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“Open Washington D. C. / TTW“ it's possible?


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I have to clarify that I do not speak English and I do this with a google translator so I apologize in advance if my idea is not well understood, I am Latino living in Costa Rica, I had never played Fallout 3 and that is why I installed Tale of Two Wastelands to have a better gaming experience but there was something that disappointed me when I tried it and it was the city of Washington DC because you could not walk freely through its streets and they force you to travel along the train tracks and that was very shocking because let's be honest , it wasn't that expensive to create an open city either ... many old games already did so so i tried to create a mod that would make it come true, my idea was just to remove invisible walls and debris that would block the way, not all because it will ruin a little decoration but if you leave some space to go through the streets but when using geck keep in mind that the buildings of the city are placed wings and separated into small parts so it would be impossible to me because I would have to create places from scratch and I don't have the knowledge for this because I am not a modder I am just a normal gamer who enjoys installing mods to improve his game experience So I thought you guys the Seasoned community could make this possible and even improve the city a lot, what do you think?

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It didn't have anything to do with expense. It was created that way because the game had to run on Xbox 360 and PS3. It could be possible but it would take a lot of work for very few people to play.

Edited by ashtonlp101
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