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Everything posted by SandMouseAnarchy

  1. I don't know about that, afterall we have images of black holes I'm really enjoying the papers coming out about dark stars being the parents to supermassive black holes. Very cool stuff.
  2. Nope - I checked in xedit earlier too and it's definitely not there. Also - things in the universe aren't 'moving away from a central point' rather the central point is everywhere and everything is expanding from everything else.
  3. A mod that takes away any wrinkles or bumps from a face's normal maps
  4. The ability to make one change to multiple files all at the same time, maybe a mass import tool, mass renaming etc
  5. Hmm, if I remember right, older versions of max exports (fbx & .max) had a version number included somewhere in it, like a file header if you opened the export in notepad++. Unless a Dev told them, that would be my only guess at how they knew it was from max2017
  6. Ahh that's a shame, and I haven't personally seen any havok console command or reference to it myself until now. I must admit though, it does feel like havok is still being used. Do you happen to know what version of hct starfield is using?
  7. Oops typo... I meant hct2013 used with 3ds max 2012 (if I remember correctly) (for Skyrim) and ah yes I think I remember now fallout 4 used hct2014(?) In any case - hct was bought by Microsoft (again, if I remember correctly) and v2013 onwards became next to impossible to get ahold of, hence what I said. I say Bathesda is not using hct for starfield because that's the latest news from an inside source -> https://discord.com/channels/916686954421157930/1062692492190961735 (link to the starfield modding discord, to the post talking about hct)
  8. Just a little FYI, there is already atleast one tool in git for extracting meshes from references in nifs, nifscope and other nif tools are currently being made on git and they are already really close to "cracking it" with the biggest block being a way to display the mesh from within the tool, and they have already had some success with that, and a handful of unknown flags etc. Patience mate, tools will be out before you know it Also, I hear they have replaced havok tools with their own in house physics tool, which will be soooo much better given the rarity of hct2012
  9. @Zanity Lol! You have to be joking right? Tell me you've never read anything by Stephen Hawking without telling me you've never read anything by Stephen Hawking. I'll have to assume you're joking because BTW - our "current best instrumentation" "shows" us nothing of the sort. Maybe you'd like to clarify which instrumentation you're referring to here? Furthermore by any of the greatest minds of our time Stephen Hawking is considered among of them, most notably for his work on black holes, which I needn't remind us all is underpinned by dark energy and defacto the dark energy expansion of the universe. Please tell me you're joking
  10. We all know - in space, the most important resource of all is toilet paper. But my huge collection of toilet paper is now taking up a a hell of a lot of floor space in my base... The solution - we need to be able to stack toilet paper upto the ceiling.
  11. I've just looked through the starfield esm and the book Cora specifically asks for, Stephen hawkin's: a brief history of time - doesn't exist... It's a sad day...
  12. I'd love a retexture of some of the under shadows makeup options to make them running mascara
  13. Hopefully it will be relatively straightforward with starfield - back in fallout 4 and Skyrim the Devs used an ancient version of havok tools to make hair bounce and animate correctly - and that tool shortly after Skyrim released became next to impossible to get ahold of, so very few modders had the ability to make new fully functional hair and not just mesh edits or retextures. With any luck they used a new method. Helmets wouldn't be an issue as far as game mechanics go because starfield hides the characters hair under a cap when wearing a helmet. In real life astronauts do the same thing and/or tie their hair up so it doesn't float Infront of their face. But there is no expectation for astronauts irl to have shorter hair, so long hair in my opinion would be perfectly fine for lore/immersion. How long until? - well whenever nif tools and/or nifscope releases
  14. The NPC's talk... a lot... I've noticed a lot of their dialogue would work better if about 50% of it was cut. I'm referring mostly to the main dialogue branches, optional dialogue isn't too bad if it's longer.
  15. Fallout 4 had a great little F4SE script for varying the textures for power armor frames. Every frame you found had a chance to have a different texture. That would be great in starfield right now. Perhaps have a text/ini file where you specify the mesh nif and specify the folder with the alternative texture variations in.
  16. Coming back to start modding again after a 4 year hiatus and wondered what's changed in the fallout modding world? Any fancy new solutions to stuff? Anything big happening? Whats the most impressive mod from the last 4 years? Hook me up with the knowledge
  17. Ah man I feel dumb now haha. Thankyou dylbill! That worked perfectly!
  18. How do you use GetWornItem() on an NPC? is it even possible? This compiles for the player, so i thought that with a small edit it would work for an NPC too, sadly it doesn't -> Event OnActivate(objectreference akfurniture) Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer() Form Equipment = Player.GetWornItem(3).Item Player.equipItem(Equipment) "OnActivate()" can use "(objectreference akfurniture)" or "(objectreference akActionRef)" So i tried using akActionRef to reference the NPC. These examples won't compile, i've tried variations of both but none of them will compile either -> Event OnActivate(objectreference akActionRef) Actor NPC = akActionRef Form Equipment = NPC.GetWornItem(3).Item NPC.equipItem(Equipment) EndEvent Event Onactivate(objectreference akActionRef) Form Equipment = akActionRef.GetWornItem(3).Item akActionRef.equipItem(Equipment) EndEvent Any ideas?
  19. Hey guys, i have quite a few custom power armor helmets, and in game the model (and fx) for the headlamp floats near the helmet and stays at the same height even when crouching. My helmets are setup just like the vanilla helmets, with the same attachpoints in the nif and in ck as the vanilla ones, same spelling etc. and i havent modified the vanilla headlamps at all. (i basically just copied the vanilla helmet nifs and changed the mesh, nothing else) Does anyone know what the problem is, or how to fix it?
  20. Thanks for the help man, unfortunately notging seems to work - I'm just going to simplify the whole thing and move on. I think this idea, like a lot of things is just a little beyond the capabilities of the creation kit :'(
  21. Octodecoy - that's a really great point! Unfortunately I'm still not able to get a debug from: if asEventName == "moddingSuccess" Debug.Notification("modding success") Any ideas why?
  22. Well damn. I made the corrections to the spelling - and... It still doesn't work.
  23. De ja vu... I'm trying to listen for a certain object mod being added to my power armor while im in the power armor workbench menu. not sure of the best way to do it. This is what i have so far... (this script is attatched to a refrence alias in a quest) ("TESTKWD" keyword is attached to an object mod that is crafted in the power armor workbench) Scriptname MPA_KWDTEST extends ReferenceAlias Keyword Property TESTKWD Auto Keyword Property powerArmorFurnitureKW Auto Event OnInit() RegisterForTutorialEvent("PowerArmorWorkbenchEntered") EndEvent Event OnTutorialEvent(String asEventName, Message aMessage) if asEventName == "PowerArmorWorkbenchEntered" Debug.Notification("Entered workbench") RegisterForTutorialEvent("moddingSuccesss") EndIf if asEventName == "moddingSuccess" Debug.Notification("modding sucess") ObjectReference[] nearbyPowerArmors = Game.GetPlayer().FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(powerArmorFurnitureKW, 200.0) If nearbyPowerArmors.Length > 0 ObjectReference nearestPowerArmor float fnearestDistance = 9999.0 int i = 0 while (i < nearbyPowerArmors.Length) float fcurrentDistance = Game.GetPlayer().GetDistance(nearbyPowerArmors[i]) if( fcurrentDistance < fnearestDistance ) nearestPowerArmor = nearbyPowerArmors[i] fnearestDistance = fcurrentDistance endIf i = i + 1 endWhile if(nearestPowerArmor) If nearestPowerArmor.HasKeyword(TESTKWD) Debug.Notification("TESTKWD Found!") EndIf EndIf Endif EndIf EndEvent im not getting the "modding succsess" debug, and im not getting the "TESTKWD Found" debug either. Anyone know how i can listen for my keyword/Omod being added to the power armor?
  24. N/A... after 2 sleepless nights and a years break...finally... finally - i solved the issue. wanna know what the issue was!? for no reason at all that particular leg needed two attachpoints, both named and spelt exactly the same... hahaha *mad laughing*... this game engine kills me inside lol. a note to anyone looking to modify power armor... just don't, youll be far happier if you just leave it the hell alone lol!
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