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Scripting compatibility does the first part but not the next


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Question ... So does that mean the "Begin Function" script block , is dependent on whenever the previous script that calls it , runs ? Ergo it only runs 1 frame if the block that calls it did , or will continue to run if the block that calls it is continually running ?


Sorry if I went past your english understanding there ?

But we can continue to work up some mutual understandings :)

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Please see 'TIP: Assigning & Testing variables' under the "Scripting" section of the "Getting started" article. That mentions blocktypes and single versus multiple frame processing.


I've added and expanded on the previous reply about the structure of conditional tests as 'TIP: Basic conditional test syntax' under "Scripting" as well.



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Where do you set "iMenu" ?

Well, i've just been refreshing the page all day not realizing it continued on page 2 :pinch:


Here is the main script, This is originally another mod that i have been editing to learn and sort of duplicate with other uses, if it all works out, releasing so other could get it's use was in mind. In advance, Permissions on the mod page allows for this

"Modification permission

You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator" and

"Asset use permission

You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me"

scn modboxMainScript

array_var aMods	; Contains all stored mods
short bInit
short iMenu
short iButton

Begin GameMode
	If bInit != 1
		Let bInit := 1
		Player.AddItem modboxItem 1 1
		Let aMods := ar_Construct "stringmap"
		SetQuestDelay modboxMain 30
	If iMenu > 0
		; Means modboxItem was equipped outside the Pip-Boy. Cancel menu.
		Let iMenu := 0
		SetQuestDelay modboxMain 30
		MessageEx "You can't open the mods box from here."

Begin MenuMode
	If iMenu > 0
		If iMenu == 1
			If GetActiveMenuMode == 1002
				; Upon opening the menu, check load order for compatibility. Once per gameload.
				If GetGameLoaded
					call modboxFnCompatibility
				MessageBoxEx "Choose 'Pack Mods' to safely store away all mods in your inventory.%r%rYou can retrieve your mods at any time by choosing 'Unpack Mods'.|Pack Mods|Unpack Mods|Cancel"
				Let iMenu := 2
				; Means modboxItem was equipped outside of the the Pip-Boy inventory menu. Cancel menu.
				Let iMenu := 0
				SetQuestDelay modboxMain 30
				MessageEx "You can't open the mods box from here."
		Elseif iMenu == 2
			Let iButton := GetButtonPressed
			If iButton == 0; Pack
				call modboxFnPack
				Let iMenu := 0
				SetQuestDelay modboxMain 30
			Elseif iButton == 1; Unpack
				call modboxFnUnpack
				Let iMenu := 0
				SetQuestDelay modboxMain 30
			Elseif iButton == 2; Cancel
				Let iMenu := 0
				SetQuestDelay modboxMain 30

As for "rForm" 's i tried to make 1 rForm for each of the 3 mods in the list as an attempt to fix a potential issue there. If it makes sense to do this i have no idea.

I will look up array variables and


Please see 'TIP: Assigning & Testing variables' under the "Scripting" section of the "Getting started" article. That mentions blocktypes and single versus multiple frame processing.


I've added and expanded on the previous reply about the structure of conditional tests as 'TIP: Basic conditional test syntax' under "Scripting" as well.



read trough this.

Wanted to post as fast as i could because i have no idea where the time frame on this forum doesn't match my clock. If your answers are 1 hour or 10 hours old i have no idea of x(

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