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Everything posted by bfg10k17

  1. Well there are several projects for now. There is a work in progress mars. A big desert (still wip) Canada (its out, trie to search) So something is going on, probably a few months, be patient, eweryone is waiting for them :D
  2. Agreed ! That would be a cool realysm mod, I'm sure. Will worth a trie if someone does it :yes:
  3. Here Knight Dannster made good job whit that gun. Altugh its a bit overpowered. :mellow: Next time trie to search it. Making stupid posts will not help anyone...
  4. One secret. Megaton was just a crater whit a bomb before the merchants marched in and built it, so theres no chance to found some undestroyed buildings. But it would be cool to have some buildings in better shape, larger, fancyer, etc... Maybe homes from whole planes, and small shacks from mud or whatewer. But yeah, a 3-4 times bigger megaton would be good. One problem, the town is wide enugh, so it could expand downsides or up whit towers. You know, undergroung chambers, some living quarters, but in a same shape as the town, from junk, not in a vault theme, huge towers from airplanes wings, tails, junk, and spare parts. So what do you think ?
  5. There is one, but it dosesent support the DLC-s (for now, maybe it will change) Take a look here And next time use the search function, k ?
  6. I've seen here many good ideas, I agree most of them, but it vould be a hell of a work to get together what are you asking for. Sad, but the really good modders are pretty buisy whit whatever they doing, and they can't just sit and watch the ideas flowing in. Well if I would be a modder as I'm not (lol) I would definietly made something similar you asked for, but I don't have the skills, and the time for it. (and sorry for the bad spelling [well if it was any hehehe] I'm still learning english)
  7. Well I think its a good idea to make this armor. Don't pay attention to the fools Tony. K ? :unsure:
  8. Well I played most the time as an evil character ('cous its more fun to be bad hehe) Why not revive him and take him to a place to kill lots of good ppl and recieve lots of bad karma and lots of new items and caps ? As an alternative way ofcourse. There is the other to put an end of his life for some good karma. (sorry for my bad spelling, I still learning english)
  9. Many thanks ! I will have so much fun whit that ! :D
  10. There are allready some "collect and sell" type mini quests in the game. Like the Nuka-cola quantum lady The Scribe in the National library (Broken steel) Scribe Rothchild who collects sensor modules and cameras. (Pitt) Ashurs wife collects Teddy bears for Mary I think making even more of this kind of quest would be cool. What do you think ?
  11. GECK is like Chinese to mee, I can't understand even the easyest comands, sorry :wacko: And you could figure it. If I knew the how I wold probably made allready. But I don't think this is one of the easyest thing 'couz its a whole new weapon, not just a changed projectyle or something like that.
  12. Hy everyone ! I had this idea soon as I obtained the bio-gas cannisters. Every granade in the game has a mine variant, so why leave out this ? Stats would be the same, as the granade's. Does not need a high damage, but a little longer effect coud be needed. It would be buyable at Hayle's hardware, for a fare price. :thanks: So anyone ?
  13. Maybe with FOSE, but I can't make it :(
  14. Yeah, tm is good ! I usually make some wallpapers and thats quite useful, but it disables the pipboy menu too. I wonder if someone could make a command for only the hud remoovement :whistling:
  15. I didn't knew that that mod is effects the blaster too. I will install it right now ! Aw, thanks man !
  16. The Alien blaster is one of the most accurate guns in the game. Why not ? There is an ugly stuff on the top of the gun, so replace that whit a scope (probably with an "alien looking" scope) Just like a scoped 44. magnum, but an alien wersion The stats are the same, ewerything is the same escept the scope. So this will need a new model (don't need a whole new, just attach the alien scope to the blaster) an some new textures. Or if you lazy just please make one whit a scope option. I know there is an alien sniper rifle, but thats just doesen't cut it (my apologies to the maker, but thats just a sniper rifle that shoots alien projectyles) And for the "make it yourself guys" : If I knew the "how", I probably made it allready, and some other stuffs, but I'm not a modder. If anyone intended to make it, please post a comment here. Thanks ! And sorry for my bad english (well if its that obvius) I still learning it.
  17. Oblivion has good Predator and Alien models (even playable) but noone even bothered to port them to FO3, I don't know why...
  18. Why not a Mobile Airstrike Radio Relay ? You can't use unlimitedly. Maybe once in a day. So ?
  19. Maybe someone could port the oblivion armors to FO3 ?
  20. And a supersonic vespa too ? LOL Anyways, this melee guitar idea is cool. ;D
  21. But if someone make it the ammo cold be food. Lol that would be fun !
  22. Maybe a new HUD for these helmets ? Now that would be cool.
  23. This should be on the front page, so people din't miss it. I'm still wait someone to make it. Good idea !
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