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Hi, I'm new here... where's the toilet? I feel like pushing out a mod


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Plop! Hi!


The main reason I found my way here to the Nexus is for help creating very custom mods for Fallout 4 on PS4. It's a game I have mastered over the last couple of years, and I felt I needed to create a mod of my own so that I could structure it in a personal way. And as I have experience in programming, I thought it would be a fun (and not at all a frustrating) thing to do.


One thing I've noticed is there isn't much friendly banter going on! No "Hi!" or "welcome to the community"... It's just... (Imagine a generic robot voice>) "this is the answer to your question...".


But each to their own. I'm very respectful like that.


I hope I can help people while I'm here too. I know a little bit about programming logic (I love logic - so clean and honest!) but the thing I know the most about is sound! And whilst I know this is a mod forum, if anyone has any question about sound in the physical or in the digital or analogue domain, I am the guy to ask! I'm a qualified Music Technologist (BSc(Hons)) and I have a lot of experience in digital sound design, sound editing, sound manipulation and music production. I know cool words like "Harmonic distortion" and "Dynamic range compression" and "Hemidemisemiquaver" and my personal favourite, "Quantization error"! I can say them to you if you'd like. I could even make up cool sentences using them. This is my main thing.


So that's me... Hi!


I wonder if "mod" is an acronym for "module" or "modification" or maybe "modirifiscallation"? Ok. I made the last one up so I don't think it's that one. Probably the second one.


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LOL. Welcome to Nexus. :)


Modding the PS/4 may be a tad frustrating, as Sony doesn't allow 'external assets' on their system, so, no new textures/meshes/scripts/items/etc. Now, there ARE a fair few folks that have done some rather neat stuff for PS/4. They generally hang out on the Beth forums though. :D

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LOL. Welcome to Nexus. :smile:


Modding the PS/4 may be a tad frustrating, as Sony doesn't allow 'external assets' on their system, so, no new textures/meshes/scripts/items/etc. Now, there ARE a fair few folks that have done some rather neat stuff for PS/4. They generally hang out on the Beth forums though. :D


Thanks for the welcome! Yeh, I worked out the 'no external assets' thing pretty quickly :sad: , but I'm not much of a 3D disigner anyway. I did do some work with Cinema 4D but meshes and textures and the implementation in gaming in general is out of my grasp lol. I'm happy just questing, editing, cloning and referencing stuff for now anyway. I like to try to stick to FO4 lore and structure with my mods too so the only problem is new scripts really.


Yeh, I try to stick to creation-kit-specific questions on here, I noticed a lot of answers state "just create this script...", which is no good for PS4 so I realise almost all questions are regarding PC and XBOne but I've learnt so much already about CK from this forum. But if I have a pS4-specific question, I'll probably ask over there then. :laugh:


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Yeah, sony kinda shot themselves in the foot with that one, though, as expected, it blew over fairly quickly. Sony still makes tons of money from their game system, and that's all they really care about. Allowing the external assets would not really affect their bottom line noticeably, so, no. They won't release the tools for their proprietary sound/texture formats. Bummer.

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I thought it was to do with making it harder to 'break in' to the system illegally, like the less the public know about the system, the longer it would take for custom firmware to appear. It was a big deal when that boy broke the PS3 and it seemed to be a lot earlier in the lifespan than where we are now with the PS4. Personally, I'd understand if it was for that reason coz I hated modders on home-brew PS3s. My friend told me last week that the PS4 has been jail broke now. So I can't wait for them to start showing up online. *sigh* :sad:

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There was a thread about that over on the beth forums. Initially, modders were able to upload the various files (external assets) but, they simply did not work. I think that lasted only a few days. That was when the cat was let out of the bag about the proprietary formats for various files. Sony outright refuses to allow the tools for those to be 'release into the wild'.

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Yeh it's a shame but as I say, the only way it affects me atm is it's a pain that I can't write new scripts but most functions can still be added through the handy default scripts and script fragments. I just have to cross my fingers and hope it works on PS4 - which it has so far. :cool:

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