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    Fallout New Vegas
  1. I hope that there is someone who can help us then. Paid $175 for my 360 slim and I do not want to get rid of it. Took too long find it.
  2. Hello, I am having an issue with my Xbox 360 slim. I am not being given the option to format a usb for storage. It is a 16 GB usb that I have used multiple times with no issues. Weird because the console will show it is formatted, which it is not. I tried it again with an 8 GB usb that I have used before and it shows the exact same. I borrowed a friends usb with the same results. He has never formatted it for the console and it showed the same as the first. No matter what I do, It shows it is formatted for the Xbox 360 when it is not. Looking for help through other websites has turned up fruitless. I would very much appreciate the help.
  3. Hello, I am in need of some help with tuning. I just bought the Corvette ZR1 and I am trying to figure out how to tune it to where it can handle well, reach 210 MPH and does not try to fish tail when braking into the corners. As of right now, the ZR1 is factory stock and tune setup is default. The only difficulty settings i changed is the difficulty is normal and braking is on ABS. I have other cars I need help with but i want to do the ZR1 for now. Is there anyone that can help?
  4. You know what, Never Freaking mind. The only ones actually listening are Rennn and Jim_uk. I try and say something that is complete opinion and positive... and suddenly attacked by negative nay-sayers with the exception of Rennn and Jim_uk. Done.
  5. That is funny. I am trying to give the Xbox One a foot hold to what is only the beginning. The PS4 Is nice but the Xbox One is as well. Until some appealing games come out for the Xbox One and PS4, I'll keep my Xbox 360 Slim and the PS3.
  6. Very true Fistandilius. The NCR aren't perfect but they are the most trustworthy, stand by their word and do a lot of good. The Legion must have a freaking picnic crucifying people to telephone poles on the side of the road. The deeds they have done is something I wish Never to know.
  7. I am surprised I found someone who did not like Bioshock Infinite. I see it as well put together and intriguing. Well, to each their opinion. I am glad to have helped in the understanding of this topic.
  8. Rennn:Thank you for being the most understanding here. Hoofhearted4: There are many theories on why Microsoft dropped the DRMs and for a Fact they wouldn't try to put it back in after what happened at E3. The Kinect itself is questionable. Jim_uk: I can understand the exclusives problem you are stating, though it is not going to be the only thing to save it. I appreciate the corrections you 3 have input. Side Note: In the P.S., I was talking about the math I was using for the price if they removed the things mentioned. On the Blu-ray part; The game and console replacements would be a problem. In terms of movies, I know many of my trusted friends who would prefer the HD DVD format over Blu-ray format. I do not do social networks and believe those sites to be useless. Again opinions differ here. I would like to point out that both the Xbox One and the PS4 have the EXACT same parts with the exception of the updated brand graphics card in the PS4. (I don't care for graphics so long as the game is good.) Thanks again for the input.
  9. I cannot believe you all are going to judge the Xbox One just on the Presentation at E3. Yes, they did horribly with explaining it at E3 but I am not going to judge on just that! I plan on getting the Xbox One in the future... When they come out with some games that I like on the console. (None of the games at E3 impressed me, Guess I have picky tastes?) I know they already dropped the DRMs on the console so that is good. The price is up there because of the Blu-Ray player. If I remember right, Sony holds rights to the Blu-Ray patents so that complicates things. Things I think Microsoft should also drop: 1. The Blu-Ray player for an HD DVD player 2. The Kinect 3. TV Support 4. Social Network Support Imagine the price cut on the Xbox One if they decide to do as mentioned. The price would be... Minus $75 from the Kinect, minus a possible $100 for the TV support, cannot find the price of what it would cost for social network support, minus the average price for the Blu-Ray player which could be $80 and subtract from the price tag that is $500 and the result could be...250 to 300 or so US Dollars as an estimate. That would put Microsoft in good hands. Please know this is what I think. I know that both companies have their faults and I have never sworn to be loyal to them either. Yes the new guy in charge could mean trouble for the console but we need to think positively and see what happens. Until then, I will stay with the Xbox 360 and PS3 thank you. P.S.: If you can help me with the estimate that would be greatly appreciated. Anyone is welcome to try and make it more accurate.
  10. MisterKevinSmart, At what stage are you at in the quest when the NCR randomly begin to attack?
  11. I believe I can help you. I know of a bug that plagues that quest but I have never run into that problem myself. Here is what you should do: 1. Go to the New Vegas Nexus. 2. Go to search and type in "For the Republic Part 2." 3. Choose the mod called "For the Republic part 2 quest bug fix." Please make sure to read the description for the mod and see if that will work. That is all I know. If the mod doesn't work or if you play on console, Try reinstalling/restarting New Vegas. If those don't work either, then you will need to contact for help from Bethesda and Obsidian as the game may be broken. I know for a fact that it is rare for someone to find a broken Fallout New Vegas game. Hope this helps.
  12. I play Fallout New Vegas. I choose to play with companions a lot. It will be just Cass, Rex and myself. I am thinking of getting an unlimited companions mod so I could add Raul, Veronica and Lily.
  13. Don't make me laugh. :laugh: Bethesda would NEVER take a chance on the Wii U.
  14. My worst game ever? The Dukes of Hazzard: Return of the General Lee for the PS2. A game I got exited for till I got to playing it. The cars were unstable, The town was smaller than it should have been and the missions were... Lacking. I regret playing that game.
  15. The Doom of Nintendo is happening. This doesn't affect me so I'm good. Like I said, Nintendo is doing it to themselves.
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