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Game: Avowed Mod request: Arachnophobia mod Change spider models to something else11 points
I would like to have an option to not see "Popular Collections". I feel it takes the focus away from new mods. I have never used collections before and have no intention to ever do so, that's not to say they're a bad thing, I just don't want to see them. I agree with the assertion that there is too much wasted space. The game title header takes up way too much space, I'd prefer if it wasn't even there. There is too much vertical space between sections (Trending Mods, Popular Collections, More Mods). It would also be nice if the page automatically expanded horizontally to fit the browser's width, allowing more mods to be shown in the "More Mods" section. Visually, I dislike the new color scheme and how the game's icon determines the background color for pages. The new mod page colors feel harder to read text on. EDIT: The new NEXT mods section UI is wonderful, it feels much more intuitive to search for and see mods.11 points
9 points
We are making changes to parts of the site that have not been updated for over a decade. This is part of our ongoing plan to improve your website experience when browsing or searching for content. To see the updated pages, simply click the "Join Beta" button on the banner at the top of the changed pages and your device will be opted in. The key pages we’re focusing on for feedback are the Games and Mods listing pages, as well as Game homepages. We have also released an early version of our new quick search, this is limited to mods for now, but we’ll follow up with further updates to include all content types. While there are some minor styling updates across the rest of the site, these pages have the most significant updates and are our main focus. As part of the new update, we are removing the left and right side adverts on the new pages. Whilst adverts are a key part of what keeps the lights on, we felt this was the right move to try to improve free users' experience. Why Update Now? One of our key goals this year has been transitioning to a modern site architecture. The current system is challenging to maintain, slowing feature development and innovation. Moving to a new framework enables us to improve the user experience, experiment with new features, and keep pace with the evolving needs of the modding community. While this transition temporarily mixes old and new designs, it’s a necessary step toward a better site. Key Improvements A More Consistent Experience Any site that’s been worked on for over 10 years will inevitably accumulate design and technical inconsistencies—think mismatched button styles, typography, and colour schemes. While subtle, these details make the site feel less polished. This refresh introduces a new design system, standardising the fundamentals of our colour palette, typography hierarchy, iconography, spacings and grids. These foundations underpin reusable components (e.g., buttons, forms, tags), making the site more consistent and easier to update. With this system in place, we can focus on solving problems and building new features instead of fixing small UI details. Easier Mod Discovery We’ve started with updates to browsing and searching for mods, including improvements to game pages and mod listings. Filters on the mods listing page are now always visible, making them quicker to use. The UI should be clearer to read making it easier to scan through multiple mods. Next, we’re enhancing search to let you find content across all types, including users, for a more intuitive experience. Improved Accessibility We believe modding should be for everyone. This refresh prioritises accessibility, ensuring the site is easy to perceive, navigate, and interact with for all users. Updates include: Support for screen readers, Visually accessible colours, Readable typography, Flexible input methods. By following standards like WCAG we’re creating a site that isn’t just inclusive but also easier and more enjoyable for everyone. Refining the User Experience Nexus Mods has grown immensely, adding features that make it what it is today. However, there are areas to improve and simplify while keeping the features long-time users love. We’ve approached these updates thoughtfully, aiming to balance simplicity and functionality for a diverse community. This is a challenge! We won’t always get things right the first time — this is an iterative process of improvements — but your feedback helps us refine and improve. What’s Next? The next big update focuses on search improvements, making it easier to find the mods and content you’re looking for. We’re also working on an overhaul of the mod page, this is a much larger chunk of work that we’ll aim to ship later in the year. We’ll continue to share our progress and welcome your feedback along the way. How to give feedback We are looking for feedback on the following pages: Game Home Page Game Listing Page Mods Listing Page If you have feedback for us, please use these forms: General Feedback Quick Search Please ensure that you have ad-blockers disabled, as they will interfere with the feedback pop-ups that gather your feedback. Whilst we love talking through all of your feedback on the Forums or on Discord, we don't make any guarantees we will see it if it is posted there. We are primarily collecting feedback through site usage metrics and the popup surveys found on each of the pages.6 points
First of all: I don't like that there's now only 6 hot mod slots instead of 7. That's a bummer. Secondly, I get the feeling you guys are cutting down on (relevant) content to give space to oversized UI and irrelevant collections, that I can't even choose to remove to save both page and head space. The removal of the background image and game colors gives the site a very corporate feel as well. I choose to use Classic and wish to do so until Beta gets fixed / adjusted to the feedback on here. All the best.6 points
I want to voice an opinion about the "Popular Collections" section. Right now it's huge and sandwiched between Trending Mods and More Mods. Your love of Collections has never been in doubt, Nexus, but without the individual mods that go into them, they amount to very pretty looking but mostly empty gift boxes. Warning: Long suppressed thoughts contained within:6 points
I really dislike being harsh to a design that people have put their time, thought, and work into, but I've gotta be honest. The new design is flat, visually uninteresting, and poorly balanced. The layout manages to have a lot of odd dead space while also feeling cramped and cluttered. Monochrome is just not the way, and so many of the elements have no borders, which is probably the biggest problem - no wonder the placement of everything feels so off when there's virtually no physical separation between the different elements. On top of which, thumbnails have been scaled down. The overall result is a bunch of chunks of white text floating around on a black background. The whole concept needs more color, more contrast, and more structural elements. On another note - personally I don't dislike the idea of including collections on the main page, that seems like a perfectly reasonable thing to do. I will echo the problem pointed out by others, though, that the top two "Most Popular" collections are pretty much going to be exactly the same two collections forever (except on the smallest games in the catalogue). If anything, this should be some kind of "Trending" or "Up and Coming" collections feature, and it should be secondary to the mods themselves, not above them.5 points
I said it once for the author page update, and I'll say it again for this. There's way too much wasted space. Images are just a bit too large, while the gaps between them feel unnaturally spaced. Sure it's sleek but it's not as refined as the previous state. Edit: If we're improving accessibility and the user experience, why not offer some customization options? I for one would really prefer not having collections on a game's frontpage, as even if I were to engage with Vortex (I don't use Vortex in the first place), I wouldn't be using collections.5 points
Account Banned - Triberzis Triberzis has been banned from Nexus Mods for violating our community rules. Reason Harassment and insult of a mod author after being denied permission to use their works and being asked to stop contacting them. - Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class. Do not post with the intent of provoking an angry response or argument over a topic (“flame baiting”). Do not post personally or generally insulting remarks towards someone else, or a group of people. Reference Below are links to where the infractions took place (where relevant). Some links may point to hidden, deleted or restricted content that can only be accessed by moderators. https://forums.nexusmods.com/modcp/reports/362045/ https://forums.nexusmods.com/topic/13500006-triberzis-banned/ Moderation History Banned by TheVampireDante. This member received 4 formal warnings before they were banned.4 points
I've sent my feedback through the form. But also dropping it here... I'm not sure if the typeface choice for the mod page is functional. It clashes with the header and in mods with long names it can get very busy. See here: I think it's better to keep the condensed style typeface. Maybe use something like Roboto Condensed. The line-height on the mod description also felt more packed but unnecessarily larger. The "Popular Collections" section is also... questionable. IMHO, we don't need another "top posts" for collection. We need more space to highlight less popular collections. Maybe rather than "Popular Collections", it's better to have "Trending Collections" like "Trending Mods" so it will change regularly. What counts as "Trending" is based on downloads/endorsement since it was last updated or uploaded. I'm also questioning the decision to only show Endorsement metrics on the Trending Mods and removing something more important like Categories. Also the number of trending mods is less now, only 6 (it used to be 7 mods). Would've been better if 7 mods instead of only 6.4 points
As a mod author I would adore a "translations" section that people could upload to! Then they could find the translations for my mod on my mod page. This would prevent thousands of mods cluttering up the rest of the site, make it easier for people to provide and find translations, AND you could add tags when languages are uploaded to the mod directly, so people can see mods in their language using the included tags feature that already exists to select their language. You could also track downloads for DP purposes just the same. You could have at the top of the list the "mod version" then list off the translations by tag so people could filter by tag (language). So if someone had an old version they could find translations for it, but if someone had a new one they were covered too. Then even if the mod has 4 translations for the current version people have all their options there.4 points
I didn't notice this earlier, but the Report Abuse and Share buttons on a mod page are terribly placed. They should be up toward the top, possibly in the header with the other buttons, not taking up space below the short description. Right now they're just sitting in the middle of the page, interrupting flow for no reason.4 points
Just want to reiterate that the smut peddlers I have blocked still have their content proudly on display because they happen to control popular Collections.4 points
On the classic site I was seeing blue buttons and blue breadcrumb links, which has a much more pleasing color. Having all of the buttons and breadcrumb links in a pale orange is a step back. What's weird is that the body class scheme-theme-DeepBlue is still in the HTML, but the colors for that aren't being loaded in beta.css like they were in the classic CSS file. I'd like to request those be brought back. The blue was so much nicer. Edit: Taking the theme color sections and putting them in my custom CSS override with !important brings back the deep blue, and it's so much nicer. The forced override to orange in the beta is unnecessary. Please get rid of that.4 points
I just took a look and a huge issue for me is losing the ability to view the mods images without navigating to its mod page. It seems the Beta is very badly received and should be pushed back to an Alpha version.4 points
I hope this stays optional forever, because the new design is cluttered and I don't like it at all4 points
Loads of wasted space, you only need to put classic vs new next to each other in separate windows to see where it's not being utilised :/4 points
In the new theme, there are a lot of cool shades (there is a lot of blue channel). This somewhat worsens the quality of life when reading text, as the white text becomes very corrosive to the eyes. For example: Discord RGB(49, 51, 56) not so much blue and not so dark.4 points
4 points
You say you are using version 1.66. According to LL site: For Skyrim Special Edition (1.6.1170, aka AE) use SexLabFrameworkAE_v166b.7z The 1.66 version is for 1.6.1130. During install, it likely asked you to resolve a file conflict vs PapyrusUtil. I strongly suggest setting PapyrusUtil to have priority (AFTER SexLab) Go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE, look for skse64.log Now, I am still running game version 1.6.1130, and I am not going to update to 1170. If I install SexLab 1.66, I see these in my skse64.log: checking plugin PapyrusUtil.dll checking plugin SexLabUtil.dll plugin PapyrusUtil.dll (00000001 PapyrusUtil 00000002) loaded correctly (handle 17) plugin SexLabUtil.dll (00000001 SexLabUtil 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 21) Aso, in same directory, file SexLabUtil.log: Loaded database for SkyrimSE.exe version 1.6.1130.0. Initializing Plugin Registering Functions Papyrus Loading File: ../SexLab/AnimationProfile_1.json Also, I use Pandora Behavior Engine instead of FNIS. When I run it, I see a lot of entries for SexLab, i.e.: FNIS Mod 47 : FNIS_SexLab_List FNIS Mod 51 : FNIS_SexLabAP_List3 points
Just so the designers are aware how people use the site. When reading forums or checking on messages, people often use both the PC and the smart phone to check on messaging. When actually modding their game to play, they are almost exclusively using the PC because they are typically playing the game from their PC. They are downloading mods, installing with a mod manager, moving files, etc. and so are using the desktop browser. Please keep this in mind when skewing the design towards mobile. Mobile is almost always a secondary use of the site.3 points
3 points
3 points
Quite right, which is why there is NO EXCUSE in designing a website for phones only or PC only. It is now perfectly possible to design a website in such a way that it changes layout based on screen size. Oh yeah - that's what they call "responsive". And that change of layout is not limited to switching from three columns to four, it can be quite extensive. Of course, that requires more work which is apparently not worth it.3 points
Avowed Mod requests: 1. Somehow being able to alter charcter post creation menu. 2. More hair and godlike options. 3. Better bodies female male (mainly female) with armor that fits. not overly skimpy, would love some female armors with at the very least small cleavage window.3 points
3 points
Question for modders, is it possible for the character creation menu to be added mid-game?3 points
Greetings, Fellow KCD2 players. It's time to admit.. The combat in KCD2 is slowed down from real life combat by at least 50%. Coming from a person who practices HEMA and has played KCD1 With no slowmo's fastest option. I can definetly say that the combat in KCD2 especially when it comes to the animations of blocking and swinging are slowed down from real life combat by at least 50%. So I came to ask if anyone from this lovely community would be willing to make a mod to speed up the combat or at least to show me how I could do the mod. Regards, raef1153 points
Very annoying to be limited to 3 quests. I don't really see the purpose of this limitation other than Vavra's masturbatory inconvience for the sake of inconvenience. Save me modding gods.3 points
Can we please make language selection sticky as a part of preferences? It makes no sense to waste bandwidth showing us mods we can't read. Other options could benefit from being sticky as well.3 points
No and thats not what i said. It would be nice to have all the translated content stored on one page. And of course if one author is able to translate into multiple language he/she should be able to.3 points
This, and multi-language translation mods. Currently, it is only possible to launch one language for each mod page. This is ridiculous.3 points
I just noticed you removed list mod for viewing mods. Don't do that, please. I prefer using list mod as I can scroll through mods faster than the normal layout. So yeah, my testing of the beta is officially over right now and I am going back to classic. If you really intend to completely remove list mode, Its going to impact not only me, but I am sure many others that prefer to use that mode to view mods.3 points
This is how it looks for me 2 Hot mods take entire page aka 30% of whole website and 50% of visible space "more mods" which usually i sort by recently updated to check something interesting are all crammed together and take around 20% of whole website and 50% visible space now lets compare it to this ugly and outdated classic you hate so much im not sure how to even articulate my points here when i use nexus i wanna find cool mods to use in my game you made it show less mods and make the presented mods look worse3 points
Another nitpick: Please move the "Go to page" thing to the right, or use a dropdown/popup like this forum so that it pulls less attention. I mainly use the right arrow to go to the next page and my focus goes the rightmost thing at the bottom, which is the highlighted "Go" button. Lots of missclicks... And show more pages in the navigation (like +/-3 from first page, last page and around current page), you show more if I am on page 1 (see above): Compare it against the forum: more pages to jump to, less highlighed "go to" (hidden behind dropdown/-up):3 points
As many others have said, there is too much unused space. The new layout triples or quadruples the amount of scrolling that is required. This is an accessibility problem for people with joint issues. As others have also said, Updating it with configuration options would be a far better solution. You could increase the amount of mod description available by bringing up an expanded window when a mod is hovered over, instead of forcing a larger mod box.3 points
I'm not a fan of the changes, mostly because they perform horribly at the moment. I get major stuttering/lag on Firefox while scrolling the home/search pages in the Beta layout when the current layout functions smoothly. Design wise, the inclusion of the game title on the home page is just clutter, everyone knows to just look at the top bar if for some insane reason they forget what page they're on. Same with changing the design of the tabs for New/Updated mods, keep them consistent with the ones shown on the actual mod pages. A lot of these changes smack of someone just needing something to do. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.3 points
Please, please please! don't blend the comment section with the background! it's a nightmare!3 points
Not sure if this has already been said, but on the individual mod pages it would be nice to keep the section bar "Description, Files, Images, etc." across the top of the screen when scrolling instead of letting it disappear. Having to scroll all the way back up on mods with longer descriptions is a QoL annoyance that piles up over time. Also, agreeing with all the other people saying to widen the content area. Leaving a quarter of my screen unused on either side is just wasted real estate.3 points
For all the good it will do, I'll ask once again: why do you keep trying to fix that which isn't broken?3 points
I can at least post my own CSS tweaks I've just worked up in a stylesheet. In making this stylesheet I noticed there's a real problem with the way CSS is being used. Those classes like pt-4, pb-6, etc. are basically little better than inline styles. Most of the elements on the page aren't given functional class names, but instead have classes that define styles on them. Styles like this are hard to maintain and hard to override for readability. The mod list page needs more functional classes like these: page-header page-header-nav page-header-game-title sort-options results-count content-block-notice mod-tile-image mod-tile-title mod-tile-author mod-tile-time mod-tile-desc mod-tile-stats Classes whose only purpose is to specify a specific amount of padding and such are fundamentally at odds with how CSS is supposed to be written. I know this kind of thing has infected a lot of sites, but I think we can do better here.3 points
If "modern" means "wastes a lot of space" then I suppose it is "modern". Then again, what do I know. I hate the new Windows settings app replacing the good old control panel. Having both would have been preferable. I will stay on the old version as long as possible, and would like the classic layout to remain as an option for people that prefer that.3 points
Agreed on everything that you said about collections, and more. I don't get why they are popular, or why Nexus promotes them so heavily. There must be some benefit to Nexus for doing so. To me, they are very much akin to the old shovelware disks where transitory companies used to scrape the Internet for free content (in those days it would have been Doom and Duke Nukem mods, and freeware or shareware games) and throw them together on a CD (or even a set of floppy disks) and charge a few $ for them. To me, there is no finesse abut them. They are often massive bucket-loads of mods which may not actually conflict, but often don't compliment each other very well, or simply contain too much to suit most people. Certainly, it would be a very rare situation where I would want all of the mods in a collection, and I don't really understand why anyone would choose to install one wholesale. And that's on top of all the valid points you raise about the connections and feedback to original mod authors. If some people like them, then more power to them. But to have "Popular Collections" (I wonder how popular?) dominating so much screen real-estate in the new layout is a definite negative point for me.3 points
THIS is soo true. Very important feature that you need to keep, if you really must change the design. Btw, "looks" doesn't matter, "functionallity" matters, if anybody thinks it's time to change to a more "modern" design.3 points
Just some feedback - I really dislike the backgrounds on the games' main pages. I'd much, much prefer them to be just plain dark grey rather than the splotchy, blurry blobs of colour.3 points
I notice in the Webpages beta, the collection section is being added on top of the normal mods, I don't think this is a good idea.3 points
3 points
There are lots to say: I couldn't find the pops-up survey on each page. Yes I open them but nothing happen, so I write my feedback here... The dark theme isn't perfect. There is some flashy light in the background that make them greyer than darker. Which is harder to read. Also, the font text in Post/Comment and other page aren't perfectly white, in contract to the grey background I critic. For accessibility, it would be better we have "light theme" and a better colour contrast between the black/white and orange/red. Most of the description were written with the old dark colour in mind for visibility and accessibility as well. Now since the background has change but not the description, it breaks their visibility and hard to read. That goes the same for the default link colour. It was red, and we all make the rule of NOT using this colour to avoid confusion, thus to improve accessibility. Now they are orange, so old description that use this orange colour, people will think it's a link... but it's not. Please don't highlight "Popular Collection". I'm on The Witcher 3 and every day I have to tell "don't use popular mod because they are outdated". That goes to Collection, they are likely old/outdated/overused that hide recent and good collection that perfectly follow the today tendency. What I suggest it taking the same algorithm as "Hot Mods". Meaning one collection is created and if it took enough endorse/vote, it is temporally highlighted, and then never showcase. To add more about collections, don't hide how much collection. I visit every time a new collection is created, so I gave feedback (mostly saying if it properly follows the game version or would break it). (Also, I write a mod list as well which is not a collection... so having bigger advertise to collection than my mod list, that's not very nice of you...) remove the "New Today" and "New Week". That's a good thing. But removing the "Tracked Content Update". ABSOLUTELY NOT!! I use it to see comments of hundred mods, that's how I'm very active and always reply. PLEASE BRING BACK "Tracked Content Update"! The quick search is bigger. Good, but... Would you please sort the quick search as "Last Updated". Not as "Download". Or at least gave the possibility to sort the order. On The Witcher 3 and the majority of games, it's a problem to take "popular" mods that are easily old/outdated/overrated mods, thus hidden visibility to recent and better mods.2 points