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Everything posted by bfg10k17

  1. *Keeping alive the topic, and hopes to someone picks up the project* :whistling:
  2. This could use a molerat, but I don't know if thats possible.
  3. I know it, but thanks. I'm talking about a bigger project. Replacing the weapons sounds ( include DLC weaponry ) and more. This and some other mods could transform the FO3 to an insane asylum, where you could laugh your guts out, or your pants down. Nothing more, nothing less. Maybe a talking doll, who tells you in the game to kill yourself. lol
  4. I seen this video in the days and an idea popped in my head. So is there anyone out htere who could make a similar mod as this, but for Fallout3 ? Maybe a bit batter. The laser weapons should be a PION or a WUSSSS, or a WHUP The other weapons like BOOM, WROOOOOOOOOM ( ripper lol ) So ?
  5. It could be a fun weapon. I'm supporting the idea whit a large WOOOOT !
  6. Good Idea. I hate them really so when I'm whit a bad character I always shoot them on sight, but when I'm whit a good character I can't kill them, but its wery tempting. PFFF... Local, idiot, wasteland a.sshole,etc... Stuck up s.hitheads...
  7. Calm down. Modders are people too. They have free time, but not much. So just wait a little longer, maybe someone picks up your idea. Hey not only one of my ideas are died here in the forums, I'm not happy, but I kind of understand them. So don't be arrogant, modders hate pushy people.
  8. Why do you need this so badly ? You want to march in a building and kill all the colored people in that uniform ? Are you a nazi ?
  9. Good idea ! There are some mods with a little "Star Wars flavor" but non of them made huge changes in the game, for example there are some lightsaber mods, but you can't throw the lightsaber. There are some force themed mods, but those are no good. So yes, I would like to see too a total Star Wars conversation in the game, I will be the darkest sith-lord in the world, lol
  10. Maybe a little ant-farm with wery small ants and a little ant queen ? Just like an aquarium, maybe on some shelf in the player's home. Now that would be cool :D
  11. The idea is good, but the games phisics engine is sucks big time, so its impossible, sorry :(
  12. *keeping alive the topic* :happy: Anyways, alexscorpion replied to your message ?
  13. The schreen dont have to be solid colored. Do you remember the effect of the stealthboy/stealthsuit ? It could be used here too. But I can't do that sorry. Hey, why dont you ask alexscorpion to do this ? And kiloko666 : I really hope to someone will help you, cuz this is one of the best pip-boy mod idea in the whole nexus-site. Cheers ! ;D
  14. Why didin't you set them essential ? It will save the whole respawning stuff. Oh wait, there is a mod that does this. I don't know the name of it, but I'm sure you can find it. Cheers ! :D
  15. Search for Roberts male body on nexus. Pick the Biker. Cheers ! :D
  16. Yeah, that would be cool. I hope someone will make it :)
  17. Or the crossbow from HL2 ? Hehe, that would be cool :D
  18. I'm glad you made the request :) Its still not the time to sit back and wait, you have to keep alive this topic, so make some comments often. ( maybe every 2 days, and someone maybe notices this stuff ) :yes:
  19. I have a better idea. Why not enable the player to make him/her self those cryo nades/mines at the alien workbanches ? The cryo lab is a possible place for the scematics. So ?
  20. That annoying little brat ? Hell no ! It was enugh for once...
  21. Oh, this is a beauty ! And deadly too ! Good luck whit that ! :D
  22. Could you make a picture without those yellow and white lines ? I hardly can see the gun :wacko:
  23. Yes that Desert punk outfit is pretty good ! I just started to watch that anime and its funny as hell.
  24. Am, do you know that the link is bad ? I'm not a member of the Deviant art so I can't see the artwork. Do you mean a plug suit from NGE ? Pretty good idea :D
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