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The Vigilants of Stendarr are dedicated to fighting the Daedra and those who worship them, but with their tactics, that's a losing battle; just look at what happens to the reckless Vigilant Tyranus! They also cure diseases and poisons. So what if after the Volkihar Vampires decimated their leadership, cooler heads prevailed and a path to real victory was opened? At the end of the Dawnguard questline(assuming you stayed on the path and didn't side with the Vampires), you could find Stendarr's Beacon(atop a mountain just south of Dayspring Canyon) rebuilt and under new management.

Gather the artifacts of the Daedric Princes. Become a werewolf. Become a vampire. Become Hermaeus Mora's slave in life and death. Serve Nocturnal and/or Sithis as the head of a shadowy organization. None of that would matter; if you come to the Beacon in peace, you will be cleansed of all Daedric influence, and any items you have that have been touched by the Daedra(including Black Books, the Rueful Axe, and Pelagius's Hipbone) will be sealed in the Oblivion Vault(in the Beacon's new basement; a transdimentional portal sealed by a silver door) Your soul would be redeemed for Sovngarde, and Tamriel would be safe from the Daedra for centuries to come(The Daedra are eternal, and will always find a way back, but locking their tokens away in the Void would certainly slow them down)

Vigilants who met you on the road wouldn't attack you unless you refused to go to the Beacon. You could still be the Harbinger of the Companions and the head of the Thieves' Guild afterwards, without corrupting yourself all over again. Although if you did, Aela and Karliah wouldn't speak to you, anymore. Or you could become a werewolf, a vampire, and/or a Nightingale again. And return to the Night Mother. And go back to Apocrypha with another Black Book. But doing those things would nullify Stendarr's Redemption.

Any other Paragons out there who think this is a good idea?

Edited by Erusion29
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I mostly wanted a way to escape Hermaeus Mora; he's unavoidable in the Main questline and the Dragonborn questline; other Daedra are fairly easy to ignore, especially with The Choice is Yours and Timing is Everything. The author of both said he'd look into changing the quest trigger for Discerning the Transmundane, rather than just pushing the minimum level for completion, but the Dragonborne questline still ends with you being HM's slave.

I only have two characters who would want to avoid ALL Daedric influence, but only one character who would NOT want to distance himself from HM after dealing with Mirrak.

As I said; if you want to keep a Daedric artifact, don't bring it to the Oblivion Vault. Using said artifact will renew your communion with that Prince. As long as you sided with the Dawnguard and surrendered a Daedric artifact to the OV, you'll pretty much be an Agent of Stendarr, with license to do whatever is necessary to gather more artifacts for banishment.

Now, if you sided with the vampires in the Dawnguard questline, the Vigilants wouldn't likely be so gracious. After the Dragonborn questline, you can throw yourself on their mercy to free yourself from HM, but they won't trust you; any further association with Daedra will make them your enemies for life.

Anyone setting this up might want to look into a mechanic by which you can go back to Aela and/or Serana to become a werewolf and/or vampire lord again.

DOVAHKI1N, since you're also familiar with my Blackreach Stargate idea, I should note an addition to it in light of this mod proposal; a Portal Book shelf where the Black Books(and hypothetical White and Grey Books) can be placed. I don't know which Daedric Lord besides HM you'd be so desperate to rid yourself of as to go to the OV, but with both mods, you'd have the option.

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That's a good point. While I do like many of the pay offs and even enjoy the quests (I loved the HM quest for example, reading those books and being literally sucked into the world) I do not like the thought of being their champion and the inability to distance myself from them. I'd very much love a way to avoid it entirely or, even better, do it and then actively do something against the Daedric Prince, something that would allow me to keep those sweet abilities the first questline gave me but maybe make HM or whichever Daedra I defied hate me as they realise I'm not their puppet. They could then do things like try to lure me back, trap me in their realm (where I either have to fight them, solve puzzles/go through ever changing mazes to escape), send agents after me to teach me a lesson, try to steal those abilities I learned because I did "their" bidding back. Of course, there's always the possibility to fight back, refuse their advances. I want to basically be able to tell them to "go f themselves" ;-)


I love the idea with the Portal Book Shelf for the Black, White and Gray books in the Blackreach Stargate mod idea. How about defying HM by STEALING the, I don't know, the access key to the plane/place where the portal is?

Edited by DOVAHKI1N
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Yeah; that's not how it works in any universe; cleansing yourself of Daedric influence would mean losing the abilities those Daedra imbued you with. Getting those abilities back would mean re-entering their servitude. It would be a HUGE F-U to Hermaeus Mora if he got rid of Mirrak, only to lose you, too. And I don't see him being able to do much about it, especially if you chuck Ohgma Infinium and all six Black Books into the Oblivion Vault. Being the champion of other Daedra just isn't as weighty a matter. Distasteful, in many cases, most notably Namiria, Molag Bol, Boethia, Peryite, and Mephala. But after you complete their quest, you can do whatever you want with their artifact; use it, lock it away in a chest, or even sell it!

HM only lets you use Ohgma Infinium once, and you can't get rid of the Black Books at all. Plus, he told you you'd be his slave in Apocrypha when you die. That's not a good prize! As I said, I only have two paragon characters who'd want to avoid/defy ALL the Daedra, but all except one would want to defy HM. The only power you'd retain from the Dragonborn questline would be the Shouts, Dragon Aspect and Command Dragon. Since those come from your dragon blood and knowledge, he can't take them back. But the special abilities of Apocrypha would be lost.

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