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Save file for all missons S rank?


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I was just wondering if there was a save file available, or if someone could make one that had all missions complete with S rank, but not non-essential side-ops? Or what I'm specifically after is a save with all the game completed but still had the former mother base staff (from Extract Wandering Mother Base Soldier side-ops) the interpreters, Gunsmith and apprentices (from the extract the legendary gunsmith side-ops) still on MB, preferably direct contracted. I've beaten the game already on XBONE multiple times and really don't want to be arsed to do it all over again to play a modded game on PC, but the only ones I've seen for all missions beaten are 100% with all S++ staff which bums me out because I actually like collecting the unique staff members from the game even if they're crappy rank.

Honestly I guess a save with the missions complete but still have the side-ops involving unique soldiers available and have relatively minimal staff so I can still build the staff I want is what I'm looking for. Honestly, I could just do it all over again if need be I just don't get much time for video games with work nowadays and just wanted to jump to where I can dick around all I want without sacrificing my obsession with collecting certain staff members.

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