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HeyYou last won the day on November 23

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Community Answers

  1. Very good question. Only the author can answer that one.
  2. Gotta be a way for it to work properly. I see the same POI's on all manner of terrain....
  3. Which model colt as you talking about? Sure doesn't sound like the model 1911 I am familiar with....
  4. And with utter nonsense as well..... Gotta love the internet.....
  5. He's a typesetter????? Here's another one that didn't bother to read the EULA when he signed up. Else, he may have noticed that admitting to having a pirated game is grounds for immediate dismissal. Granted, he WAS very polite about the whole thing. But, asking for someone to remote access his machine????? Hhhmmm..... Not sure how wise that is....
  6. True, but, the system for placement of random POI's is already in place. Bear in mind though, I have no clue how it actually works..... Is the 'local' landscape included?
  7. Fallout 4 also has settlement blueprints..... so, a lot of the groundwork has been done.... just need the folks that made them to be interested enough in starfield to port them over.
  8. Humans AREN'T peaceful by nature. Humans have been violent throughout their history. I don't see that ever changing.
  9. Check the skyrim.ini, or skyrimprefs.ini in your my games\skyrim folder, look for the setting 'usecontroller' or maybe busecontroller, set it to 0.
  10. Turn it on, see if it helps. You have a LOT of RAM, and if the machine needs to check it each and every time it boots, that can take a bit.
  11. Does your bios offer a 'fast boot' option? If it does, is it enabled?
  12. Where did you download the mod from? If from here, read thru the mod comments, and see if anyone else is having the same issue.
  13. Pretty sure that wouldn't go over very well. Even Trump might have some objections to that course of action.
  14. Would that matter? That would explain why we get a loading screen when we enter/leave our ship though. I don't quite get why beth did it that way, I mean, they are already rendering the ship..... Why the loading screen?
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