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Gauss rifle problem


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I am using the first person weapon animation overhaul from hitman47101 and the gauss rifle is clipping and it takes up nearly the entire right side of my screen which makes aiming very hard. I am using Asurah and EVE if that helps. I would like to fix that somehow while keeping the mod.

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Asurah and hitman47101 animations are basically doing the same thing: replacing vanilla animation (*.kf) files (and possibly meshes) with their own versions. Whichever you loaded last is "winning" the overwrite conflicts, but may not align with the GR mesh correctly. You need to choose one as your primary install and only replace any vanilla ".kf" files with the other that are not included in your primary mod.



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I have no problem with playing without hitmans mod but the asurah doesnt work with EVE and hitmans are bad for energy rifles (tri-beam, laser rifle, gaussr rifle etc.) so I dont know what to do because I would like to at least use one mod (preferably Asurah).

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Supposedly the "Fallout New Vegas U.L.T.I.M.A.T.E." guide by Sinitar has instructions on how to get EVE and Asurah to work together under the "Animations" section.


When someone tells me a patch "doesn't work", I have to wonder just what you are expecting to see as a result that makes you think it didn't. First response is always: Did you toggle "ArchiveInvalidation" off-and-on-again before firing up the game again after any change to the load order or mod mix?



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Mesh and texture replacements are complicated, and often cause problems with other mods not specifically designed to work with them. This is due to the texture files and some technical aspects of how the game deals with "projectiles" and animations for those which are embedded within the mesh NIF files. If a mod makes changes to those, other mods usually won't be aware of the changes and assume "vanilla". Mods tend (and should) to be created in isolation from other mods. Which is why "compatibility patches" become necessary. The more mods you choose which affect the same common things (like weapons), the more patches you need.


Fact of modded game life: either simplify your use of mods, or learn the technical details of how they work together and spend the necessary time and effort to enable them to do so. You can "play" the game, or "modding the game" can become the major part of your "play".



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