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HeyYou last won the day on July 12

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  1. MS is NOT responsible for a software vendors failed update. They have zero control of what third-parties do. Sure, they had to authorize initial access, but, it ain't their job to QA every update a THIRD PARTY puts out. Nope. This is ALL on CrowdStrike. They screwed up.
  2. "tiny changes"????? The essentially re-wrote the entire engine. Maybe it wasn't the best engine to use for starfield, but, for FO5/ES6, it will do quite nicely.
  3. Are you using any mods? I *think* I remember reading this could be a possible consequence of using one of the 'unofficial' patches.... (or, the community patch... don't recall which.)
  4. You are trying to get the mission to deliver com parts to Tau Ceti II??? I suspect that you missed a variable from the simulator. How did the simulator "Not work"??
  5. I might be tempted to reinstall windows..... then reinstall the game. Start fresh.
  6. Russia has been wagging their nukes for quite some time. Do I think they are Stupid enough to actually FIRE one? No. Not really. However, if Putin is backed into a corner, and it looks like he is actually going to LOSE, I wouldn't put it past him to drop one on Kiev, even knowing what the end result of that would be.... (NATO entering the war on the side of Ukraine.....) WE *might* not respond with a nuke..... but, once NATO gets involved, all bets are off, and Putin would quite likely use every means at his disposal if NATO moved into Russian territory..... I would like to think that all of the various world leaders are aware of the potential for disaster if either side is pushed too far..... But hey, World War II? Not everyone is rational.
  7. NMM doesn't really understand what to do with script extenders. Best bet is manual install..... Might wanna delete the existing files in the game install folder, (and uninstall any versions you have tried thru NMM) Copy the files manually (of the correct version....) then give it a shot.
  8. Humans will take care of themselves eventually. Either via war, or some 'accident' or other. (biological warfare lab accident anyone? Hint: Covid) Either that, or we will nuke ourselves into oblivion. It won't necessarily be one of the major powers starting it either..... even some terrorist group setting off a nuke in Moscow, Beijing, or Washington DC could trigger a global conflict. Or even some miscalculation by a major power. What do you think will happen if Russia uses a nuke in Ukraine? Will the rest of the world sit idly by? I seriously doubt that.
  9. So at what point are you at? I guess you have been thru the simulator? Did you make it past tier 3?
  10. I use a mod that disables it. I hate the way beth implemented it, and don't give you any choice in the matter... So, it's gone. I stay in first person, just movement controls are disabled in conversations. This one. Requires SFSE though. (and address library.)
  11. Download the construction kit, make the change for the player, save it, have the game load it.... That *should* take care of it.
  12. Put sStartingConsoleCommand= player.setscale 0.95 In the general section of your starfieldcustom.ini. Should take care of it.
  13. Never work. If you tried to implement that here in the US, you would essentially be starting a war. Gun Rights are ingrained in our society, and that isn't likely to change any time soon..... If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. It doesn't take much of a machine shop to make a pistol, or a rifle for that matter, and making full-auto weapons is actually EASIER than making semi-auto weapons..... It would turn out a lot like Prohibition in the 20's...... you would simply be creating a whole new underground manufacturing/distribution ring.
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