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Help modding a weapon - Adjusting grip location

Maximus IronFist

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Hey all how do I change where your character grips a weapon. I have a battleaxe (one handed) that my character grips in the middle of the haft and I would like to change it to where he grabs it more towards the end like a sword. Also when the weapon is "sheathed" part of the haft and end piece are constantly in view which gets annoying can this also be changed. Would I use Nifskope? Blender? Thanks
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Use NifSkope to fix the positioning of the hand to the handle.


First, note the visual distance that the weapon needs to move and in what direction while in-game.


Then load the weapon NIF file in NifSkope

Click on the handle-part of the weapon which will likely highlight the entire model. If not, you will need to apply the exact same changes you make to each NiTriStrip.

Right-click the selected NiTriStrip, choose Transform --> Edit

Note the values in the XYZ fields and begin experimenting with changing the values to see the visual effect of the weapon.

Usually, if you want to move the hand down on the handle, you increase the Y value of the weapon.

After you play around and determine the correct field to change, set it back to the original value.

Now visualize where the hand was placed in-game and keep your eye on the model as you increase/decrease the correct value and place the weapon where you think it should go. Once satisfied, click the Accept button.

If you have other pieces of the weapon to move, make sure the values are increased/decreased by the exact same amount in the exact same fields.

When done, click File, Save As and either overwrite your existing NIF file or save to a new NIF file. I usually rename the file to something like "mysword_original.nif" before opening it in NifSkope so that I could save the changes back to the original filename such as "mysword.nif" in order to 1) Save the original in case my changes are worse, 2) Using the same filename does not require modifying a plugin to point to a different filename.



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