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About SoulBlazer_87

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    Oblivion, Dynasty Warriors 4 Hyper
  • Favourite Game
    Baldur's Gate II, SWKOTOR II, UT2K4

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. would winzip work just as well as winrar?
  2. You are not the only one!!! Once in Meridians shrine quest (I think that's how her name is) I went to kill th necromancers. Oh! the slaughter!!! it was me against like 5 nether liches 15 kseletons and6 dread zombies... Don't ask how I lived! only through potions and high level restoration!!!Another time I fought against no less that 15 minotaur lords!!! all armed with dwemer items! And yes I killed them. In case you wonder I play adrenaline oblivion!! Another time I was supposed to get 3guys in oblivion and close a gate outside certain city. So one was immortal and survived but the other two? Well there wer these annoying towers that fire 1-hit ko fire balls (at least to mosthehehe I'm nearly immune to magic.) so I carried them away in an akward manner: finger of the mountain!(and of very high level.) so one of the got stuck mid air in that freaking tower!. The tower roteted but he simply bumped up and down. In the end I blew the crap out of him with a fire ball...
  3. Hahaha!!! I saw something like thatnear bruma: two imperial guards were attacking a couple of bandits. it seems now that one of them accidentaly hit the other one!!! so after they killed the bandits they started fighting each othertill thay killed each other off. (and I got a nice suit of armor hehehehe considering I was about 2-3rd level ;) ).
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