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Status Updates posted by Aurasoma

  1. So I'm back, Kind of. For those who wondered I was doubly hit when both my laptop and Gaming rig died in November 2017. I've replaced the laptop with a Levovo laptop that is good for basic gaming and the bills, Still saving for the new desk top. Thats a good 8 to 10 months away.
  2. Wow, How do people play with a controller? I am having issues adjusting from keyboard and mouse to the controller.
  3. Well I'm finally going to get finished with Morrowind and Skyrim. While the PC is dead I've opted to get my Xbox 360 out of the closet. I have Copies of both those, I just never got the Xbox version of Oblivion.
  4. A belated Merry Christmas Nexus. Yeah I'm not dead yet. Just stuck with out a gaming PC. /cry, /wrist, /bandage. I would have posted something Christmas day, But I was trying to avoid getting on the PC so I could spend time with the family. And as for Boxing Day? Well that was taken by work. Yes I had to Spend yesterday working till 2 PM locally and as soon as I got home I wanted to take a hot shower, get some food in me and then sleep till noon today.
  5. Just finished my Christmas "Must watch to be in the spirit of the season" shows/movies. Invader Zim, Twilight Zone and Dilbert might seem odd to have on that list but I am a bit of an odd ball.
  6. I'M NOT DEAD YET. On the other hand my gaming PC is. Two weeks ago I went to start it up and it spent fifteen minutes loading. Really it never got off the windows 7 loading screen. Since I didn't see any inductions of it being a windows update I risked it and hit the reset button. And every things gone down hill after that. So I'm taking the Badwolf and rebuilding it into Badwolf 2.0.
    1. Aurasoma


      If any one wants to look at what specs I'm going for, I'm using the Unicorn build from MMO Champions Build of the month. with a few changes here and there. http://www.mmo-champion.com/build-of-the-month/
  7. A new Image up under the Oblivion section of Nexus. This one was inspired by Mahtawa's Viktorious Secret. Title is "There goes the weekend" https://rd.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/168543
  8. Got to mentioning you in a recent post. This got me to wondering if you where still active.
    1. MalachiDelacot


      Still active in the forums mostly.
    2. Aurasoma


      Got to give you a shout out sort of in my latest Oblivion image. Its a node/mention to your big sword quest that Gersilla and Carah went on.
  9. Been moving a head with a few mods and one is something I talked about with you. So I have to ask, do you think this might be Hades? https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17914/?
    1. Kpnut


      Sorry for the late reply (very rarely on the forum section of the nexus) but that isn't Hades, her weapon is based on the Hades Dai-Katana from this mod; https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/22254/?
  10. Started doing Oblivion comics again. For those who are intrested follow Dalla Hildr Through the Looking-Glass http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/images/166991/?
  11. New hard drive came in this morning rather then tomorrow. Installed Steam on it and then qued the games I want to play.
  12. I'm going to get Angel and Mellow into a none Bethesda game! Deededee of RCM is currently working on a chatroom division for his WWE 2K17 stream. I plan on making both up for him Friday.
  13. New 2 tb hard drive is due in Thrusday, Can't wait to get it and start down loading STEAM! I'm going to have to spend tomorrow out of the appartment or I'll be climbing the walls.
  14. Found out for $2,500 I could have a action figure of Mellow. For that same amount I could have a new PC...
  15. The SSD came a week early. Its in the PC now an has Windows installed. I'd be doing the happy dance but I'm under a tornado warning for another hour.
  16. So, I'm upgrading my PC case to a newer Coolmaster model. But what to do with the old case. Well my step brother has always wanted my desktop PC.
  17. Done, Today I ordered a Samsung 850 EVO 250GB SSD card to replace my hard drive. It will arrive next month on the tenth. One day before I order two Seagate Desktop 2TB 3.5-Inch HDD drives.
  18. Going to be off for a while. My hard drive crashed and I need to wait ro replace it next month.
  19. Oh yes, had an intereesting idea for Sexy Wednesday. Mellow in something head turning. No wait I might have to look at something more. Like filming it an posting to youtube.
  20. I'm publishing a little something something for Valentine's Day. I hope Oblivion Players will enjoy it.
  21. I'm going to start sending out tweets when I post aany new images. If your interested follow me I'm @sammeasa
  22. Riley Marks meshes and textures are shooting to the top of my must have list for mods. Hes there right next to Stroti.
  23. When ever I get to working on the store mod for Nailflan's mods. Nailflan suddenly starts making new mods. Now where is that hard drive I have all his work on.
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