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Adding a video to the "user video" section of a mod.


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I've made a few mod showcase videos and when I try to "link a new video" under the videos section of that mod it adds the video only to my nexus videos, not the mod's page.


Is there a step I am missing?


I've linked the mods in my video descriptions, but I just want to make sure I am giving the full credit to the mod author.



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Here's a specific example:


I just made this video for constructable navy ships


mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44560?tab=description


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jstpWYbeYWk


I went into the video tab on the mod's page and clicked "link a new video"


I filled out all of the information then clicked publish, but it only added the video here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/videos/11354

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Ok that mod is set to require approval by the author. So it's possible they rejected the link. I've resubmitted the request so if it doesn't appear then it's because the author doesn't want it to show up on their page.

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Thank you for checking. I guess just more of the mod pages are set to "require approval" than I figured there would be. Hearing "rejected the link" and "resubmitted the request" makes it all a bit more clear on how the process works. I just figured I was doing something wrong on the video submission page.


Thanks for explaining it all again. I've got it now :)

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