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Everything posted by YouDoNotKnowMyName

  1. Cool! And how can I set the base object of the reference? Where are those 'DATA\ ... ' things documented?
  2. How would the "SetElementEditValues()" function work? So how would I set the position and rotation and scale with that? The values aeContainer and aePath will tell the function which object reference to edit. But the string? It says "and sets its value based on the string representation asValue.". How would I tell that to "set PosX to 123.45 " or "set RotZ to 180" or "set scale to 1.5"? There is no further information about what kind of information is passed into that function with that string.
  3. Thanks, I will look into that. I do have exact position, rotation and scale for every object I want to place. Can I use these scripting function right in xEdit (right click, apply script, new script) or do I need to go through the whole "setting up an IDE" crap?
  4. Oooooohhh, so maybe "container" refers to a data structure that contains other data structures (like an array, a vector, ....)? I just quickly read over that because my brain is wired to think of actual containers (chests and things like that) when I hear "container". That might be what I am looking for, I will read into this scripting stuff, thanks! About the "reading in from a text file" thing: That might not be needed, I can just copy&paste the list of objects to be placed into the code of the script, as an array or something like that. I have some experience with C and C++, so this shouldn't be that hard to figure out ... Definitly quicker to figure out then adding everything by hand :laugh:
  5. I just checked the documentation of all the xEdit scripting functions (https://tes5edit.github.io/docs/13-Scripting-Functions.html) And there doesn't seem to be a function to "add records" or do something like that. So I guess I need to manually add half a million objects in the CK, copy in their exact position, rotation and scale values. Let's assume I am quick and can do 1 object in 30 seconds, that would take me 4166,6666 hours, so more then 173 days if I could work 24 hours a day on this (I sadly can't) and if the CK could run more then a few hours without crashing. Well s#*! ...
  6. Yes, I have been away for a little while, working on other stuff besides FO4. And you guessed right, I am working on my favourite little project again. The Transfer Settlement blueprints do stuff dynamically in the game at runtime, I am just trying to automate writing stuff into an ESP file. So as far as I can tell the blueprint stuff is WAAAAAY more advanced and complicated then what I am trying to do ...
  7. I don't need random placement. I need objects placed exactly at the given positions.
  8. Good morning everybody, is there a way to automate the placement of static objects, trees, ... in a worldspace with xEdit? I know you can do some scripting inside of xEdit, so could this be possible? So the xEdit script would read in a text file that looks something like this: Cell [-63,-63] (or the cell ID if that is easier to handle by xEdit) BaseIdOfObjectToPlace PosX PosY PosZ RotX RotY RotZ Scale .... for all objects to be placed in this cell, one object per line Cell[-62,-63] ... and so on for all the cells in the worldspace Is something like this even possible or do I have to place all the objects by hand in the CK and then copy&paste in the values for position and rotation? Because that would take a very long time and I would like to avoid it if possible. I know this is not the typical way of placing objects in a worldspace. But I want to recreate something in Fallout 4 and I have the exact positions and rotations of all the objects I need to place in the worldspace.
  9. Nevermind, I found the issue. When I do the merge but without this mod then it works fine and the game does not crash. Strange ...
  10. Good evening everybody! The title says it all. I installed some mods that add new weapons to the game and tested them (they worked together fine, no issues). Then I unpacked all the archives of the mods and merged them. FO4Edit says that the ESP that the merging generated is OK and has no errors. But when starting the game with that ESP enabled the game crashes. No log files get generated, it just crashes before starting video and the main menu. What could be the issue here? Why would a "error free" ESP file make the game crash?
  11. I would love to make worldspaces that feel "real" (in terms of distances and scale, so for example towns are bigger then just 20 buildings). In FO4 everything is so close together and that is one of the biggest "immersion-breaking" things for me. I have been working on a custom worldspace (a small island in real-life terms, about the size of the commonwealth worldspace, so as big as possible in the fo4 engine) for the last year. But the more that I am working on it, the more it is starting to feel like I am "running out of space". I would love to be able to make worldspaces that are 30 by 30 km or bigger. Yes, I have lots of free time, I only work a part time job :laugh: As for the "new games": There will probably be some great technical advancements, yes, but there will also very likely be other annoying things that are hardcoded or not moddable. Three steps forward, two steps back. And the tools that are needed to get custom meshes or even custom animations into the game will probably be unavailable or poorly documented.
  12. Good evening everybody! Does anybody here know of any other game engines that are similar to the Creation Engine that is used in FO4? I love FO4 and working on custom worldspace mods for FO4 but the worldspace size limit is just so annoying. And the fact that the engine does not really support things like vehicles. But everything else about FO4 modding and the engine itself is awsome. So, does anybody know of a game engine that is kind of like the Creation Engine (in terms of the game systems, scripting, moddability with plugins, a good graphical editor like the CK, ...) but that also supports more "state of the art" things like vehicles, large worldspace and things like that. It is very hard for me to even consider "moving away" from FO4 because there is already so much content that works well with the game and I am already very familliar with modding the game. FO4 is pretty much 90 % perfect in my opinion, but the thing I would like to change or add can't be done without making changes to the engine iteself, which isn't possible. And I think it would be a waste to just "start from scratch" by learning how to work with a different game engine. But it seems like that is what I will have to do because like I said, you just can't implement certain things in FO4 and in the Creation Engine. I just don't know what to do ... I am screwed either way ...
  13. Good afternoon everybody! So I attacked a group of Thalmor (they had a prisoner with them) near Solitude. I ran away towards the stormcloak camp that was nearby, the Thalmor followed me. But when I arrived at the stormcloak camp the soldiers there did nothing. Wouldn't it make sense for the stormcloaks to attack the thalmor on sight?
  14. Ah ok. I am currently running my "just stupidly move the player from cell to cell in a S pattern (start at the bottom left corner of the map, move cell by cell to the bottom right corner of the map, move one cell "up", move right to left, move one cell "up" and so on ...). It has been running (with some breaks) for the last days and it is almost done ... Thanks for your patience and for putting up with my stupid "requests"!
  15. Why bother with all the "overhead"? Why not just call the "TraceCellObjectData" function for every cell that the player gets moved into? Why bother with the array of attached cells? Yes, it might make the script run a bit faster because there are always a few cells around the player that are loaded, but it makes the "jumping around" part of the script a bit more tricky. And I would rather have a simple script that takes a bit longer and works for sure then a well optimized script that maybe takes a few tries to get it to work properly. (Each "try" takes hours or days!)
  16. Do what you fell like doing! All of this (playing Skyrim, creating mods for Skyrim) is supposed to be fun!
  17. So I have been running the script for some time now, with a few "breaks" (save, close the game, load). I noticed some problems in the logs: error: Array index 99305 is out of range (0-60871) What was that about arrays not having limits? Seems like they do ... But it is a strange number ... I would expect a number that is 2^N not some seemingly arbitrary number. does not have any 3d and so cannot be moved to Seems like some "objects" can't be moved to (Can't think of any "objects" that are in the worldspace but don't have a 3d mesh, even markers have meshes) So again, the script will have to be reworked ... Maybe my "just going through cell by cell by moving the player left / right / forward / backwards" approach? Or do you have any other tricks up your sleeve?
  18. Can I do a save, close the game and later load that save to continue "scanning" where the script stopped? Not a quicksave, I know that that messes with scripts, a proper save. Because if there are about 14884 cells and it takes lets say 10 seconds for each cell the script would take almost two days to run. I used Mod Organizer 2 to run SSE, so I can't just alt tab out of SSE and play other games. And I would love to play some regular Skyrim right now ...
  19. Thanks, I will try this in the evening (or if I sleep a bit during the afternoon), I need my PC in a useable state when I am awake. ;-) Entering the console command TCL to turn off collision would probably also be a good idea before starting the script.
  20. So, I let the script run over night and in the morning it still has not finished. I closed the game and checked the logs and nothing. So I added some debug messages to see at which point the script fails. And it turns out that the "int i = AllCells.Length" returns 0. Yes, I filled the property for the worldspace. What could be the cause of this? Isn't there a limit to how many elements can be in an array?
  21. Ah, ok, makes sense! And this script will take A LOT longer to finish because it will go through every object and check if it is in the "current" cell, then go through all the objects again and check if they are in the "next cell" and so on ... So it will take about 14884 times as long as the first script. (there are 14884 cells in the Tamriel worldspace, at least in the "playable area"). I will let you know if it worked or not when it is done ...
  22. Question: What does the "If Obj" do? You don't compare the variable Obj to anything, wouldn't this always execute the if branch? Because it is always true.
  23. Wow, thanks! My approach would have been to go in the game, enter TCL, fly up a lot. Then activate the script. The script would print out all the objects in the current cell then move the player one cell to the left (something like this modposX or modpoxY console command) then read in all the objects from that cell and so on for every cell in the worldspace. But your approach is (of course) better! (The script is running right now ...)
  24. Ok, but the CK wiki says: If the reference is in an unloaded exterior cell, this function will return None.So, if I coc into Riverwood and the script starts running would it only return valid data for all the currently loaded cells? (those around riverwood)
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