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SKSE/MCM loading mods problem


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Hello i have heavy modded SSE - 345 mods, 254 plugins(cca 90 of mods are 4,8, and 16k textures) by the time i was playing i was adding more and more...
when i try to load save it will load normaly, but when i start new game ill just hear equip sound and nothing..
i think the problem is that its trying to load so manny mods at once = it get stuck
but when i load save some mods are preloaded so its no problem...
is here any solution to slow down a little "applying" mods ?

I really need fresh start because of one mod but it wont let me
Im using only NMM and Loot.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080Ti, I7-8700k 3.7GHz, 16GB ram
My Skyrim have 60.2GB xD

https://imgur.com/a/cNjLA8j - these grey mods are active idc why they are acting like inactive

edit: or atleast something to force load inactive mod

Edited by Dorogochi
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disable every mod you don't need to make your character


make your character and then either leave the cavern under Helgen or leave the way you would if using Live another Life / Alternate start


once you do that you should start to be able to add the mods back, BUT, i would NEVER add that many mods back all at once


you also have another MAJOR problem



Im using only NMM and Loot.


With a HUGE load order like that, YOU HAVE TO USE A BASHED PATCH FROM WRYE


And also i will link my beginners guide mainly because it has instructions how to use LOOT, Wrye, and TES5Edit, in that order - make sure to use the files in the box i made using the ********


With that many mods being used I can almost guarantee you're going to have orange mods in WRYE, TES5Edit can be used to fix those orange mods to help eliminate crashes - See Appendix 1 for the orange mods



Edited by gromulos
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Thanks for help and explanation, all my orange mods(14) in Wrye had just diff master order in skyrim dlc's
also I got warning that I'm not using latest plugin version but they are... had same warning in NMM after installing these from nexus page xD

Edited by Dorogochi
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Those orange mods are your biggest problem, and WILL cause your game to not only crash, but also do very weird things, like what you described


fix them using Appendix 1 and then try the game after making and adding a bashed patch :)

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BTW, when you do make the bashed patch, it may place some of your mods into the bashed patch with a green + after making it, that's fine, it just means Wrye was able to add in the mods and FREE UP more slots :)


When you first start the rebuild of the bashed patch it will ask you if you want to add / merge certain mods, click yes and it will do as I described above :)

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when i was disabling and enabling mods i was trying how much of them it can handle to be on from start and i noticed that mod called Umbra Island SSE was doing that issue, but thank's to your help with sorting mod's and sorting masters... I also edited skse.ini how u typed there my game is now smooth like vanilla... thanks so much ... onlu had to instal alternate start becouse that vanilla one was crashing my game... loading mods and land is little to much at same time... so i waited in house to load all and then started vanilla start

Edited by Dorogochi
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When a i make a new character i wait to load all my mods just before I leave the cavern under Helgen, there is a fire brazier right before the entrance. When I get to that is when I load all my mods, never had a single problem, I then exit the cave and follow which ever guy i've chosen to Riverwood :)

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i got unofficial skyrim with some extra town and outdoor expansions, npc modifications, and 4-8k textures with realistic effects and etc... 3d trees/landscape/rocks.... and many more... so when I start straight in cart it will start loading land around me with is expensive even on my pc setup + like 25 mcm mods at same time... all of them are with script's but I think u know that xD but when I use alternate start it wont load any land what is most expensive but just the building im in. btw sorry for my English :smile:

Edited by Dorogochi
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