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Everything posted by Deathlocked

  1. Oh right, and The illithid have more ore less the same kind of skinny Emacitated bodytype as Drauger (at least the non-thoon bodybuilder ones) so you could probably get a Drauger body and use it for the body type, textures and all, barring hands and feet which differ.
  2. I should probably try to save you some effort and tell you that the Underdark mod for TESIV Oblivion has a Pseudo Illithid race called "Mind Slayers" in it. Might be an idea just to port those heads over, add functionality to the tentacles, rework some fork of Vampire feeding scripts for a pseudo Brain-extraction to work alongside certain spells etc... http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/23153/? There are two other Underdark mods on the TESIV nexus also, so you might want to look at those, too.
  3. If I recall, Modular Oblivion Enhanced (M.O.E) did something similar to this, you might want to take a look at it for reference. Also, do you plan to have the occasional monster roaming around after dark? I have a crowded citites mod which makes it so that at night there's a chance of something like a thief, bandit or vampire to spawn at night to attack you, and the Dynamic Levelled Lists tool, which makes Enemies patrol a dungeon and it's multiple levels, makign it so that they may not always be in the same place where they spawn, which sometimes causes them to leave the Sewers they inhabit and cause trouble in the IC market district, so if something similar were to be in this mod, it would probably increase immersion further or the like.
  4. The only communities I can recall that have ever done this kind of thing Include: Second Life & The Sims 2 with all those numerous modding sites, some you had to pay to use. Speaks really highly of what's to come, doesn't it? And if you already note that Second life's userbase is almost identical to that of Steams you can only really assume the worst, it's like putting Mentos in Cola, Just imagine all the Ostracised Commision hungry nutjobs from IMVU takeover Furaffinity and the starved for playability/customability and quality that make up second life jumping in on this bandwagon. I have utter dread for the days to come.
  7. Looking at that image, It seems to be simple skin discolouration (basically the results on the skin tone sliders for said NPCs turned out differently under the body replacer/OCO2's changes You can fix the skin colour at least by opening up the mod in the CS and finding the NPC by name or ID (to get ID have a mod that lets you find such things via spell or simply press the console key, click on the NPC and write the number next to it's name) and find that number in the CS under Orcs. So yeah, entry level edit/temporary fix, if that armour is fitted to vanilla body, then there will be texture misplacement even after you tweak his skin colour, but asides from that it should be playable. Now that you mention It, Umbra the Blood drinker and this mod could do with OOO compatiblity pathes as they replace Umbra, and It's model, and people may want one of the many repalcers for the sword available here, that'd be something I'd look into. InsanitySorrow Allomerus OOO/Real Umbra version patches. Hm.
  8. Look up Waalx Animals and creatures, FCOM, BT'smorenemeis and this one Creature mod that has a large ammount of rips on Loverslab. There's a mod for snails here on the nexus that never got finished either.
  9. (1) Patch request for [Mysterious Bears Epic Necromancy , 1.3]: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40964/? (2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]: N/A (3) Describe the general issues you experienced here: Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them. It's been a long time ago since I've used this mod, But I ran into an issue with this mod and what it does to necromancer clothing and attire in that you get made a part of the necromancer faction if you put it on, which messed with Mods such as The Cyrodill upgrade overhauls's The Necromancer, and Mannimarco Resurrection to boot. But if you look at the comments section, the mod has been reported for numerous bugs and issues pertaining to land tears, landscape sinkholes, and other issues. The mod effectively needs to be sweeped up and polished for compatibltiy with the Mods The Necromancer, Mannimarco Resurrection, and possibly Necromancy Revive and Subdue NPCs, and The Dark Arts Initiative - Necromancy and Summoning if they too share incompatibilities in any shape or form, but stick to the ones mentioned in the Comments section of the mod for now. (3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post] If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them: See the User comments on the mod's page, they are numerous, detailed and the mod author has helped address a few even though he/she is no longer active with solutions and starting help. (3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them: Most likely breaks Quests in Mannimarco resurrection due to the necrofaction application on armour. (3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up: name the items in question: For rescuing Random I received a full armour set (helmet, chest, gauntlets, boots and shield) called "Random's Really Powerful Armor" but it's stats are even weaker than leather gear and as heavy as Daedric armour (4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/42632/? Above is apparantly a 1.4 Patch, dor some minor conent, but the contents are left very vague, needs to be looked into and implemented as part of the patch if content is indeed fixes as they are intend. Persoanlly, If It were in my power, I'd see Epic Necromancy, Dan's Necromancy, Necromancy, Revive and subdue NPCs, The Dark arts initive The Necromancer and Mannimarco Resurrection merged into a single compatible functional mod, but it's out of my power, so, I'll stick to asking for Epic Necromancy to be made non CTD happy.
  10. There's some foreshadowing to the plot of ESO. Ever notice how Order of the Black Worm dungeons have statues to Molag Bal in them? The most prominent one in Raylen the gravefinder's cave. Also, I'm not sure about this one, as I might have misread it, but on the PS3 W KOTN release of TESIV which I played before I got the PC version, I'm sure if you sit out in daylight enough as a vampire (And I reallydo mean AGES) realtime ingame, keeping yourself alive with master alchemy restroe health potions you'll get a message which says something that your total sunlight damage will always be reduced by 25% or by some degree. I'm not sure if I mis-read a message and looked at my Vampirism stage and thought it was wrong, or if it was something in that copy I had, for the PS3 alone, or it was in the game and no one found it because of how much I actually went out in the sunlight for. Anyhow, It'd be best to see if you can replicate it, by fidning out whatever official patch version of oblvion was the PS3 KOTN version (I know it was one without the zombie hair beign fixed) become a vampire, and simply play with master alchemy, keeping yourself alive no matter what surign the day. It said something about your days or something basking in the sun. You may try to wait during the day, but I don't think that triggers it. But if someone could do a playthrough and keep playing for ages on end to confirm this, that'd be great. I may have just gotten a vampire dream messae box during daytime you see, but that isn't the only odd thing because I once had an experience with the PS3 with KOTN version where I died when I got the necromancer cuts into you message box ingame after waitign during the day. could someone look into this for me?
  11. Basically, when you've escorted martin to the Temple of the one and he becomes the Avatar of Akatosh, and blasts Dagon and the Vanilla Dagon monster is banished to Oblvion a smaller sized Dagon roughly about Hill giant height, rigged to a Xivalli skeleton: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40418/ spawns in his place. Wielding the Axe from this mod here: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18532/? You get to fight a levelled Mehrunes Dagon. from levels 35,45,50 who has all the vanilla Daedra summon spells and additionally summons a ghost version of Mankar Camoran at 75% of his health, and Jagar Tharn, at 50% of his health. Dagon does not move too fast, but makes up for it with powerful health carving attacks, has a immunity to Normal weapons, a (25) (50) shield in his level 45 mode and (75) shield in his level 50 mode and fire does not affect him He also has a spell reflect of (45) for level 35, (60) for 45 and 77 for level 50 and A spell absorption of 65 for all levels Tharn uses the staff from this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/27901/? which applies a burden on the player, and drain attribute spells which hinder the players movement and battle efficiency so Dagon can close in for a blow or two as he is made to move slowly, and he often uses illusion school magic and fire destruction spells. Tharn cannot be killed by normal means unlike the summoned Camoran, either Dagon dies, unsummoning him, or the player breaks the staff he uses in combat, which kills him. Tharn wears A very large black cloak from this mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/4539/? Tharn has a high Shield Enchantment rendering him almost Impervious to physical attacks. (95) sheild For sake of compatibility, Tharn just has the vanilla vampire eyes, he isn't a vampire though, and it's not like you'll be able to see it if he has the ghost shader on. Tharn can just wear black robes or a quick retexture of the ingame white mage robes made black, some of those already exist, it's up to you if you choose an existing resource or quickly make one which is basic. Mankar Camoran retains his regular battle A.I and assets. Both of these summons are levelled according to whether you fight a LVL 35,45, or 50 Mehrunes Dagon. Additionally, usage of the Mehrunes Razor in this fight will make the fight easier as if he is struck by this weapon he will receive a loss of strength, willpower, and lose his immunity to normal weapons by a certain percentage, in addition to fatigue loss and the inability to perform Master level Conjuration spells so he can't summon all the varieties of daedra in the vanilla game to his side, in addition to his shield effect going down by (20), and his spell absorption by (35) and spell reflect by (25) for at least 40 seconds after striking him. But, you know, gotta have the razor to pull that off. After "killing" Dagon, his body will set on fire in ragdoll mode, and Ocato, who has been delayed from speaking to you will speak to you. Mid sentence, he will be cut-off. The Dagon skeleton from This mod shows up after the Dagon corpse has despawned and fights you, the Skeleton form is 10 levels below his first form, so it's 25,35,45 Skeleton variants. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/19935/? This form has no summoning spells, but instead, 3 fire spells, High damage target with a large magnitude,one with medium damage medium magnitude, and long durationnot much damage but long duration, and no magnitudethe last 1 weakness to fire spell and the axe has a levelled fire enchantment on it.To help you out, the surviving combatants in the IC will come to your Aid in this fight, Ocato included. He will no longer wield the Axe he did in the Previous form, but will wield an Enchanted version of it that does fire damage, and Absorb speed and strength effect. The Skeleton Dagon has more health than the prior Dagon did, but is slower because of the prior two Smack-downs he's received from you and Martin, (RIP) and also does less damage when he attacks physically, but the buffed health is what makes him hard to take down, he is also no longer immune to fire or normal weapons (is now a resistance to normal weapons not full immunity) (35) and his spell reflect and spell absorption are (25) each. The Mehrunes Razor will not weaken him in this state, (His flesh is back on Oblivion presumably) but it will do 25% more damage than usual. After defeat, his remains will fade away using the effects that played when he was banished by Akatosh in the vanilla game, or some other effect available to you in vanilla. Ocato will resume his dialogue with you after and the game reaches it's conclusion. As for starting out, one should essentially fix up the Dagon model presented above, so it can be used, and get the Skeleton model from Celestiel and simply work on making the transition of one boss to the next as proof of concept before you sprinkle the vanilla visual effects on it. So it's scripting the special Mehrunes Razor effects,Summon Jagar Tharn and Mankar Camoran spells used when Dagon reaches 75% then 50% of his healthSummoned Jargar Tharns unsummoning (death) on destruction of his staffMaking the levelled variants of each instance added to the mod (3 2-armed regular dagons, 3 tharns (Mankar Camoran should already have levelled variants in vanilla, clone those and apply a ghost shader if not, make them) 3 Skele-dagons2 Axes (one for the 3 skeledagons and the other for the 3 Regular Dagons)Making Ocato cease dialogue to transition to the skeledagon phaseHaving the outside fighters in the temple of the one district come to the PC's Aid during the skeledagon fightApplying the vanilla visual effects to make the transitions between each fight more seamlessOcato resuming where he left offApplying the visual effects and transitions for each fight Other stuff to think about: Better music system patch? Boss music?Possible merge with what guilds you've beaten? guild members showing up to assist, in skeledagon phase, it'd be a nice touch, possible extension to other guild based modsMagic Mods that add summonable creatures being added to Dagons 1st battle phase, more stuff to summonOblivion XP (Should already be compatible, but would be better if the XP reward was specified)Dagon Daedric Artifact compatibility like the daedric crescent doing the same weakness debuff from a mod that adds itTharn using his staff to chuck you to a random realm of Oblivion to fight your way out of back to the fightShould be possible, Wouldn't really have to worry about the fighting A.I for Mankor Camoran, that's already set, Tharn can use whatever A.I makes use of Illusion and destruction the most, and Dagon would just be a xivalli with a few A.I extras added on. The usage of summon spells is reliant on whatever summon uncap mod people are using, I use conjuration summon caps for example, and Fizzle, so he'd be summoning up to 6 daedra at a time which chance of failure in a hypothetical use. The bulk of work is namely just making a bunch of NPCs using the mods I've provided for the levelled variants and the stuff for the effects and mechanics of the fight.
  12. I think you need to sit down and take the time to learn what the Hist are son.
  13. (1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]: Weapon Improvement Project.esp Much Ado any mod that relies to the weapon meshes and Textures this mod replaces. But to get to the point, it was Artifacts, Armentarium, and Immersive weapons in question (but the fix in question would serve all needs) (2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]: N/A, already checked to see if it was an archive invalidation error, it wasn't (3) Describe the general issues you experienced here: Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them. Weapon improvement Project relaces Meshes and texture fo vanilla weapons which is great, but some mods rely on those meshes and textures, and subsequently using those mods gets you a nice Textureless .nif file with some other texture wrapped around it to compensate during gameplay. There needs to be a way for these mods to get to the files they need whilst Weapon Improvement project is active, I think, without it resulting in 16+ Extra .esp files or the like. (3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post] If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them: N/A (3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them: N/A (3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them: N/A (4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories: N/A (Did We already do this one?)
  14. Ah, apologies, but to correct you on the Werewolves thing, that's wrong, because those mods do completely different things. M.O.E Lycanthrophy and LichCraftAdds the ability to become one of 3 types of Lich, and Adds roaming werewolves to the game, and as you might have guessed, the Liches are essentially the attraction point here. The werewovles in question wear the armours of such creatures, but have their own Lycan Disease (because this predates Curse of Hircine you see) which turns you into the same type of werewol on par with early releases of the curse of Hircine mod (Equipped Werewolf armour, abilities, and basic bloodlust system, nothing like howlign at the moon or eating corpses) so effectively, A compatibility patch would be made to switch out this mods Lycan system with COH's, (The wanderer's infect you with COH's lycanism and not M.O.E's) additionaly so because the Wanderer's it adds are more frequent across cyrodill than the ones in COH. Also, on the subject, there were many reports of the Lichdom not working, though I havn't become one myself, that needs to be looked into (once again, sorry for vagueness) I think there were crahses on transformation. Martigen's Monster ModDoes not feature Lycantrophy as a disease or system but adds them as creatures, and they do not infect, i forgot if they were NPC based, I think they are. I think this IS solved though in a patch offered by COH or MMM itself Lost Paladins of the DivinesWerewolf Creatures bound to Xivalli animations, Does not infect, apply COH's lycanism to solve Werewolf - Legends of the NorthSame as the above. So effectively there's a divide here, but to explain it, using all the above at once equates to A playthrough where the legitiamately functional Lycanism is harder to contract than the weaker one, in which factions are not shared so cases of them meeting result in incomprehensible fights, two of which are basically made the same way, (MMM and M.O.E' lycans being NPC wearing non lootable armour with special stats) one of these two doesn't infect and the other does with a non functional version of the systemTwo instances of lycans that do no infect with anything whatsoverThe first two are gameplay mods and the last two are effectively quest mods. But to cut things short, they need to be made all subject to the COH lycanism disease capable of infecting with it, and need to all hold the same factions and associations so they don't off one another, and M.O.E's Lichdom needs to be tested for bugs and crashfixes, and they all need to be enemies with vampires. Time to use the template, hope I'lm doing it right. (1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]: Slof's Robe trader ver ??? (latest version) Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body ver 1.1 (2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]: Not currently using because of the issue at hand (3) Describe the general issues you experienced here: Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them. Slof's Robe trader replaces textures for Default Oblivion robes for the Rober Male body, and Robert Female, Slof does not support Exnem, HGEC or HGEC with BBB Slofs Oblivion Robe Trader For Exnems Body fixes some of this, and for an EARLIER version of the robe trader mod, by having the meshes for Exnems applied via a modified Slofs robe trader .esp file with the according resources included. Because Slofs Robe trader is at a later version, featuring Newer content, the Slofs robe trader for Exnems mod takes away whatever was added the the current release because it was made on an older version and not updated. So to solve this, you get the Latest Slofs Robe trader, the resources from the Exnems mod, and then add the file paths via the CS to the Exnem meshes of Slofs Robes so the mod uses exnem meshes instead of roberts female meshes for the robes SRT replaces thus, making the resources of Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body compatible with the latest version of Slofs Robe trader Later work would include (Hopefully wishing on a star) actually making a proper HGEC compatibility patch with Slofs Oblivion Robe trader instead of the few added by Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body. (3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post] If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them: (3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them: (3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them: (4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories: (1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]: Mage equipment 2_1 Latest version of Slofs Oblivion robe trader (preferably the one that's been made compatible with HGEC as a result of the above mod being completed) (2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]: Not using currently due to issue at hand (3) Describe the general issues you experienced here: Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them. Mage equipment 2_1 Replaces mage armours, clothing, robes of Oblivion with it's own variants in addition to a few weapons. These variants have their own pre-set enchantments on them similar to how Skyrim handled robes and clothing. Slofs Oblivion Robe trader also does this to mage related robes, (doesn't have pre-enchanted items though) When both are used togther, one overwrittes the other and destroys the unique diversity each mod had to offer, such as the regular necromancer robes in Mage_equipment being the Adept necromancer robes in Slofs Oblivion robe trader (they use the same model) so you'd have a game where for some reason regular necromancers worse robes with skull shoulders that had enchantments on them, yet the adept ones had said robes but unenchanted for some reason. Now, there was a mod that solved clashes like this by making sure both armours and robes from both mods featured in the game and were to be present on the NPC's that wuld equip them, but this was made for mages equipment 2_1 and an OLDER version of Slof Oblivion Robe trader. It's no longer on the nexus, as my searches have not yielded the results but what the fix did was esnure examples like the above didn't happen as to not mess up any power hierachy or such, so you could have both Slofs Oblvion robe trader content and Mage Equipment 2_1 content without conflict, as new additions to the game equally distributed across the world The only additional thing I would bring up about this compatiblity patch, is that it adds in Robes for mannimarco, and robes for Imperial battlemages, and other NPCS which, wouldn't work with Mods like Mannimarco Revisited on, or mods that changes what said NPCs wear, hence why featuring both equally distributed across the game, with only one acting as a replacer if need be and the other a variant and addition would solve compatibility issues. That's what I recall thatr the mod did if I remember correctly. (3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post] If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them: (3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them: (3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them: (4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories: (1) Patch request for [Mod name, filename, version]: All Capes Cloaks Clothes Gloves and Robes ACCCGR.esp ACCCGR - SI.esp CoreRandmonClothing4Npcs by CorepcMMP Tail-Slot Equipment Helper by ebizoe (2) Your load order of the mods you are requesting a patch for [Do NOT post your entire load order here, only the load order of the to-be-patched files matters]: (3) Describe the general issues you experienced here: Please always be clear and precise, this saves us a lot of time searching the problems, which we instead can use fixing them. CoreRandmonClothing4Npcs by CorepcMMP This adds the LLONpcClothing(Lower,Middle,Upper) leveledlist to over 790 Vanilla Npc in game. Tail-Slot Equipment Helper by ebizoe Makes Npcs equip tail slot items Adding the content added by ACCCGR, to the LLONpcClothing levelled list with the following mods on would make it so that NPCS change their clothes to more vibrant options offered by mods, with capes included. Also, other large clothings mods adding to this levelled list could have compatibility patches made to feature this also, I think. (3a) If it's a cosmetic landscape problem, describe it (e.g.: Objects stuck into each other, NPCs are falling from the sky, cell borders are ripped,...) and, if possible, provide a screen-shot [use a clear (open console and use the "fw 38eee" command, turn of ENB or heavy OBGE effects) screen-shot captured during daytime, use spoilers or a link to post] If you know how to find cell grid info or form-ID-numbers, please provide them: (3b) If it's a quest that broke, please provide the quest's name, involved NPCs and the last journal entry you received. If you know how to find quest IDs and stages please provide them: (3c) If it's armour/weapon stats that are messed up, name the items in question. If you know how to find item IDs please provide them: (4) Additional annotations which won't fit in one of the afore mentioned categories: Hope this helps
  15. Get New Argonian Facial Textures from Nexus (Look these words up exactly) Extract the contents of this folder Take the headargonian and head headargonian_n.dds f(N means normal map, and these things ensure the game doesn't look like it's flat as minecraft) Make the following Filepath Data/Textures/Characters/Nuska/Argonian Place the two files in the end file of this filepath Archive the file as whatever Open up your mod manager, turn this new archive into a OMOD or OMOD2 Activate, overwrite all Play game GaspAs an added bonus, install this and make sure to use a bashed patch http://www.mediafire.com/download/q3mpjbo5nnb9t0a/Vanilla+Hair%2B+Mod.7z Results will look like this (Brace for nudity impact): https://i.imgur.com/v9CFvtG.jpg https://i.imgur.com/gj0euW9.jpg
  16. Request Compatibility patch with OCO+OCO2 & Slofs Oblivion better beasts From and older post of mine: Question: This mod seems to conflict with Slofs Oblivion better beasts in regards to the the teeth they use. Any ideas on how to fix this? Also, how would one get Fearabbits bearded NPCs to use your head meshes? They use the age maps and normal maps but not the textures you've given, and I'd really like them to. Edit: AHAHA! Fixed it, got to the CS kit, Open up Slofs Oblivion Better beasts, go to the upper bars where 'character' is, click on 'race' and on the window go to Khajiit, and then the 'face data' tab, and see the 'Teeth upper' option? Click on the first box to it, go to your meshes/characters/khajiit/ folder and pick any .nif files you might have that are khajiit teeth upper, and that should solve the problem, and save the .esp. I think. So yeah, just change the teeth mesh directory Slofs Oblvion better beasts to a .nif that isn't Slofs that you may have, and I think this solves the issue, at least until someone repositions Slof's Khajiit teeth .nif so it fits to the OCO2 head mesh as a patch. Edit: Actually wait, seems that only fixes it in the CS, possibly something else has come into play thanks to bashed patch, possibly a Tag. Gah. Try deleting the better beasts teeth .nif though after you've made this change. Gonna see what I can do for Fearabbits stuff though. Edit: Ah, fixed it, I forgot to make sure to also select the other file for the teeth one to the right of the box However, it seems the Khajiit teeth only show the upper teeth, and the whiskers if done this way. Unless someone releases a repositioning of Slof's teeth to fit Nuska's Khajiit heads for Oblivion Better beasts, this is the best way you can get both mods to work I'm afraid. So just to recap: Open up the CS, Preferably through wrye to use it in OBSE mode Go to character and races then to Khajiit Go to face data and change the filepath for Khajiit upper teeth from the .nif slofs olbvion better beasts uses to another one probably added by roberts male or female body mods resting in you characters/khajiit file Save, then re do your load order, with loot, bash your patch and play. No more floating teeth issues. So yeah, that needs solving. Also, there needs to be a compatibility patch for fearabbits Bearded NPCs and OCO so the mod uses his head meshes instead of the default vanilla ones which causes odd results, namely a vanilla meshed head using the normalmaps and facial data of OCO2, but bot sharing the textures of OCO2 and clipping issues with beard placement, namely the breton if I recall. GOSH - or Gecko's Oblivion Sound overhaul needs a compatibility patch with pretty much everything under the Sounds of cyrodill suggestions to use with section, or at least needs a litte version that isn't entirely .ESP reliant, I've used the mod, and it's sounds are great, but it conflicts with just about everything else. Additionally, I'd like to adress a very prevelant issue that everyone has come to experience with enough mods for TESIV oblivion, and that is every mod from here to the that last page on this site having the obsessive compulsion to add godforsaken Tavern banter and music to Tavern spaces in the game. There needs to be a tavern patch or something to ensure only certain tavern SFX from certain mods will play in unison at a time or a way to ensure only one plays at a time, because it is unbearable to enter taverns when you have sounds of cyrodill, Oblivion stero overhaul, atmospheric Oblivion, and the better music system on, and other mods which have Tavern music of their own in some cases, or overhauls, like FCOM and CUO. I think CUO has it's own too So effectively, when i enter a tavern I get blasted with the collective noise of Neverwinter nights SFX, and other SFX i don't recognise. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/44087/? According to mikeboydus 9 kudos 279 posts I found a conflict with unique landscapes with a mine from this mod just north of Cheydinhal So that needs looking into, as I really did like the look of this mod. Additionally, I've noticed the following A.I and NPC dialouge mods when working in unison have Odd effects on one another, and these need looking into These include NPC's Yield (the revised version) Highywayman - Rob anybody Give a Gift Oblivifall - Let us talk Lore Dialogue 300 Updated Give a Gift Persuasion overhall The behavioural abnormalities seem to stem from the surrender mechanics possibly conflicting with persuasion overhaul, NPC's Yield and Highwayman, rob anybody, but I'm not leaving the other's out of question, regardless, it needs looking into but do the one's I've mentioned first. Another thing that needs to be looked into is Werewolf Compatibility patches, I made thread for this earlier but it never picked up, and I'd like to see it addressed. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2107654-curse-of-hircine-compatibility-patches-compilation/ The mod Weapon Improvement project, though great, and a solution to the age old Silver sword texture issues, causes any mods that rely on vanilla textures to do the same kind of thing that happens when you retexture the game and don't use Archive invalidation, (other textures showign up on the model etc....) and as such, this needs to be fixes for work with overhaul mods or mods that add weapon galleries, like Armentarium, and Immersive weapons and other such mods. Auto Update Leveled Items And Spells Needs patches for popular mods, because it working the way it does for vanilla alone is a waste of potential outright. Personality Idles - Modified version - NPCs and companions - & Kaizits new animations for NPC and player need a compatiblity patch to stop animations that don't flow well into one another from overwrriting each other when they are used from both mods. (just install both and you'll find out what I mean.) The animation mods Backstab Piercing Sneak Attack Skydive Jump Staff animation Defying gravity Need a BBB Patch, (Up to you how expressive it is, but I'd asumed the sneak attacks would be medium or high key BB, the sky dive jump low key, and defyign gravity medium or high key, depending on the sudden motions made by spell casting or something) And this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/18442/? Just needs plain cleaning up, It looks great, but mother of god is it dirty, and I really wanted to have cattle like ghould in Vampire the Masquerade. Hemmingways NPC Capes, Jaysus Capes and All Capes Cloaks Clothes Gloves and Robes Need to be made compatible amonst one another in that they can be purchased and each NPC has a chance of having one via the games levelled lists, with some capes being toggleable for unique NPCs for the sake of compatibility. The Tail slot equipment help and Corerandomclothing4NPCs would greatly compliment this, and make the game world even more immersive in theory, a grand cape mod. Another thing that needs addressing is the clothing featured in WAC, Slofs Oblivion Robe trader, Mage Equipment 21, Slofs Robe Trader For Exnems Body by Ratchild Needs to be made compatible again. Rather than leave that statement vague, I'll explain it. WAC replaces the vanilla clothing, There needs to be a patch where instead, the replacers are made separate from the Vanilla Clothing.Slof's Oblvion Robe trader had an Exnem's patch, but the orignal mod now exceeds the version this patch was made for, and this needs fixing.Mages equipment replaces vanilla clothing with it's own, and gives new clothing to unique NPCs, and the mage clothing in question that replaced the old stuff had their own preset enchantments, similar to that of skyrim mage clothing having their own.A while back (it's possibly been removed) there was a mod that also made Slofs robe trader compatible with mage Equipment, making it so that Robe trader varaints and mage Equipment clothes showed up against one another, featuring unenchanted mage equipment clothes, in addition to the already enchanted ones from vanilla and Slofs robe trader clothing in addition to version of Slofs clothing varaints also featuring the enchantments of mage equipment clothing, with differences being stats and armour typeSo yeah, making WAC replacers non replacer for better compatiblity, updating Slofs rober trader for Exnem's, and getting Mage equipment to work with Slofs Rober trader again without all the bugs. Well, that's all the things I can think of, take a pick I guess, any help is appreciated no matter what, it's your contributions that matter to making TESIV more stable to play and all.
  17. http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/3341/? Can you do to the EVE HGEC E-cup Elven armour pauldrons what this mod does to the stock ones and make it also BBB compatible? I'd doubt you'd do a male one, but it'd at least make my Setup closer to the deceny of Skyrim armours with bob's armoury texture on, among other things.
  18. Can anyone make a mod that adds in more Khajiit hairs? Generally things like large manes are large scale hairs that match up with their facial texture better, so less unkempt cats and more maybye upperclass.
  19. What is the cup size of vanilla Oblivion NPC's?
  20. Alright, from what I understand the following mods add werewolves to Oblivion: M.O.E Lycanthrophy and LichCraftMartigen's Monster ModLost Paladins of the DivinesWerewolf - Legends of the North If I recall, MMM has a compatibility patch for Curse of Hircine's Lycanism in which MMM's added werewolves could make you contract the curse of Hircine werewolf disease. Seeing as Curse of Hircine is clearly the best Lycanism mod available to the community at large and M.O.E Lycanism is heavily outdated, why isn't there a compatibility patch to make it so that the Werewolves in M.O.E use COH's Lycanism disease as to clean up the mod to make way for a much needed update, and doing the same to the last two mods? Seems like logical discourse to me. So yeah, basically fixes accidentally contracting two Lycan diseases from two different mods at the same time, seeing as M.O.E also has the benefit of Lichdom to boot.
  21. That's generally the idea. Liches are supposed to be incredibly overpowered members of the undead, and if you couple a feature such as this with say, a few monster mods of choice, Dynamic Leveled List's And MMM's Undead Rise, and Let there be darkness and darker dungeon mods, Undead dungeons would actually be somewhat scary say the least. And generally speaking, compared in a broader sense to a Demi-Lich a Lich with a phylectary is tame by comparison. Actually, a Demi Lich Monster Mod would be great, all someone would need are stock gems and Skull meshes to make the .NIF for one to be added.
  22. Basically, can someone make a mod that makes it so that any random item in a dungeon in loot that has Lich in it or Liches can have a sort of Phylactery Script attached to it corresponding to a pre-recorded record that records how many Liches are in said dungeon that makes it so that until said item/s with a phylactery script is destroyed A Lich Cannot die, and is merely Ko'ed or dies and Resurrects Undead Rise Style. This way, not only are Liches more hard to fight ingame, but it means that some item loot in a Dungeon might have to be destroyed if you wish to clear it. In further updates, skills could link in with this to help you identify items with the Phylactery script so you can dispatch of the,
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