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How to do Navmesh for "initially disabled" objects?

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Good afternoon everybody!


I have simple question:


How would you do the NavMesh for large "initially disabled" objects (like buildings)?


Because you can't enable and disable certain navmesh parts ...


I mean things like walls are easy, just use NavCuts, but how would things like multi-floor "exterior interiors" be done? (Like the ruined houses, you know, fake interiors for exterior buildings, don't know if there is a correct word for that ...).

Or floors in general?

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FO4 lets you generate navmesh for base objects, so I would look at that. It's how NPCs are able to walk around in structures that you build in the settlement system.


Just keep in mind that SCOLs inherit nothing but the mesh, so you would probably want to use packins rather than SCOLs if using the same built (from smaller statics) structure in multiple places.

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