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Metro 2033 in Fallout 4!


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If you're like me then you love the Metro games based off of the books and the books themselves. And if you're like me you really would like to see more Metro in Fallout 4. I would like to ask someone, anyone, and everyone to please try and make some Metro based weapons, outfits, locations (perhaps underground settlements in a Metro-like area) and perhaps even some lore since in the last game of Metro, Last Light, some hints were alluded to that there were other survivors of the nuclear apocalypse in other countries. There's a lot you can see by just using YouTube to find videos. To get a real feel you'd have to play/read the games/books.


Here are some ideas (mostly weapons) to get some creative people started:

-The Duplet: a hand-made pipe shotgun which is rather customizable. Starts out as a double barrel, can be a quad-barrel!

-The Shambler (Uboinik): this one is essentially a revolver shotgun!

-The Bastard Gun: overheats like a bastard, terrible accuracy and mechanical unreliability. But it's the only hand-made machine gun in the Metro!

-The Tihar: pneumatic air gun which propels steel ball bearings at great speed! Virtually silent and very deadly.

-The Volt Driver: much like the Tihar it uses ball bearings but this is actually a crude attempt at a rail gun! The bearing is larger than the 2mm EM railgun ammo and moves slower but its size leads to good impact.

-The Helsing: uses a pneumatic design like the Tihar to propel steel bolts at high speed from an 8 tubed rotary "magazine"

-The Valve: this one is a straight-pull bolt sniper rifle which seems to take inspiration from the Mosin Nagant and the Swiss K31 WWII era rifles but in a make-shift design.

-The Preved: this massive sniper rifle is essentially a PTRD Anti-Material Rifle from the Soviet Union during WWII.

-The Abzats: this is an automatic shotgun that uses the DShK HMG as a platform for a handheld buckshot spammer.

-The Revolver: sure, we already have these in FO4 but Metro lets you make a simple revolver into a deadly .44 carbine of awesome by using a stock and grip addition with a longer barrel.

-The Medkit: these are essentially already in-game as stimpacks but a stimpack is rather clunky looking. A Medkit looks small, compact and is everything needed for survival in a stylish orange case :D

-The Pipe-bomb: honestly I can't believe this isn't a thing in FO4 already. Exactly like it says on the tin.

-The Nosalis: these pack-hunting monstrosities are the bane of the Metro. They are hairless mutated animals which resemble, loosely, moles which would fit right in as a cousin to molerats.

-The Metro: through the metro there are settlements, people, raiders, etc. It would be nice to see some of the metro-like areas in the Commonwealth be home to more than just ghouls and house decent sized towns, raider dens, outposts, etc. This would require the most work, of course, but would probably create a lot of new content if a lot of love were invested. Seeing as there are only a few metro-related areas in the Commonwealth as-is I would imagine that new areas would have to be created.


And that's all I'll add for now. I would love to see two of my favorite post-apocalyptic survival games merge in some ways. Thanks your reading and I hope someone takes up at least a portion of my request! :D

Edited by Hiroen
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indeed, you ask a lot of hypotheticals




for creatures and new lands and stuff,

there'll soon be the "Underboston", to go with the

Good/Bad Institute overhaul,

and the Enclave Returns project.

I am hopeful there'll be new creatures etc for that.


for weapons inspired from metro etc,

you're in luck,

as Pipe Weapons Overhaul and several standalone

weapons parts packs exist.

when you combine this with "Any Mod Any Weapon"

and JoergSprave conversion project

or Forgotten Weapons/Kyber Pass conversion project,

you can make implements that resemble Metro.


as to a metro-themed settlement,

indeed, I'd like an area of the Under-Boston to be russian and eastern-european,

to explain where Boborov's Brew etc comes from.

it'd be awesome.


of course, we cannot include 1:1 elements from one into the other,

though, we could have likenesses as assets that you could then build into the settlement.

after that, you can then share those elements with other settlements thanks to

new settlement blueprint mods...


I think you'll find many Fallout fans

are also Metro or Stalker or dystopic-games fans too,

so, hopefully they'll find ways to make those happen.






i hope I give you a few ideas to explore in the meantime,

so as you can make some neat Any Mod Any Weapon builds etc.

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