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Are JIP functions the only ones I need to execute every game launch/load?


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So, I want to use the "ref.Lock" function from the GECK.

I've been using mostly simple JIP LN NVSE functions, and the Nexus' GECK tutorial states that Lutana functions must be executed every session or load.


Is this true for those functions only? Which would mean I can use any other functions from the GECK or NVSE with a DoOnce variable or something to execute them only once, right?

Edited by ePath
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Many of the functions added by NVSE and its addons change settings in records that are not saved in the savegame file. So, any change you want to make to such base objects must be made every time the game is started or restarted for any reason.


See: Simulating Global Functions in your Mod


It shows how to create a script that detects when the game is loaded or restarted. Within that if-block you would put the code you want.

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I see... Thank you! and yes, I've scripted blocks that fire every game launch before, and still do, but I'm making a script that will manipulate a lot of objects in the Villa in Dead Money and wanted to know if there was a way I could make it so my script had to run only once and then stop the quest for the rest of the playthrough instead of having the script checking every frame for the majority/whole game...


But oh well, although maybe I can make the quest stop for the rest of the game once the player goes back to the mojave

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