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FO4Edit stopped working (using MO2). Please help!

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Good evening everybody,


except, it isn't a good evening for me, because FO4Edit isn't working anymore.

It was, I think since that last Window$ update downgrade that it stopped working.

I made a post about this before (LOOT & FO4LODGen didn't work either, but I got them working again) but that was not about FO4Edit.


I use Mod Organizer 2, I never had any problems like this before ...


This is the error message that I get ...

Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Fallout4\Plugins.txt
Fatal: Error loading plugin list: <ENotSupportedException: The path format is not supported>

Maybe it is because I have space in one of the folder names (My username, obviously I replaced it here for privacy reasosn, but there is a space in there).

But if that is the problem, then it wouldn't have worked from the start ...

And it just stopped working a week or so ago ...


I tried to launch FO4Edit without ModOrganizer and that didn't work either, I got the same error message.

G00gle didn't help either, or restarting my PC.


Please, if anybody knows how to fix this, let me know, because without FO4Edit, I can't really keep working on modding stuff (and that is bad, because that would mean that the weekend would be "wasted") ...

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So, I recently posted this error on the GitHub page for xEdit (but my account there go deleted, probably because I used a "disposable email" thing) ...


Please, if anybody has any idea what the issue with FO4Edit could be, let me know!




[i don't want to have to reinstall everything on my PC]

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Looking at xEdit's source, it does all the right things to find the path to plugins.txt. Something as simple as a space in the path shouldn't be causing problems. Do you have any non-ASCII characters in your user path, like accented characters or something? They shouldn't be causing a problem, but Windows can get weird at times.

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Yeah, Windows will occasionally give you a hard time with accented characters in your username. It shouldn't be a thing in 2020, yet here we are.


I think Steam still has some bugs around that too. Have you updated xEdit recently? Maybe try rolling forward or back through some different versions and see if that changes things.

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I just noticed something that I found weird ...


FO4Edit only "gets upset" when trying to load the "plugins.txt" file.

All other stuff gets loaded with no errors:

FO4Edit 4.0.3 (819FA7E8) starting session 2020-07-14 02:51:39
Using Fallout4 Data Path: *:\proginstall\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\
Using Backup Path: *:\proginstall\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FO4Edit Backups\
Using Scripts Path: D:\StuffForGames\Fallout4\ModDev\FO4Edit 4_0_3-2737-4-0-3-1575326273\Edit Scripts\
Using Cache Path: *:\proginstall\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\FO4Edit Cache\
Using ini: C:\Users\My Username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4.ini
Using save path: C:\Users\My Username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\__MO_Saves\
Using Creation Club Content list: *:\proginstall\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Fallout4.ccc
Using plugin list: C:\Users\My Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4\Plugins.txt
Warning: Could not find plugin list
Using settings file: C:\Users\My Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4\Plugins.fo4viewsettings
Using language: de
Using general string encoding: 1252  (ANSI - Lateinisch I)
Using translatable string encoding: 65001 (UTF-8)
Using VMAD string encoding: 65001 (UTF-8)
Loading active plugin list: C:\Users\My Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4\Plugins.txt
Fatal: Error loading plugin list: <ENotSupportedException: The path format is not supported>

The "error" only appears when FO4Edit trys to load the "plugins.txt".

So it can't be my "username" that causes this, because then, it would throw that error when trying to load the first thing (ini file)

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As I said, xEdit DOES NOT WORK outside of MO2.


The plugins.txt file at the location where xEdit is "looking" contains this:

# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer.
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp

(I just have the Unofficial Patch ESP loaded ...)


What SHOULD be in this file?

I guess a list of all loaded plugins, right?

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