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About RopeSander

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  1. Hello all, I am considering switching my OS over to Linux, the Pop! version specifically. I will be getting a PC soon for the sole purpose of running Skyrim. I am thinking that being the case I would be better off sticking with Windows and avoiding all the pitfalls of Skyrim compatability especially wanting to Mod as well. Any Linux users out there care to share thier experience with Skyrim, Modding, Linux in general? I would appreciate any insight anyone has. I don't really want to continue being dependant on Microsofts OS anymore, but for a cheap machine, soley for modded Skyrim... not sure its worth building a Linux machine with learning curves, only to end up having potential and severe compatability issues with Skyrim. I have already done plenty of Youtube and web search research, I find the best advice often comes from forums like these though. Thanks to any who have advice to offer!
  2. As long as there are some shirts with the Nexus logo and nothing else. Sounds good! ????
  3. Bethesda.Net releases mod's that play well together, Nexus has a wider variety of mods that one has to learn a little about mod compatibility in order to make it all mesh... but don't worry, once you learn a bit it's really quite simple. Not to mention, most of the mods on Bethesda.Net came originally from The Nexus. Your adventure in learning begins here http://wiki.step-project.com/STEP:2.10.0
  4. Hey. This is just a thread shout out to knightmod ! He has been such a help and loyal friend. If anyone has a shout out to him, please let him know! He has been a unasked supporter of the mod 'Familiar Faces', which unfortunately because Verteiron is gone, has helped users as best he is able to continue use. Which can be tough given how Skyrim modding is since Familiar Faces released.
  5. Hello all... I'm looking for someone who is familiar with both Nisetanaka's "The Amazing World of Bikini Armor" and lordkoz's "Buxom Wench Yurianna".... for the purpose of testing a mod of mine... it will require nothing but the latest version of Skyrim... and Dawnguard. Please contact me if interested, and I will be willing to help in whatever endeavor you wish if I'm able. Thank you for your time.
  6. Necro.. I'm having the same issue. Edit: Nevermind... Morph Race and Armor Race needed to be changed to Default Race.
  7. Ugh.... well, YEAAAHHH the weight didn't match.... I mean, yeah I knew that... right??? *nervous laughing* &%$*..... : D Thanks buddy. All is well now.
  8. Hello everyone. I have been working on a mod for KiKiapplus for a few months now when I can, and I am stuck with an issue for a NPC follower character with a God forsaken gap between the body and the lower neck line. I come here to ask humbly if someone with some mesh editing experience would not mind editing the head mesh so it meets with the body. I have spent a great deal of time trying to get Blender to work with .nif files, (yes I have all the correct versions of the utilities needed) but it simply won't load the mesh file. Upon request, if someone is interested PM me please, I will send the entire mod file as it is now, in case my noob ass did something else that is causing this issue, though I am 99% sure it is the head mesh for the NPC that is the culprit. I literally just need to pull some vertices like an 'inch'. I appreciate anyone who's willing to help, but I am tired of trying to solve this issue and if I can't get any assistance I will just leave this character as he is. I just don't care to troubleshoot it anymore. Thank you for your time.
  9. "The Forgotten City", it was one of the first quest mods I used for Skyrim... I was really blown away and understood just how great a platform Skyrim provided for a modder. TheModernStoryteller, you truly are an inspiration to all those who arduously make the greatest mods out there. I've always explained to anyone who wasn't a gamer, when they ask... "What's so great about video games?" I always explain that for me it's like reading a good book that I can interact with, "The Forgotten City" was definitely grounds for a 'good book' and certainly hits it out of the park with it's original ingenuity.. I loved the way the time-traveling dynamic worked and the way the mod began, I actually didn't expect it, which isn't my average reaction to a mod, or any story for that matter. Anyways, great job man. I will definitely be buying this game when it's all done.
  10. I sent you a message detailing how this can be done. I am not fully aware of your CK experience. Here are some fantastic tutorials I use often. Creating a custom race for Skyrim - Nexus Wiki How to create a standalone follower using Racemenu 3 - YouTube
  11. I just don't know... isn't it trite yet??? With all the great ADVENTURE mods out there....God, I could never have time to sit there and get an erection over the countless number of skimpy clothing mods out there. I just don't understand how such effort in graphic modeling could be exuded and exported to such a contribution-less end. Yet, I know this message is only as old as perhaps the beginning of Skyrim modding, and here I am making it, because I've had lots of beer, and I've started to see SSE take all the attention for GOOD mods... Ay Yai Yai.
  12. Once Upon A Time... NMM was very good to me when I started getting into modding, then.... a dark time came. I updated it and it didn't like to remember how my profiles were, and carried over mod installs from previous profiles... it was a time when all who could weep (me)... did. Then came the conservation movement, and older practices were brought to light again (V. 0.62.2), the people (me) rejoiced and all was well.... However now new troubles arise (something about a 'game mode????), the people (me) know that perhaps 'Vortex' is the only answer to their (my) cries... only time (alpha/beta testing phases) will tell. Or I'll learn to appreciate MO. THE END.
  13. In response to post #58741571. MO is for elitists. .... HAVE A GREAT DAY!!! : D
  14. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Adding_a_Follower_NPC_to_Skyrim For starters... You can do this.
  15. Sigh. And what you need to realise is that no matter how much someone wants to do that they simply might not have the ability. I'm working on my own (none Skyrim) project but I don't consider it the "bestest idea eveh". In fact I'm going out of my way to have others give me ideas which I might then add in because they're good ideas. I also tried to get into webcoding, but this combined with everything I needed to do was simply too much at once. And now I know someone ELSE that has a better head for code and can do that. I know enough to be able to tell them where the code needs to go. But THEY are the one putting in the code. And that's what a mod is like. Some people are the ideas guy that does the writing. Others are the ones putting in the content itself. You're basically telling everyone to "Do it on your own". Neglecting the fact that perhaps, just perhaps someone will see an idea on this very sub forum and might just think "Oh, maybe I want to work on that." Maybe they won't just work on that, but it could be something to add in their already existing project if nothing else. Depending on how big or small it is. Or wherever someone finds an idea interesting enough to put their own personal project aside because they might find another, unconsidered idea even more interesting then what they didn't think off. By your logic we may as well not bother with sharing ideas at all and just do it all on our own. Which is exactly how games came to exist in the first place. People share ideas. They either work together or take another persons ideas and add it into their project. This isn't just how mods are made. It's how games themselves are made. Mods don't just magically get made with one persons ideas. A multiple number of people give ideas for something to exist in the first place. Then something is made and more ideas are added on after that. In the case of the former it's formulating something to be added in to begin with. Tents. Campfires. Hunger. That kind of thing. In the case of the later it's more feedback based. What kind of tent. What can campfires do. How hungry you get over time. Either way it all revolves around ideas. Not just from the person making the mod (or game. Or even book or film or even a RL event) but from other people as well. The reason topics like these even pop up is because users who don't mod get so worked up over not having their vision(s) become a reality, it manifests into some people being rude to the point of harassment. I know, before I leaned what little I have, I used to write JohnSkyrim once a month (or more) trying to find creative and 'witty' ways to encourage him to finish the 'Judgement Armor (from World of Warcraft)" project he had been working on for sometime... at the time I thought maybe my desire for a mod idea would be enough to work a modder into WANTING to do what I wanted, but the reality is I was being whiny, impatient, and above all UNWILLING TO SOLVE THE ROOT OF THE ISSUE MYSELF. I personally neglect the 'fact' that someone logs on to The Nexus after they get done with work and un-cork a bottle of champagne as they open a forum topic of ideas from users who are not willing to do what it takes to make their visions become reality. I'm sure it happens, but I'd wager not often, and any mod author who practices that I would have to assume would do so in between projects that derive from their own interests. I'm not really sure how micalov's position does not make sense to you... or you think it's unfair or something... "may not have ability?". I think you're selling yourself short... and you're unwilling to do what is necessary to bring your own ideas to life, which is fine. I can understand... it's a lot of stuff to learn. But I can't help but notice that your position is backed by nothing.... you are telling a user who has released 85 mods that they 'need to understand' something.... you have not released anything, Users who complain about the advice of modders always fall into the same category. Perhaps if you spent as much time learning 'webcode' as you did writing out your comment you'd be steps closer to both understanding and seeing your ideas become real. I don't mean to be offensive in my language, I simply am passionate in the defense of those whom have worked for their skills and knowledge, and do not appreciate seeing users denigrate feedback from those whom they are reaching towards for a hand-out.
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