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Error Purchasing from Store with DP


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I have been waiting for 4 months for my DP to finally become available to purchase Darkest Dungeons. Now when I click "purchase" I get "There was an error!" Tried multiple times, refreshing the page, etc. I'd like to get that game please!! Thank you.

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Hey TaskMaster,


Sorry to hear about this issue.


Can you please include a screenshot of the error. Please also try turning off any browser addons that could interfere with the site's normal functions: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/113-troubleshooting-website-issues


I do not have any addons. I am using vanilla Chrome. I can take a screen shot, but it is simply a box with nothing but the words, in all caps "There has been an error". I don't really have a location to save the screenshot to. I have enough points. Thank you for the reply!


Tried again just in case and still get the same error. I guess I will wait until next month and see if Deadfire: Pillars of Eternity gives me the same issue.

Edited by Taskmaster2
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