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hi, i broke some quests when i tried to complete "fetch me book" *aka the most idiotic radiant quest* after bringing same books over and over again for gaining access to orc strongholds. in the end i didn't gain any access to those strongholds.


after a while i realised that some book quests still were being showed in the journal and can't clickable. simply you can't select these quests...

i tried:


- completequest mgr20

- completequest mgr20b

- resetquest mgr20

- resetquest mgr20b

- setstage mgr20 (0 10 20 200)

- setstage mgr20b (0 10 20 200)

- setobjectivecompleted mgr20 0 0 (10 0 - 20 0 - 200 0)

- setobjectivecompleted mgr20b 0 0 (10 0 - 20 0 - 200 0)


these commands and nothing happened. they are still apperaing in my quest tab and not clickable.

also i got those books via console commands but nothing happened too.

plus i can't go back previous saves because i played more than 15 hours after that.


i think the only chance is editing/cleaning save file from outside of game.


any help?



Edited by gougluinn
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The way i see it is that your only hope of not having to do that 15 hour of gameplay over again is resetting the quest. Starting from scratch and then using the complete or setstage command. Or if u prefer to just spawn the books don't forget that it has to be the quest item, im not sure but there might be a copy somewhere else in the world.


To reset your quest use this command: resetquest <questid>


Hope it helps.

Edited by yensdecoster
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how can i spawn a quest item? i got those quest books via console command but the journey didn't accep them. i mean it had showed i didn't have any of them. i mean you need to get those books from their original places because copies of those books don't count/work.


also i forgot to say that i tried resetquest command too.


i think i need to wait sse version of this: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/26660/


wish someone port it quickly...

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