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Everything posted by LtCptSuicide

  1. Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to make a mod to swap the bandana with a beret for Snake/Avatar. The only beret mods I've seen either swap the horn, or a hairstyle. Ultimately I want to be able to have the option to equip or unequip the beret. Additionally, is it possible to only swap one bandana (either the normal or infinite) with a beret and have the option to be able to have either a beret or bandana. I don't know if the bandanas share a model or are two separate but identical models in the game. Also, is it possible at all to swap weapons between slots? IE make shotguns a back primary weapon, and LMGS a hip primary weapon? I just like the idea of being able to switch between an assualt rifle to a shotgun for midrange to close quarters combat. Or even more so, swap specific weapons to different slots? IE: Make the Maschinen Taktische Pistole 37 a primary hip weapon?
  2. Is there a mod available to make the survivors you're suppose to rescue stronger? I'm getting real sick of rolling up to the building their in only to have them get ripped apart (literally!) before I even get out of my car. I get it's supposed to make it a challenge but where it's at is just ridiculous.
  3. I was wondering if there was, or if anyone would make a mod to change Maya Torres to wear an army uniform/army like outfit. I don't want to swap her model with another army character, I just thought it'd be awesome to have her in look a more military style.
  4. I was just wondering if there was a save file available, or if someone could make one that had all missions complete with S rank, but not non-essential side-ops? Or what I'm specifically after is a save with all the game completed but still had the former mother base staff (from Extract Wandering Mother Base Soldier side-ops) the interpreters, Gunsmith and apprentices (from the extract the legendary gunsmith side-ops) still on MB, preferably direct contracted. I've beaten the game already on XBONE multiple times and really don't want to be arsed to do it all over again to play a modded game on PC, but the only ones I've seen for all missions beaten are 100% with all S++ staff which bums me out because I actually like collecting the unique staff members from the game even if they're crappy rank. Honestly I guess a save with the missions complete but still have the side-ops involving unique soldiers available and have relatively minimal staff so I can still build the staff I want is what I'm looking for. Honestly, I could just do it all over again if need be I just don't get much time for video games with work nowadays and just wanted to jump to where I can dick around all I want without sacrificing my obsession with collecting certain staff members.
  5. Is it possible to mod a way to allow weapons to be moved to or equipped in different categories such as using a hip weapon on your back, sidearm as primary, etc.? I was kind of bummed that you can't use an smg as a primary weapon, or have a shotgun assault rifle loadout. I don't know if it's outright impossible with the game but I think it'd be really awesome to allow a more varied amount of loadout options. I really think that it should have been more like a set of primary weapons, one on your hip, one on your back, then a set of sidearms for your secondary weapons slot. Also hate that DD soldiers don't get a second secondary weapon like in MGO. Even if it's just a knife, still.
  6. Good point qwerty, maybe I should work on that. Either way, thanks for considering the ax. I didn't think it would be difficult I just have zero knowledge on modding. Cheers!
  7. Hey, just wondering if anyone would be willing to do me a favor. I was wanting to have a custom weapon for my character in Skyrim fitting into his story. What I want is simple. A woodcutter's ax, but with stats so that it can be used as a weapon late into the game. Basically something along the lines of being on par with an Ebony war/battle ax (whichever is one handed XD) but with the appearance of a woodcutter's ax. If you care to know, the story behind is Cadoc, an undead nord enthralled by a necromancer gains his freedom by taking a woodcutter's ax and killing the necromancer and fleeing to start a new life. Keeping the ax as his defense, he is forced to fight his way from Shor's Stone to Whiterun, fighting bandits, vampires, wolves, and various dark forces. ANyway, because of the way it goes, I just would love if someone made an ax that I can use late in the game as my character's symbol. Anyway, thanks for letting me take your time, let me know if you feel like being generous. Cheers!
  8. I'd like to have an M4 style weapon that fires semi-automatically, but is still powerful and accurate enough to use later into the game.
  9. I wrote a Fallout fanfic awhile back and my friend and I wanted the ability to have the main character in our game. I have a large idea for him but so far I haven't even been able to get past the first part of the G.E.C.K tut. I ultimately wanted to have a questline and story to him, which I will probably do myself if I can ever figure out G.E.C.K, but before I start rambling, Requesting a companion. Male-Ghoul named "Harrington" who uses a hunting rifle as his primary means of attack. Wearing a Merc grunt outfit, he is best in ranged combat. No pre-requisite for recruiting him, just ask him to join. Also, make him essential so h doesn't get killed. unless someone also wants to build a custom make-shift hut for him to live in, I'd prefer him to spawn in or near Megaton. Maybe in the saloon. If anyone is interested in knowing more about him/creating the quest/story of him with me (probably for me. I'm an idea guy not a building guy) let me know. Thanks.
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