New Vegas Realism Immersion Mod This started as a personal mod to change many of the small things in the game that bothered me. From the Courier's super human carrying capacity, to even the small details like weapon names and ammo used. This mod will be a series of plugins designed to alter specific parts of the game to be more realistic. A core realism mod addresses things such as fall distance, health, player perks, sickness and other factors that all realism mods target in general and will be interchangeable with your favorite realism tweaks for the most part as it alters a narrow set of things. The second part is the weapon alterations. This mod will lack compatibility with many other weapon mods unfortunately due to its nature. It will rename several weapons to their real life counterparts, and rename several to their classic Fallout names or the closest equivalent. It will add and fully integrate several calibers and ammunition types into the game, in all areas (Looting, Vendors, Enemies, Allies, Crafting). Energy weapons are being buffed heavily, and both them and their ammo will be far rarer and used by less NPCs. As I make and complete new weapon models, new weapons will be added. First up is a PPSH-41 with 35-round box mag and a 71-round Drum mag weapon mod. Others planned are a Rail Gun type weapon, various small arms and a few classic Fallout weapons. While models for several do exist already, all new weapons will be self-made by me and will take time. I need the practice anyways, and the less resources I use from other people, the less "issues" of ownership there is. Since this mod will alter Leveled lists and some cells extensively, it will not work with many other comprehensive weapon mods, therefore it is an entirely optional part. The third part is a Survival Overhaul. Most ingestibles that use a container of some kind will add that container to your inventory on use, and that container is part of the crafting recipe for the item (stimpak leaves a Empty Syringe, Pure Water leaves a Empty Water Bottle, etc). To make any sort of stew item, a Metal Cooking Pot is required, and for any grilled item a Metal Cooking Pan is required, there is no more magical cook it on thin air crafting at campfires. Purifying Dirty water also requires RadAway now and there are new recipes for Mass Purifying food items. Doctors Bags and WeaponRepairKits now weigh more due to the fact that they are composed of several items, the weights of each item needed to craft one has been reduced to reflect this change. The fourth part is a small expansion on the StealthBoys. Using one will put a Drained StealthBoy in your inventory. You can recharge it at a work bench with 3 Fission Batteries with 50 Skill Points in Science. With 80 Skill Points and the Vigilant Recycler perk it only requires 1 Fission Battery. This mod is compatible with Powered Power Armor as it does not change Fission Batteries at all. Pics of Finished and WIP elements of the mod. Still an alpha build at this point. [WIP]Silver Rush with High Value Lockup Various Crafting Recipes and things added Old pic of StealthBoy recharging before changes Weapon Changes WIP PPSH-41: Still working on the Hi-Poly, once that is final I move onto the low and texture work