what I used for the longest time on Curie. Wintermute https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12573 may also interest you for an Institute playthrough.
  17. Ada2Human by LazyGirl https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/16967/ Makes Ada human, so that's step one for romance. Video of it in action
  18. The aircraft carrier USSA Trey Gowdy https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/29814 and the video about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHjMT3MKBwA I don't remember if it was a settlement since it's been a long time since I really modded Fallout 4 and played it.
  19. Out of curiousity, has anyone talked to Old Man Stockton or the Covenant people after any of these endings? I would hope that he would be more talkative after a Railroad ending.
  20. A good way to prepare for that, is to play L.A. Noire if you are looking for ideas. I only say that because I've been watching a bunch of the case files on YouTube. Also, Detective Herschel is also voiced by the guy who voices Joshua Graham in New Vegas and Wiseman/Bradburton/others in Fallout 4. FYI friends.
  21. Here's the grenade rifle: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/22254
  22. Good news for you. I recently discovered that Wiseman at the Slog is voiced by the voice actor who voices Joshua Graham after thinking that they had the same voice (I recently played Honest Hearts before talking to the guy). Keith Szarabajka http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0843775/ Fallout 4 Male Ghouls / Vault-Tec Scientist / John-Caleb Bradberton (Nuka-World) Maybe something worth looking at there. EDIT: IE splice the audio files to make dialogue. Obviously without his dialogue in L.A. Noire (he voices Herschel Biggs) and Fallout: New Vegas you can only do so much and ripping content from those assets is disapproved of and distributing on the Nexus will get a person banned.
  23. Wow. You see something neat everyday! Thanks guys! Is it possible to get that graphic shrunken down and put on an in-game Nuka Cola Quantum?
  24. Good idea & no skills to do so fairy struck again. So this morning, I was playing with the Cryolator talking to myself saying I have a freeze gun, beware I'm Mr. Freeze or some such. And then I thought, it would fit with the whole cryolator and cryogenically frozen vault dweller and cryostasis wife (I'm using the Amazing Follower Tweaks to keep Nora frozen so I can save her with Curie) if we had Mr. Freeze armor, power armor or weaponry. So why Power Armor? Simple, Mr. Freeze in the Arkham games (specifically Arkham City I'm thinking of) had a normal body suit with cool effects, his environment suit goes over that and was more akin to power armor. Additionally if someone wanted, they could make a weapon with firing beam like DMagnus's Anti-Malarkey ray that does cryo damage. Just another idea that I'll throw out. Stay classy Nexus! EDIT: Just for others. Cryolator search: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/searchresults/?src_order=1&src_sort=0&src_view=1&src_tab=1&src_name=cryolator&src_language=0&src_showadult=1&page=1&pUp=1 Freeze Gun Cryolator Sounds: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/4368/? Video of Freeze Gun Cryolator Sounds:
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