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    United States
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    Fallout New Vegas

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  1. @sullyvanj93 and @StealthDick thank you! I did get a chance to create a quest, but the sell ALL option script does not compile. Using a similar setup as VMS07 (Vault 3 Freeform Quest), it keeps saying "missing variable" for one of my int values. I will update this post when I have tried the method suggested by StealthDick. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas! UPDATE: The method StealthDick mentioned worked! Here's the result script that compiled successfully: int iCigPackCount int iDynamiteCount set iCigPackCount to (player.getitemcount CigarettePack) set iDynamiteCount to (iCigPackCount) player.removeitem CigarettePack (iCigPackCount) player.additem WeapNVDynamite (iDynamiteCount)Exchange rate is 1 to 1, so there is no need to multiply the itemcount by the cap value. Appreciate all of the help so far!
  2. I'm curious if it would be possible to create NPCs similar to Walter from Fallout 3? Sell items via dialogue. EDIT: I am looking into the quest related to Walter via the CK for Fallout 3.
  3. Hello, It has been awhile since my last hiatus in modding. Fall semester is coming to an end, so a small mod project seemed fitting to revive my creativity a bit. As the title suggests, I am in search of references pertaining to the task of adding a scope to the base cowboy repeater. The "La Longue Carbine" has a scope that could potentially be added to the base cowboy repeater using Nifskope correct? Is it possible to just use the textures from the cowboy repeater and apply them to the La Longue Carbine? Would I actually have to take the scope from the La Longue Carbine and install it on the cowboy repeater via Nifskope? Finally, is it possible to make the scope a weapon mod that could be added to the cowboy repeater via Pip-Boy menu? On a side note, the other idea involves using the moonshine distilling script from Fallout 3 and implementing it into Fallout: New Vegas. Thank You, Plarux
  4. Hello, I'd like to create quests that are similar to slayer tasks from runescape. Kill 10 radroaches or Kill 2 Deathclaws. Is there some way to keep track of enemy kills based on their type using keywords? How would I make it so that the player is randomly handed one of these quests? Any help is appreciated, Plarux
  5. I was able to get the script to compile successfully after some tweaking. Here is the updated script:
  6. I've been using the script "zz01scrptmaturing03maturing.psc" from the Bert mod as a reference and did notice "Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()" is there before "Player.AddItem()" is used. Assuming that is exactly what you're suggesting. Should be able to test it later today or in a couple of days. I appreciate the knowledge and advice!
  7. I took a few hours after work today to splice together some code, but haven't tested it yet. Here's what I managed to come up with:
  8. IsharaMeradin, thank you for your reply! I'll be sure to post what I come up with soon.
  9. Hello everyone, I've had the idea for brewing and winemaking in Skyrim recently after playing Survival and would like to create a mod to do so. Basically, placing activators around the world that trigger a message that lets you select what alcohol you'd like to brew, if you have the ingredients, the process starts and you have to wait 2-3 days before obtaining the finished product. If the player clicks on the activator again before the 2-3 days is up, a message will appear that says "The alcohol is not done yet." or something similar. This is a small project that is inspired by various oldrim mods that allow the player to craft alcohol. It's similar to the moonshine distillery in Point Lookout from Fallout 3. Any help with the script would be much appreciated! Plarux
  10. Hey everyone, I've been trying to create a script that allows NPCs to respawn after a certain amount of game hours. My first attempt involved a timer (actor values), which disabled and enabled the NPC after it has been killed. This resulted in the radstag used being disabled, but not enabled once the time was reached after death. If anyone could help, it would be much appreciated. It would be nice to have fauna that respawns in the wild for hunting playthroughs, etc. Thank You, Plarux
  11. Hello everyone, I'd like to find out how to make a workshop item that when created, places down an activator and terminal together. If you can help or share a few mods for example that would be appreciated! Plarux
  12. I used NoCashNoExp's method, because the amount of items in the form list is large. All credit will go to you in the script and my bounty mod. Here's what I threw together in the CK and tested in-game: Scriptname DepositBoxScript extends ObjectReference FormList Property BountyItems Auto Const MiscObject Property Token Auto Const Mandatory bool silentAdd = true ; Prevents displaying a message to the player when caps are added to their inventory Event OnInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(BountyItems) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) Game.GetPlayer().AddItem(Token, aiItemCount * akBaseItem.GetGoldValue(), silentAdd) ; Maybe place a utility wait here Self.RemoveItem(BountyItems as form, -1, true) EndEvent Thank you both for the input and knowledge!
  13. Hello everyone, I'm trying to create a script that is connected to a container. When the player adds a certain misc item found in the form list to the container, the misc item(s) are removed and another misc item (currency) is added to the player's inventory. For instance, depositing 2 toy trucks and 4 toy cars into the container will remove them all, then give the player 80 caps. Trucks are 20 caps/per toy. Cars are 10 caps/per toy. Multiple if statements depending on which items is added and get item count? This script is just the basics from what I've gathered by combing the forums and google. Event OnInit() AddInventoryEventFilter(MiscItems) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) EndEvent Any help would be appreciated, Plarux
  14. I appreciate everyone's input and advice. Based on everything you've all said, would it be smarter to just navmesh the entire interior cell to prevent any issues? I've managed to find one of Seddon's tutorials about navmesh and one by Kinggath that goes further in-depth.
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