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How do Conflicts work, and how to avoid them?


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Hey people,

i'm currently making a mod that would put a few interiour spaces into the game. The dillema, that i encountered, is im not sure where i should put these without causing conflicts with other mods. I thought, for example, of putting one of these cells into Goodneighbor. It would be a good thematic fit. But i know that "Better Goondeighbor" is a popular mod and don't want to conflict with it, by altering the same cells.


So i would really like to know what exactly causes conflicts and what i can do to avoid them. Preferably in a general sense.

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If you want to only add room you can add door to it in some place and player will just teleport tou your unique room with no conflicts, the only thing that need to be different is door location (wall for door in modded goodneighbour can be in different location)


If you want to change existing location this will be complicated and will require to something close like start from scratch (load modded goodneighbour in Creation kit and do most of work again)

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