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Creation Kit: Combat Styles


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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to make a custom follower in CK, but I have problems with Combat Styles. I don't fully understand how does it work. My main objective is to make a follower who can use shouts (or at least Storm Call), magic, spells and dual wielding swords. I decided to try and make a new combat style to match this character. So, if I understood it correctly, if I give this character some op weapons, I would need to get the slider much further right for him to use some spells. So I put the magic slider to the far end, melee slider below average, and he's still using a staff and holds a sword in right hand when he's far from opponents and dual wields his swords when he's getting a bit closer. He doesn't use any spells I have given him, and he has Chain Lightning and Lightning Cloak, which I think are quite strong. He won't use Storm Call shout either, even if the shout slider is far right. If anyone could ecplain this damned combat styles system to me, or even help me set the sliders correctly, it would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance, and may Talos guide you!

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