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Everything posted by RyanLP

  1. In response to post #8050753. Do it. Excellent story and definitely worth finishing. I came across a speedbumb in my playthrough too, but I was glad when I saw the game through.
  2. The problem is finally solved. First, I'd like to thank you Presna for taking the time to respond and help me with this issue. Second, to anyone reading this thread in the future because they are experiencing this problem, I suggest that you make sure your game is thoroughly uninstalled. It's a real bummer when you have to reinstall everything, but it makes for way more of a headache if you keep the same files that are causing the problem every time you reinstall.
  3. I removed Darnified UI's files from the menu folder, but the problem still persists. When I uninstalled before, I didn't realize that there were still files in the data folder and main directory added by mods. I completely deleted my Fallout 3 folder after uninstalling and will now attempt to reinstall once more.
  4. Hello Presna, and thank you for responding. I haven't modified the Fallout_default.ini at any point. If my memory serves me correctly, that's the ini I'm not supposed to touch right? To double check I went into notepad to view it's contents and check if bInvalidateOldeFiles was equal to 0 and found that it was. In the Fallout.ini in my documents it was still equal to 1, which causes me to crash. Upon setting it back to 0 (which is equivalent to the vanilla ini since I made no other changes) the game starts up normally. It's as if any change at all to the ini causes the entire game to stop working. On a side note I'd also like to add that my game is patched to the latest version and that if I leave the ini at vanilla settings the game still starts up with all the mods I'm using so I don't think I'm having any conflicts. I also play with all of the DLC content.
  5. I recently came across an issue where my game was crashing to desktop immediately upon startup. Frustrated, I tried to figure out which mod had caused the issue, so I began to remove mods one by one and test whether or not the game would work. Eventually I disabled all my mods only to find that the game was still crashing, even with no mods installed. Then I investigated my ini file and found that when I used the vanilla ini it would load fine, but when I made any changes to it the game would crash immediately on startup. I attempted to reinstall the game, but simply by and editing the Fonts section for Darnified UI the game began to crash. I decided that I could live without DarnifiedUI, but now every time I activate Archive Invalidation the game crashes. I've reinstalled several times and the problem persists. I've been modding Fallout for 3 years now and never had this issue. If anyone has any information on this or a solution, it would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  6. I purchased my new rig, assembled it, and now it's up and running. I'd just like to thank everyone who commented here because you were all a great help. Specs: Asus M5A99X Evo Phenom II x6 @3.2 GHz Radeon HD 6850 8GB RAM And a 650w power supply from corsair It came out to about $650, but it was well worth it. I can easily max out Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Oblivion with NMCs texture packs. Thanks everyone!
  7. You guys should really talk to Recycler1333 about that and check out http://www.moddb.com/mods/vault-tec-multiplayer-mod and vaultmp.com I'm sure he could really use the help and with enough support I bet the team they've got going would love to do it for skyrim!
  8. After watching Hobo With a Shotgun, I saw two of the most badass things I've ever seen. All I could think is how perfectly they would fit in in the Fallout world. They're called the plague, and here is a video for those of you who have not seen this film yet (video is graphic): Would anyone be willing to make an armor mod based on one (or both) of these characters? I'd love to help, but I have 0 knowledge as far as modding goes so I'm not sure how much I'd be worth.
  9. Rough life man, you've got my sympathies. I hope you didn't get seriously hurt or anything like that, I remember when my brother crashed his brand new car that my great grandmother gave to him after she passed away 5 minutes up the street after he picked it up so he had no car insurance. That was a real bummer. And building this PC is really gonna put my knowledge to the test. I'll probably learn a thing or two once I get it all together as well and fortunately I've got a friend who is real good at this stuff who I usually call whenever I can't figure something out on my own haha. You should have seen the first time I installed a video card... I spent an hour trying to get it in not understanding why it didn't fit and trying everything until I finally realized I needed to take out one of those metal slot protector things in the back.
  10. It definitely did and we have something in common then haha. I'm still in highschool, however I'll be attending programming and computer hardware classes next year. It's funny how much I've ended up learning by searching for computer parts. And on a side note, I really cannot wait for skyrim to see how much of the newer hardware it will end up using.
  11. I've decided to put a whole new rig together with some AMD parts :biggrin: good choice! Indeed, many thanks my friend! You've helped me learn much about computers.
  12. I've decided to put a whole new rig together with some AMD parts :biggrin:
  13. Sorry for the late response, hadn't slept in two days until about 6:30 last night ahah. Depending on its price I may get it as well, I'm definitely looking into it. So far here's what I've got put together for a new rig: Phenom II x6 1090T (May change depending on new AMD CPUs) - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849 AMD motherboard AM3+ - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128510 Case haha - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119233&Tpk=haf%20912 6850 Radeon HD - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814102908 8GB of RAM - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231311 Suggestions are much appreciated.
  14. Definitely, I just didn't realize how far behind LGA 775 has become. At this point I don't have much of a choice but to save up and buy a new rig. In this case, I'm trying to save as much money as I can so I suppose I will look into AMD. Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but this just looks too good to be true. Is this better than those other processors? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849
  15. In that case, you might as well just save all your money till you got around $500-$600 for the i5 2500k, a decent mobo around $120, and the GTX 560 Ti. If you just purchase the video card, it will be held back by the limitations of your other components, and that wouldn't benefit you at all. If you want to make a purchase RIGHT NOW, purchase the i5 and 1155 socket mobo. Buy graphics card later. But thats just my opinion. You know what? That's a very good point. Don't know why I didn't just think of that before. I think I'll do that then. Thanks for the advice man, and thank you everyone else for responding. I've actually come to understand CPUs a lot more from this and every minute of your time has been greatly appreciated.
  16. I would, but that's not exactly in my budget right now. I'd have to purchase a new motherboard, RAM, and CPU wouldn't I? My plan was to upgrade to a better 775 processor, then purchase a 560 GTX-Ti ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127578 ) so that I could continue playing on this system. Meanwhile I'd be saving up for 1155 mobo - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813157241 DDR3 RAM - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231311 i5 CPU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072
  17. I have an LGA 775 socket so that CPU is incompatible :confused: It would be perfect if I had an LGA 1155 mobo though. I appreciate the reply.
  18. Hello everyone and thank you for visiting my topic. Here are my specs: Intel Core 2 Duo 6320 @1.86 GHz Nvidia GTS 250 512 mb 4 GB RAM And here is the link to my motherboard: http://h10010.www1.hp.com/wwpc/us/en/sm/WF06b/12454-12454-296719-307907-296721-3211220-3211221-3457573.html I need to know what a good processor is for my motherboard that will last through some of the newer games coming out like Skyrim. As far as my budget goes: I'm willing to spend around $500 at the maximum if I have to, but I'm looking for more under $300 Any help would truly be appreciated as I've had trouble with CPUs in the past. On a side note, does anyone know why exactly this CPU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116385 - wouldn't work with my motherboard? Got it a few months ago and just wouldn't work. Computer turned on but black screen and monitor said that nothing was detected. Thanks in advance!
  19. False, I always read these. They're usually quite interesting too.
  20. It was incompatible, so I shipped it back. Thank you for replying though.
  21. Hello everyone, I appreciate you reading my thread. Recently I decided to upgrade my computer because new vegas was a bit laggy. My old specs were: GeForce 8800 GT 2GB RAM Intel Core 2 Duo @ 1.86 GHz That processor was the default and it's kinda lame, so I decided to upgrade to this here-> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116370 I also purchased a GTS 250 which works well so far. I installed my new graphics card first, it booted up fine and it I downloaded the newest drivers and all that. Then I put in my new cpu and heatsink, but as soon as I booted up my monitor wasn't getting any signal. I use DVI. So I rebooted and double checked everything a bunch of times, but it didn't appear to work still. The computer starts up and I hear everything running inside, but the computer won't detect it. I already flashed my BIOS, which is currently at 786D7 v02.07 so I'm not exactly sure what's going on. It's probably a small mistake that I'll smack myself off the head for, but any help would be appreciated guys. For now I'm using my old processor because it boots up fine with it installed.
  22. You don't have to remove it cause that's what it's supposed to do! :thumbsup: That .dll is making it recognize your card as 7900. Check out the link in my last post for more info on the d3d9 fix.
  23. That's sick. I was reading a lot of things like that online about it last night. That's a good point with the RAM too, I'll make sure to pick up some more once I've got the new processor and a gts 250 in. I'll hopefully order them both today. Thanks for the help guys.
  24. Just found a sweet 3.2 GHz CPU so I think I'm gonna get that for now and I'll work towards a new video card next. Thanks for the help :thumbsup:
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