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Clothing for male showing skin: From scratch on 3ds max?


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Hello, I'm struggling a lot on some mods I'm working for, you see... I know shiat about Blender so, I don't dare to use, and since BS uses 3ds max anyways (and I'm vastly more skilled with it), I wanted to just work with that, outfit studio and nifskope. The problem is I can't seem to find a good tutorial on how to import, edit and export .nif meshes without the models bugging up (on nifskope, I can clearly see that the mesh appears below ground, making it bug a lot ingame).

If someone know a good tutorial on doing that (without Blender for goodness sake)...can be a video, another topic here on in other site, I just need a good guideline.

Thanks :smile:


Edit: Now I'm capable to work them out, but If I don't convert the mesh to an editable poly, the body weirdly shove itself under the grid...

Edited by K177J0Y
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(using max 2014)

My workflow

I import everything into a scene, convert all to editable poly - and make all my mesh edits.

Then I export as obj, reset the scene/start a new scene and re-import the obj.

Then I reset scale and rotation (in the motion tab) and reset xform, then convert the mesh to editable mesh again.


Then skin.

Then export as nif :)


(I've been trial and error running this workflow for a while now, and I get the most successful exports this way than any other way I've tried.)

Hope it helps mate :)

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