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Power Armor's Most Annoying Trait


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Until recently, I absolutely hated Power Armor.


Why? Because when you put it on, all your armor modifications are deactivated. I don't care if it was Bolt's Speed from Mythic, regular Sprinter's, The One anything from Legendary Modifications, Recon Sensor eyeglasses or even the color change from Karna's Color Changer (which is a mouth/mask placement if you're curious). All of it canceled out as the PA applied its bonuses and penalties.


Backpacks of the Commonwealth showed this didn't have to be the case. One of the mod's magazine perks is that backpack Carry Weight Bonus does work in PA and even adds more.


So, I propose a simple mod. A perk called PA Compatibility you get with, let's say, Science 3, Armorer 3, and Blacksmith 1 that basically carries over all one's equipment modification effects or more properly keeps the PA from nerfing it all!

Edited by BlazeStryker
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Backpacks adds those carry weight buffs to PA enchantment itself.


There would be no way I think for enchantments/legendary effects of items to override the PA enchantment without adding them directly to the PA and then placing Conditions so the enchantments only work as long as you have those items in your inventory. It could be done but for vanilla game alone, that is a huge number of enchantments to add to one piece of armor, Idk if that would affect the stability of the game or not?


And then for mods that add things like you mention, would also need to be added to the PA enchantment which could be done but no two people use the same load order of mods, so its something that you would be better off creating yourself for personal load order support.


Perhaps there is a much simpler way, but I am unsure.

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