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Posts posted by trilioth

  1. I am looking to play FONV again after having been away for a while. I am wondering if any one can give me a jump start to finding a good ENB that either makes nights darker or is designed to go with a mod that makes nights darker or a mod that makes nights darker that works well with an ENB.


    Please leave your opinions/suggestions or concerns about this kind of setup. Thanks in advance.

  2. I followed this guide to the letter, and well... there's a tiny, itty-bitty problem.


    I speak to the possible companion, get no choices (or even a voiceless text option,) and then the dialogue exits without my input. And thus, can't hire the companion.


    What's the fix?

    I don't know. I didn't have that problem. It's been a long time since I did this and I currently don't have access to FONV to review the procedure.


    It seems like there is an issue with the companion's dialogue. I recommend watching the videos, if you haven't and reviewing each step of my tutorial to see if you have missing something.

  3. The AddInventoryEventFilter would only work if he was using it to test specifically for items that didn't belong in the container, but that would require a lot more code. Better to test for items that belong.


    Also, checking against inventory type would be good for all those items that don't belong simply due to the wrong type, such as weapons.

  4. I don't use left hand rings, but it may be that they don't have the correct keyword.

    Also, I would check the keywords differently. The keywords would need to be properties if done this way though.


    You could still use the form list of keywords without the while loop though. I recommend getting rid of the while loop personally. I use them only when there is no other alternative, because they lag.

    If akSourceContainer == PlayerREF
        if Item.HasKeyword(VendorItemSoulGem):
            bAcceptable = true
        elseif Item.HakKeyword(VendorItemJewelry):
            bAcceptable = true
        elseif Item.HasKeyword(VendorItemGem)
            bAcceptable = true
        elseif Item.HasKeyword(ArmorJewelry)
            bAcceptable = true
        elseif Item.HasKeyword(ClothingCirclet)
            bAcceptable = true
        elseif Item.HasKeyword(ClothingRing)
            bAcceptable = true
        elseif Item.HasKeyword(ClothingNecklace)
            bAcceptable = true
        if !bAcceptable ; (this is the same as bAcceptable == False)
            RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, True, akSourceContainer)
  5. I would like a button added that will use available data and generate a formatted output for sharing load order information with others. It would be nice if the options for generation included plain text for posting on pastebin, BBCode for posting in the forums (also automatically wrap the whole thing with spoiler tags) and HTML. The displayed data should include loadorder index at the beginning of the line followed by filename, then mod name (wrapped with url tags linking the mod page for HTML and BBCode output), and version number. I understand that the information may not be available for all files, due to some mods not being downloaded from the nexus. Also, where possible, at the end of the load order list mods that do not have plugin files (such as mods that just replace textures).


    I was thinking of simply writing a python script for myself to do this sort of thing, but I could not find where this sort of information is stored. I suppose I could read the archives, but the version number and mod page address would not be readily available without being able to access where NMM stores such data.


    Thanks for your consideration.

  6. Also...


    I just exported all armor from Immersive armors and found some items that had information stored in the wrong column.


    I will post a slice of the csv: Nevermind. I figured out what happened and it's not the scripts fault exactly. There are commas in the item's name. I don't know how you could possibly prevent that. Maybe change the comma into placeholder character for output, but that would have to be caught and recognized during import as well.


    It's something to consider though. Maybe it's not a problem for import as it stands and I could adjust to editing the "off" columns in Excel.


    Edit: I don't have to import these records or anything I merely exported so I can run a script on the outside to help me data mine the armor values for research for a mod that handles inventory items.

  7. I have run into a snag. It was was working before, but now it doesn't import correctly. The form list is displaying the correct Form IDs, but they are not resolving properly. For example, some items in the form list claim to be cells when they clearly have the correct FormID for item it should be. Some aren't resolving at all.


    Edit: I was able to get it to work with another file. It's weird. It's my Quick Stash Mod that I am working on. I am making a version for each possible combination of DLC or No DLC starting with the No DLC version. I have a file where I had imported changes for the Dragonborn version, but since I had to make changes to Form Lists in the No DLC version and these changes will reflect in every version, I had to update every form list that was changed for every version. I had no problem importing for the DG-HF-DB version. It did it first so I could test. By remaking the DB file from the No DLC file, I was able to import. I just don't see what the issue is with importing to the old DB file.


    Edit Again: Dawnguard version imported like it should, but then Heartfire version failed on me. I don't know what's going on.


    Edit Again: I think I figured out what the problem is... the form ids for the items in the form lists are expecting their masters to have a specific index.

  8. I got was able to use edited csv files to update several form lists at once. Some things to note: You have to export after changing masters so that the record numbers are correct for importing and you need to be sure that the plugin file has masters for the items in the form list. The second thing is a bit obvious but the first one was a bit of a gotcha.


    Thank you so much for your work here. It made my job a whole lot easier.

  9. You need the most up to date version of mteFunctions. The one on my GitHub should work. Verifying...


    Yep. You just need to get the most up-to-date version of mteFunctions.pas.

    Um... I thought I had that... new link? updated recently?


    Edit. (*sighs*) downloaded TES5EditScripts-master.zip again from the last link you gave me. I somehow had the updated version of everything except mteFunctions.pas. :wallbash:

  10. I am having trouble using the import feature. I changed the text files for each form list. But when I go to import using QuickChange v2.4 and choose import, I get this error: Error in unit 'mteFuncitons' on line 247 : Not enough parameters.


    I have all the form lists selected that I had selected for export. Could it be that I didn't choose enough info to export?


    The text file part seems simple enough. I didn't change the file names.


    Could it be that I am loading other masters (DLCs) into TESVEdit? I am doing so, because the lists include items from the DLCs and the altered plugin will have to require the DLCs as masters as well.


    Edit: I got the same error trying to use [ArrayImport] [FormIDs] [D:\games\TES5 Edit 3.0.31\Edit Scripts\02000800.txt].

  11. Hello,


    I'd like to make a set of armor and weapons undroppable so that no matter what happens ever it will never leave the player's inventory.


    Is it as simple as checking the Persistent Reference Quest Item check box?


    Thank you.


    I don't see this check box of which you speak... I scripted the Quick Stash Key (not actually a key) so that when it's dropped into the cell to disable and delete itself and add another copy back to the player's inventory and when it's dropped into another container it is merely moved back into the player's inventory.


    Here's the OnContainerChanged Event:



    Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
      if akOldContainer && !akNewContainer
        Debug.Trace("[t] STASH KEY DROPPED ==========================================================")
        ; Insert Configuration Code
        PlayerRef.AddItem(_t_QSK_Quick_Stash_Key, 1)
      elseif akNewContainer && !akOldContainer
        Debug.Trace("[t] STASH KEY PICKED UP ========================================================")
      elseif akNewContainer == PlayerRef
        Debug.Trace("[t] STASH KEY RETURNED TO PLAYER ===============================================")
        Debug.Trace("[t] STASH KEY STASHED ==========================================================")
        String NewContName = akNewContainer.GetBaseObject().GetName()
        Debug.Trace("[t] Stash key went into container named: " + NewContName + ". " + akNewContainer)
        Debug.Trace("[t] Stash Complete.")
        akNewContainer.RemoveItem(_t_QSK_Quick_Stash_Key,1, false, PlayerRef)



  12. Quick Stash
    by trilioth
    Requires SKSE

    Version 2.0 handles player made items. See Change Log.

    Tired of inventory management?
    Would you rather be fighting than stashing your loot?
    Are you looking for convenience without feeling like you are cheating?


    If you answered yes to any the above,
    then Quick Stash might be right for you.

    [Get It HERE]

    How to do I use it?

    Simply drop the the Quick Stash Key* into any container for quick storage of excess items.
    *not an actual key, but can be found with your miscellaneous items.

    What exactly does it do?

    Simply put, it's the one-click answer to unloading items.
    More precisely, form lists are used for removing a number of items quickly into the container (List 1 Items),
    then your inventory is scanned to remove further items that are not marked as favorite or equipped (List 2 Items).
    After items are removed, then more form lists are used to return any items that should remain in your inventory (List 3 Items).
    Since items of the miscellaneous category are not scanned miscellaneous quest items, gold and lock picks are not removed from your inventory.

    List 1 Items:

    • All recognized Books (excluding known quest items)
    • All Raw Food (because you normally eat the prepared food.)
    • All ingredients (because you're out hunting treasure not making potions)
    • All crafting materials (do you see a tanning rack or forge nearby?)
    • All Soul Gems (empty ones will be returned as part of list 3)
    • All Animal Parts (because troll skulls are heavy)
    • Miscellaneous Clutter (why did you pick up that embalming tool anyway?)
    • Coming Soon! All of any item you choose (excluding player made potions and player made enchanted items.)

    List 2 Items:

    • Ammo
    • Armor
    • Potions/Poison/Food
    • Scrolls
    • Weapons

    List 3 Items:

    • All Known Quest Items
    • Empty Soul Gems

    Is there more?

    Currently the features described are part of the version 1.0 basic package and does not recognize items from DLC. Future plans in this order:

    • DLC aware versions (Easy peasy. I just wanted to cover Non-DLC version first and not have to rip out DLC content)
    • Basic Configuration for User-Defined List 1 Items. (basically you drop the key, which opens a container. Whatever you put into that container goes on the list.)
    • NMM/FOMOD Installer Script (I could use some help with this.)
    • MCM Configuration (in the event that prior goals are met and users request more customization)


    Quick Stash is not responsible for loss of items due to cell reset on respawning containers or player's inability to access the container at a later time.

  13. Ok. I was able to get this much:


    _t_List_Books_All [FLST:03001E42]
    FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
    Do I have to add manully enter a FormIDs\LNAM for every entry in the list in order to get it to export it all?
    Edit: Nope. Doing it 3 times got the same item 3 times.
    _t_List_Books_All [FLST:03001E42]
    FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
    FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
    FormIDs\LNAM: AtrFrgDaedricRecipe00 "Atronach Forge Recipe" [bOOK:0010F776]
    Edit Again: I found where indices are mentioned in the help file, but I can't get them to work. FormIDs\LNAM\[0], FormIDs\[0]\ or FormIDs\[0]\LNAM\ gets me nothing.
    Edit Again: I don't doubt what you say is true. I just don't get the scripting and what it actually does. Sorry to bother you guys. I'll go back to the kiddy pool.


    [...] I'd like to be able to select multiple form lists and create a new form list with the contents of the selected form lists.


    This will be very easy using QuickDisplay's export array function on all the formlists. You'd end up with a text document for each formlist and you could just copy paste the contents of each text document into one new text document, then import that document onto the new formlist.



    I am just not getting how to use Quick Display then.


    This is the contents of the text document when I try:


    _t_List_Books_All [FLST:03001E42]

    Ok. That's doable, but there isn't really a script that does precisely that (yet).


    I can make one. Probably will have it done by the end of today.



    That'd be awesome. One more thing though. I'd like to be able to select multiple form lists and create a new form list with the contents of the selected form lists.



    So are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding the keywords used on them to a formlist? Or are you looking to process a bunch of selected inventory items in TES5Edit, adding them to the formlist if they have certain keywords?



    I'm looking to process all inventory items and add them to form lists if they have certain keywords.

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