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A very quick help requested


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A few minutes ago i learned that my screen resolution of 1600x900 is just way to small for some windows that pops up in.
I ran into this problem: https://gyazo.com/26ce7eadc6cb3cc715b605f55752858c

I was trying to make a 2 text entry into a Holodisk, but the window "Terminal" is WAY WAY WAY to huge...

So i request someone to make a Terminal entry with 2 'Display text'

I can then edit that via FO4Edit and write the text how i want it to appear.

I would be very very happy if someone would do this for me.

Could just make that, zip the .esp, and pop it to either google drive or dropbox or something similar.
A mod like that would be less then a mb for sure.

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