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[Help] Item Added After Crafting Script


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One script attached to the player reference alias:


Drag all the items your interested in detecting into your formlist FormListOfStuffIamInterestedIn

Declare a property for each Potion your detecting

Declare a property for each MiscObject your adding

Then your nearly right on the event;

Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)

If (akBaseItem == CupofCoffee_Dirty)
  Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(PLSC_CoffeeTin01, 1, true)
ElseIf (akBaseItem == AnotherPotionInMyFormList)
  Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(AnotherMiscItem, 1, true)
ElseIf (akBaseItem == YetAnotherPotionInMyFormList)
  Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(YetAnotherMiscItem, 1, true)


Edit: indents

Edited by SKK50
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