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Everything posted by BlazeStryker

  1. This can already be done with the proper mods; Start Me Up Redux (the continuation/refinement of the original SMU) gives you the option of just the usual, skipping Prologue, starting as one of the other Vault Dwellers, or any of a number of Wastelander starts. Other mods kill the critters, rewrite or cancel out the "mainquest", and so on.
  2. The fact that the Void is a cascade of light is the problem? Maybe... just... change that?
  3. That's what leads to the whole PRP business, yep...
  4. The problem with canceling Precombines is and always has been that the engine cannot handle that many separate objects. That's why crap that breaks precombines in cells ends up leading to hideous slowdowns and outright CTD. With the game about to get the threatened Next-Gen Nerfing, it is certainly NOT time to derail the engine.
  5. Scribe Haylen has a radiant of seeking small items across the Commonwealth. What I'd think would be good is the main Brotherhood sending you out with colored smoke flares to mark items they'd reclaim like Downed Vertibirds and all those spare sets of power armor you find or win off of Raiders. Mark a site, get a reward, and the Brotherhood sends a 'bird with a recovery crew.
  6. Very true. I'm still very unhappy at the punitive "update" for Fallout 4, but steps will be taken to minimize the damage.
  7. Hell, any better fate than (for no reason) killing Roger Warwick. Synth Reclamation does damned little reclamation when you get right down to it!
  8. If you don't mind a console bit, any container will do. You put the crud in, make sure your id is focused on the container, disable then enable, and your crud is gone-gone-gone.
  9. People make complete skeletons for player bodies for various shape possibilities and "jiggle". So I ask you, why has no one added long dress physics? This is older than Fallout 4, as poor Vtaw will be the first to tell you if you ask since the skirt-flip madness is in full display in Skyrim as well.
  10. Almost three years later and no answer. Well, I have one. Thank Hobbes for it, as Hyades Rim is really looking to avoid stinking Guldra. Yes, even if HR wasn't as outstanding as it is (as it is, because it is!) I'd play it anyway just to avoid stinking Guldra.
  11. Proximity sensing in general for Fallout 4 has always been, is, and likely will remain crap. Anyone who has ever used the HUD enemy detection mode for their helmet, power armor, or shades and seen the notice Kent got shot the moment they entered that hospital knows what I mean. The game engine is as stupid as the Bugblatter Beast and so if you have such enhanced detection it assumes every Raider in the joint can detect you. Just ask the minds behind PANPC; detection of the player by enemies has absolutely nothing to do with sight or hearing, they set up some ranges and chances with conditions tacked on to make it seem like those things matter. Unfortunately for you, proximity sensors work on that frankly broken, glitchy, and pants-on-head retarded detection system.
  12. It's a matter of cell instance. Once you've entered the overall cell containing such "temporaries" and departed, the risk of despawn kicks in. Passing by the back of the Super-Duper Mart counts as the garage is part of that exterior cell, shuttered by the loading dock doors. Similar "clipping" issues have had me refer to the bull-goose winner of these problems, Susannah the Wicked of Windhelm for Skyrim. Once you've clipped the absurdly large zone footprint outside, the countdown for her killing as opening movement of Blood on the Ice begins. (The full sorry details are listed in the description of the mod made specifically so you can meet the non-bigoted tavern maid)
  13. Yes. My plugin count goes to A6 and that includes Complex Sorter (don't ESL Looksmenu plugins that aren't done that way by the mod author or plugins handling over 2048 items) so that's a Heck, Yes.
  14. I did a rebuild. It plays fine but I cannot resume my game due to that dreadful crash-on-load bug. I expect it's a load order bug; The spoiler section contains my plugin list. (Is anyone else thoroughly sick of LOOT's total lack of sorting? Whatever isn't ignored and left at the bottom despite being Looksmenu fodder is yanked up to the top despite the mod page stating baldly PUT AT THE BOTTOM.)
  15. Authors do have a Mods tab if people think to check, and Categorization was always a thing. Older mods do get made nonfunctional with updates, on occasion. And collating into Collections actually cost us a fair few mods and then some!
  16. Kellogg as a companion is already a part of Thuggyverse mod Depravity (A bit of harmless fun) but that little goodbye note from him in vanilla was interesting. The Kelloggsynth wouldn't be very happy being in Valentine's body. The sad fact is that the backstory they gave Nick ensures he'll forget all about you in a couple of decades after you're parted as that prototype synth's memory partition is full and old memories are deleted to make space for new. Kellogg being a cyborg so retrofitted with Institute tech that he doesn't look a day older than the day he took Shaun from 111, my preference would be that he would be repairable and suitable to have Nick transferred in, in the same manner as Curie's transfer into a non-cognitive synth.
  17. The resulting items should, of course, be added to CWSS item lists. And I mention that specifically as there are working sinks and water fountains in said item list! As long as credit's given to the original, CWSS Redux is certainly doable.
  18. The alphabet soup title aside, Advanced Animation Framework and/or Native Animation Framework are ripe for settings to be controllable in Mod Configuration Menu. Seriously; I like to have a hotkey to send all my settlers home or get them back to work, but the animation frameworks like to commandeer Home key.
  19. CWSS (currently linkable offsite and still rather popular due to its synergy with Get Dirty) had alongside it Universal Working Bathroom Fixtures which swapped out all the toilets and showers for CWSS models. That said, it had and has a few drawbacks. Vault 111 lost most of its walls to the Void if you used it and one model of broken bathtub became unscrappable... My thought for those masochistic and skilled enough is they might, when they have time, grab UWBF and create an updated and better working version using Base Object Swapper which hadn't been developed back when UWBF was a thing here. (Said furniture swapping is a definite thing, Old World Plaids - base object swapper gleefully adds all manner of furnishing to swap into the vanilla item's place throughout the Commonwealth! To make it easier either don't swap the Spousal Prologue bathroom items at all in said pre-war sequence or make that a separate instance from the rest so that any of the conflicts UWBF raised don't come up.
  20. Glad to be a contributor (however tiny the contribution may be) for this! I do have other ideas I personally lack the skills to do myself. I think I'll just go and post them!
  21. Looks really good. I'll admit to liking the names (and possibly callsigns) from the G.I. Joe franchise (More the animations than the movies)
  22. CaptainCrackhorse's WASTELANDER start has him functional but highly irrational. If you go by the fanon that Codsworth was rebooted and set for his role by order of "Father" (A distinct possibility) that jankier version for the wastelander MC could easily be the Director not worrying so much about it for an outsider he's dragging into the mess.
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