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About PlatinumShad0w

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  1. For the mod I've been working on the past month, I'm trying to create an ingestible item that replenishes itself like the Bedroll from Lonesome Road and, when used in the Pipboy, activates an invisible talking activator I have placed in a dummy cell to initiate dialog with an actor from the over the background of the player holding their Pipboy. There is a scripted effect on the "ingestible communicator" that is supposed to activate the talking activator by the player: scn PSElijahPipboyMenuSCRIPT ;Script created for "ingestible" radio "PSAlchElijahPipboy" to instantly give them back their "radio" when they use it. Begin ScriptEffectStart if Player.IsSpellTarget PSAlchElijahPipboy Player.AddItem PSAlchElijahPipboy 1 1 ;puts the radio back into the player's inventory with no notification PSTalkElijahPipboyREF.MoveTo Player PSTalkElijahPipboyREF.Activate Player 1 ;1 = RunOnActivateBlockFlag, so the OnActivate block of the object will be run instead of the default activation. endif End The talking activator itself has this script on it currently: scn PStaElijahPipboyContactSCRIPT Begin OnActivate If IsActionRef player == 1 && PSPostDMElijahActiveREF.GetDead == 0 SetTalkingActivatorActor PSPostDMElijahActiveREF PSTalkElijahPipboyREF.Activate Player Return else ShowMessage GenericIntercomNoResponseMsg Return endif End I can get it to move the Talking Activator to the player's feet (in the form of the NCR emergency radio model) and then activate it manually to play my greeting topic. But I can't get it to automatically activate when using the "ingestible" and I can't get it to play from the PipBoy even using the MenuMode 1009 block and I wasn't even sure whether that was possible so I figured I would ask. When I try it just says the "object is already in use by someone else".
  2. Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time. I have been plugging away at this more and have something almost working perfectly now. The subject line of this thread is no longer relevant, however, so I'm going to let it close.
  3. Alright this one is a mess but I did more research and found out only a handful of functions are compatible with reference variables. The most useful one I could think of to test for my purposes was GetCombatTarget. So I changed the script to an Effect Script and linked it to a base effect with an object effect parent on the Detonator. I commented out most of the stuff in my script regarding the timer and setting/removing player teammate status just to see if I could get the explosion and kill to function AND IT WORKED. Now if some kind soul could just give me some pointers for how to use an array_var for this so I can use GetCombatTargets and detonate all the collar-wearing NPCs simultaneously, that would be awesome.
  4. Of course. All reasonable. Thank you for taking the time to help me. Explicitly, what I am trying to do is 1) enable to the player to take a crafted bomb collar, reverse pickpocket it on to an NPC, have the NPC equip the collar and thus be added to PlayerTeammate status 2) be able to use a custom Detonator to trigger a beep, possibly followed by an idle Panic animation (I intend for the NPC to possibly go hostile after this using SendAssaultAlarm) 3) a timer countdown follows culminating in one last death beep, at which point the NPC is removed from PlayerTeammateStatus and placeatme puts a Dead Money collar explosion on their location, followed by killactor where the head explodes, set to the player's responsibility with cause of death set to explosion. 1. Yes any NPC. They can attack and kill any NPC after all. 2. I have an Object script attached to the collar which currently works like this: 3. The script I posted to this thread is, in fact, an Object script which is already attached to the custom Detonator weapon. It successfully plays the beep but then causes me to explode rather than the rVictim ref player teammate. There may be something wrong with my timer as well. I have found trying to successfully implement timers to be extremely confusing despite repeated references to tutorials and example scripts on the Geck wiki.
  5. Damn. Got it. I don't think that was mentioned on the GECK wiki but it's been my experience so far. I experimented with another idea though where, OnEquip, the collar SetPlayerTeammate to 1 and then the Detonator stores GetPlayerTeammate as a ref to then Playsound, Placeatme, SetPlayerTeammate 0 and Kill. But that hasn't been working either so far (though it may be my script). Is that not possible either? Any other ideas for how to implement such a thing? I can't use specific Persistent REFs because it could be any NPC that the player collars. Or is there a way to dynamically get the REF of an NPC who is wearing the collar and then call that REF to implement the effects?
  6. As part of a mod I'm working on, I'm attempting to make functional working bomb collars that you can reverse pickpocket onto a target, forcing them to equip it and adding them to a custom Bomb Collar faction. That part is scripted in an object script attached to the collar item and is working. I have written the following Object script attached to a custom "Control Detonator". I was hoping by using a custom faction as a reference, I could attach bomb collars to multiple NPCs in a cell and then, by firing the detonator, start a timer ending with them all blowing up. I set the parameters for the kill function to blame the player, pop their head and assign their cause of death to explosion. The trouble is that it's placing the explosion on the player instead of the stored reference faction member and I'm not sure why. Is there some limitation preventing what I'm trying to do? Some way I could write my script better or smoother way to implement this concept at all? Any help would be hugely appreciated. scn PSBombCollarRemoteDetonationScript short bEquipped ref rVictim float fCountdown short bArmed begin OnUnequip player set bEquipped to 0 end begin OnEquip player set bEquipped to 1 end begin OnFire player set rVictim to PSCollaredLackeyFaction set bArmed to 1 rVictim.PlaySound NVDLC01CollarTestBeep set fCountdown to 5 end begin Gamemode if fCountdown > 0 && bArmed == 1 set fCountdown to fCountdown - GetSecondsPassed endif if fCountdown <= 0 && bArmed == 1 rVictim.PlaySound NVDLC01BombCollarDeathBeep rVictim.Placeatme NVDLC01BombCollarExplosion rVictim.killactor player 1 0 set bArmed to 0 endif end
  7. Wow I think I'm having the same issue in the exact same area just outside the Salida del Sol belltower. I've been trying to debug what is causing the issue and getting consistent crashes where if I keep walking up the steps which lead to the path to the belltower ladder I will sooner or later freeze and crash or consistently fall through the landscape of either the staircase or rubble piles at the top which then results in a crash. Game has been perfectly stable up till then. Tried turning off all my plugins to isolate the one responsible but it didn't seem to make a difference. Just happens faster with my full load order.
  8. Thank you for the help and good advice when scripting. Someone else pointed out that my custom base effect the script was tied to didnt have a duration set. Once I fixed that, I didnt even need to set a timer in the script and could just ScriptEffectFinish for the game block. So it's working now. Thanks!
  9. Thank you for the advice. Much appreciated. I saved this script in the Geck, however, but sadly, in game, after I used a Stealth Boy and the effect wore off, it did not give me the item the way that it does when I don't have any qualifiers about time. I even tried using gamemode instead, like: scn DrainedStealthBoyScript float Timer short Run begin GameMode if player.isspelltargetalt StealthBoy set Run to 1 set Timer to 1 else ;(not using Stealth Boy) set Run to 0 set Timer to 0 endif if Run == 1 ;(Using Stealth Boy) if Timer == 1 set Timer to Timer + GetSecondsPassed endif endif if Timer >= 120 additem MiscDrainedStealthBoy 1 set Run to 0 set Timer to 0 endif end But so far nothing has worked.
  10. Thank you! So like... EDIT: No, that isn't giving me the item after the stealth effect wears off. scn DrainedStealthBoyScript float Timer begin ScriptEffectUpdate if player.isspelltargetalt StealthBoy set Timer to Timer + ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds endif if ScriptEffectElapsedSeconds >= 300 set Timer to 0 additem MiscDrainedStealthBoy 1 endif end
  11. Trying to make a simple mod that adds a "Drained Stealth Boy" miscellaneous item to the player's inventory after they have finished using a Stealth Boy (with an extended duration of 300 seconds). The idea is that they can then recharge the Drained Stealth Boy to get a "new" one using the drained one + 100 small energy cells. This was my basic script, but for a reason that I'm not seeing, it isn't adding the Drained Stealth Boy misc object to my inventory after using it in game. Any help as to why would be much appreciated. The issue is clearly with my timer not working as without it the script adds the drained misc item just fine, but I'm not familiar enough to know what's broken. scn DrainedStealthBoyScript float timer short init begin ScriptEffectStart if init == 0 set timer to 300 set init to 1 else if timer > 0 set timer to timer - GetSecondsPassed else additem MiscDrainedStealthBoy 1 endif endif end
  12. Thank you, that's very informative. That makes sense connecting it to a stage within the quest so the changes don't take effect unless that condition is met. Didn't think of that. I saw that the old mod had open permissions and was definitely building off of it, or at least looking at which records it edited to see what changes needed made. Is there a way to use the console to test it by skipping straight to that ending though to make sure it works? I know this could be really complicated which is why I am trying to keep it as simple as possible and super-focused. Just the basics, continue after the ending with a only the mildest changes for flavor.
  13. I was looking at making a super basic but functional mod to allow the player to continue playing and return to the Mojave after choosing to ally with Elijah to work towards destroying the NCR using the Cloud at the end of Dead Money. I'm not looking to overhaul the worldspace or anything as a result, I'm talking a few tweaks at most. I looked at this mod (unfinished) in an attempt to see how they implemented it and for ideas. I have a file made for my mod but I have some questions for how to get it to work properly. 1. What is the best/cleanest way to make the ending slide take the player back to the game? My scripting knowledge is basically nonexistent and I just copy what I see that works. Currently I have this script embedded into the narration for the Cloud ending which is intended to complete the Dead Money quest, give a lot of bad Karma, set the NCR and Brotherhood to hostile against the player and make Holograms allies as well as add a perk called "Elijah's Successor" to the player, mainly to act as a condition check: I also altered the NVDLC01FadeToCreditsTimerSCRIPT to just this (based on the edits I saw in the unfinished mod above): But that same unfinished mod also removes the script from the NVDLC01FadeToCreditsTimer Quest so I'm not sure how it's supposed to work or if that's necessary also. Finally, there are only two more tweaks I want to add: 1. is the possibility for Ghost People to become a random spawn in the Mojave, but my question when adding them to a general wasteland random enemy level list is how to make it conditional so that they only start to appear in the Mojave IF the player has the Elijah Successor perk (indicating that they chose the Cloud Ending). I don't want to handplace new spawns for them in GECK or anything, I just want them to have a chance to replace some other boring enemy type if the right conditions are met. 2. is to add Cloud weather to one of the possible weather types in the Mojave so it will randomly become overcast with the cloud. I made a super basic script for this tied to a CloudWeatherInMojave QUEST here which works: ScriptName AddToxicCloudToMojaveWeather Begin gamemode If playerREF.hasperk NVDLC01ElijahSuccessor ==1 SetWeather NVDLC01VillaWeather endif end But... I know it would be better if the quest didn't run constantly and, when you fast travel, the weather goes back to normal and then changes which looks jarring. Ideally I'm trying to figure out how to just add that weather type the possible weathers which can occur if the player has chosen that ending (and thus has the perk). Thank you to whoever reads this for any advice or help you can give. This seems more complex than what I've attempted in the past but I really want it to be possible to live with this choice for mad scientist characters.
  14. And here I just wanted to be able to burn the bodies to ash to using a flamer to clean up the wasteland a little.
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