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  1. I've been told that changing the fade in timer to 0 might do it. But it would require FOsnip or the actual GECK to accomplish this. This still leaves me still at a loss, but with some hope.
  2. This is probably the most hated thing about combat for me. When I go to scope I have to wait vital moments to fade in from black, and by the time I can see, my enemy, who is running, is no longer where they were. If there is a way-with the current tools-to remove the fade in effect, please someone do it, or tell me how to do it.
  3. In response to post #24751059. #24751149 is also a reply to the same post. It's not the community. It's humanity. Video games are popular so they draw a broad cross section and with that come trolls and entitled asshats. I agree, they suck and can really make one question the act of sharing. But the modding community isn't unique in having its share of shitheads.
  4. Well that was quick. This was pretty horribly done. Rushed mods secretly commissioned. Horrible split. A 4 year old game with 4 years of mod resources already in existence. I definitely agree modders deserve compensation but this was a mistake of New Coke proportions. It showed a clear misunderstanding of how the bethesda modding community works and a total lack of foresight. Streamline donations. That's the only way to compensate skyrim modders that is equitable for everyone but it needs to be as easy as buying a song on itunes. Leave paywalls to EA games and stupid hats. And no, bethesda nor valve deserve any of the donation. They made their money. They have entire legal teams and support structures. Modders are often living with low income, modding for the love of creation and with generosity to share their labor (and maybe hope of a little niche recognition). Thankfully this disaster is over.
  5. edit: Fixed! It was a shader flag issue. It needed SLSF1_Skinned flag set. Learn something every day. :\ Whenever I swipe a mesh from a non-clothing mesh I run into this problem. When I swiped a journal mesh it just floated instead of moving with the rig. Now I’ve swiped the bones from a clutter skeleton mesh and it too floats instead of moving with the mesh. Of course it’s weighted properly and moves fine in blender but in game it just floats. If anyone knows why this is and / or has a solution I would appreciate any help. In game it seems anchored to the root of the nif and nothing else (no proper rigging) but I know it's rigged cause it works fine when testing in blender. left is blender and how it “should” look. Right is floating in game.
  6. Yep, I used combat armor as the base before. I just tried it with leather, and the arms are there now. luthienanarion, thanks for the help troubleshooting.
  7. Hmm...maybe I should steal from another armor's ARMO. Maybe I picked a defective one.
  8. esp https://www.dropbox.com/s/w29yjfw0crszi6r/calyps-wastelandprophet.esp Hope I learn something. Otherwise I'll just repurpose an esp I know works.
  9. Just tested it with the Road Fighter armor by rerouting the female path and arms show in first person for that (the arms of MY mesh). So it must be my esp, unfortunately I have no idea what it could be since there's no direct 1st person setting anywhere.
  10. SOLVED I'm working on a custom armor made from scratch and I've run into a small problem. No arms in first person. When I tested my armor by simply replacing leather armor, I had no problem getting my mesh to appear while in first person. But now that I've made an esp for it (by duplicating the leather armor entry and changing the name and info :tongue:) I can't get the arms/forearms to appear. Just floating hands. I found a tutorial that indicated that naming the arms object "arms" would make them automatically be visible in 1st person. Well, that didn't work at all. All the body part groups appear to be correct. I hope someone knows what the cause is and a fix. Thanks.
  11. Say I'm making a follower mod and I only want them to be able to wear the outfit I made for them, period. It's my understanding based on personal experimentation that without the racecomp.esm custom races can't wear vanilla armors. Well, pretty much everyone has racecompaitibility installed at this point... Do custom races automatically gain the effects of it? Or can you opt out of using it for your custom race so they stay incompatible with vanilla and other mods armors?
  12. I added nuska's member ID# to my CNHF mod days ago but she isn't able to upload files.
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