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About noahwig

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  1. ...I was afraid someone would post that:P Back on point, I like the Nordic-Scandinavian Troll ideas. TES5 trolls are wimpy, despite the fearsome in-game description. They looks too evil, trolls are not some random scary creatures sent from hell. They are mysterious.
  2. Yeah, but its not strange that you made this. They looks like a joke.
  3. I totally agree with you! And John Bauer trolls would have been very interesting to see in this game! I understand you who says that oblivion has its own fantasy and it does but, they really looks like retarded monkeys with three eyes almost directly taken from the real world gorillas and they call those ''trolls'' I think they have done a great job on the giants, but it should have been really nice if somebody modded in these trolls as well. They don't have to be as tall and big as giant's. Here is some more pics from John Bauer and The Swedish roleplaygame Trudvang trolls:
  4. c1g3 Yeah, but i have a mod for that. Exactly :)
  5. Aah, nice! Seems like a perfect mod actually, haha thanks! :)
  6. 1. (Encumbrance) Your character should only be able to carry the weight of two weapons, one armor set and have some room left over for misc, food and things like that. 2. (Weight) A sword should not be heavier than a cauldron for example. In real, sword = 1,5kg's, a cauldron maybe 7kg's. Haha.. 3. (Health) Your character and everyone else should have a realistic health system. That means you should not be able to clear a fort just by yourself. There should be a match to fight a bandit for example (who in this game is worthless). Your character and everyone else should die if you/ they gets pierced by a sword or an arrow, not matter if there is a big difference between their skills. You should not be able eating to gain health. You should be able bleeding to death if you don't use some kind of bandage. 4. (Hunger) You should be forced to drink and eat. If not, your stamina and skills will decrease and last your health will slowly decrease and you will die. 5. (Sleep) As for hunger you should be forced to sleep. If not, your stamina and skills will decrease and last your health will slowly decrease and you will die. 6. (Animals) Less animals, if you play as a hunter you should not be able carry home like five elks after one day of hunting. Wolfs should not attack you just like that. 7. (Prices) For example, fur should be much more expensive. Maybe your character is a hunter, a hunter should be at least as good payed as an woodcutter by the time she/ he is working. 8. (Items) There should be no information when looking at an item, making it much more realistic when you have to think out by yourself if it is worth taking.
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