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More Hearthfire Encounters


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There are only a few attack events that spawn for Hearthfire homes and I would like to request more unique random events for Hearthfire. I couldn't even find one mod that increased bandit attacks, everyone wants a deserted cell.


Some ideas for random encounters to make your home more lively and immersive:


- random stranger runs up to your house and asks for shelter (maybe bandits come in a moment and ask where he/she went just like vanilla fugitive event), stranger will go inside and spend the night then leave next day

- at least 1 more bandit attack spawn point (single vanilla one makes it so boring, you're always fighting 3 from the same spawn point)

- thief spawn at night, maybe in cellar (spawned without weapon so will use vanilla script to grab nearest weapon, maybe from your racks or displays)

- bear spawn at beehive for Lakeview, swimming in the fish hatchery for Windstad

- random stranger comes to: hand out pamphlets, sell wares, buy a quantity of whatever ingredient is grown in your garden


bonus: one day maybe a script can allow a door knock sound effect when an NPC approach event is triggered on exterior, then you can exit and see who it is


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