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Posts posted by trilioth

  1. Essential to me means MMUE, FOOK, Project Nevada, MCM, WMX, The Weapon Mod Menu, DarNified UI NV, oHUD. I doubt that would ever play with out those mods.


    I also enjoyed some extra spawns, so I went with Increased Wasteland Spawns and DFB - Random Encounters. But having the extra spawns might have been overkill. It certainly made the game harder for me, playing a character that uses only light armor, but after all that fighting I did, I reached level 47 without having run through Old World Blues or Dead Money DLCs and there is a quite a bit I have not explored. Some of that had to with the fact that I almost never used Fast Travel. Project Nevada has in game settings for reducing the amount of experience gained, so that could have been mitigated.


    I recommend watching Gopher's Videos:

    . He seems to stand behind NMM, but I am firm user of FOMM for installing. He explains the use of FOMM in some of his earlier videos and the use of NMM in his latest videos.


    You'll find the a link to DarNified UI NV in the comments of one of Gopher's Videos. I am not sure if I am allowed to share that link here, seeing as it is not hosted at the Nexus. I know that kind of thing was frowned upon in past from some of the comments I read on Oblivion mods.


    Edit: formatting and clarification on the Gopher's Videos.

  2. Very nice. You have my attention. Alas, I am not a modeler, nor a voice actor. I can do interiors, if you got the kits. I can do almost anything that doesn't require tools other than the GECK. I have not tried my hand at the height map. I have done some textures for interiors in Oblivion. While the quality was good, I felt they were a little too clean looking. I was working on a dark/evil version of the imperial building kit. I didn't actually release any of the files though.


    Edit: Scripting is my strong suit.

  3. Oh, Wow... I have never actually checked the ems and esp individually, I simply ran FNVEdit to see if it loaded without errors. We have the same errors, but I don't have any of colorization over the file names on the left. I have not noticed anything in game after 145 hours and 42 minutes of playing. You have way more stuff than I have, but we have a some things in common: FOOK, MMUE, Project Nevada, WMX.


    I think it might be a bad idea to load MMUE with NVEC. NVEC contains an older version of Mission Mojave.


    While looking into this, I have noticed that MMUE is now up to v8a. I am using v7. I was going to tell you that you might want to consider using MMUE's Project Nevada's Compatibility Patches, but they took down the version I used. I am soooo glad I took notes on everything I was using. Apparently, MMUE no longer has a compatibility patch for Project Nevada unless you are using the Project Nevada - All DLC.esp file. I am currently using the all DLC file and you could simply ignore cyberware part of Project Nevada. I have not personally used any cyberware, so I have no opinion on the matter.


    I have some compatibility patch files for WMX and FOOK and that I don't see in your list: WMX-FOOKNV CP.esp and WMX-FOOKNV-DLCs CP.esp.


    Also, I understand that some where waiting for EVE to update for some reason. I think it may have had to do Project Nevada. You might want to look into that. I just looked at it and it seems they have updated since I last looked. Personally I am not interested in EVE, but it comes highly recommended.


    People who want revenge. Like, You kill Killer A so the brother/friend of Killer A will come to you for revenge.



    Be careful what you wish for - I live for scripting that stuff. Some of it is already in the works, along with more nuanced, possibly unexpected consequences for the player's actions in other mods.


    Noted and I am agreeing with Mohamed2001. I would also like to thank you for your continued work. I am looking forward to the updates.

  5. Unless I am mistaken, FOMM tracks what it places and replaces. You don't need FOMM scripting in the archive to use it. I don't use NMM because not every mod author organizes the archive properly and/or doesn't disable the NMM option. You can check the archive to see if it was packed correctly and if so, simply rename the file's extension to fomod, for example: SomeMod.zip to SomeMod.fomod. If not you can repack it yourself. I check every archive I download. I have renamed zip files and 7z files, and I have yet to have a problem with using the create fomod features. I have had a problem with the login/update feature; that never worked for me. I use Wrye Flash and BOSS for adjusting the load order. My experience with FOMM has been with version 0.13.21.
  6. I had an instance just south of Primm, where a bunch of Powder Gangers popped out of no where and one forced dialog saying, "I have a present for you from the Powder Gangers. I hope you like dynamite." I manage to one-shot him in VATS before he tossed a stick of dynamite at me. I am not sure, but I think that instance was Vanilla coding. I had ED-E with me, I would have noticed them before they noticed me.


    Edit: misspelling.

  7. Looks good so far. I like the rugged aesthetic rather than a super-clean luxurious uber-house with more functions than the rest of the vanilla game combined.


    What interests me currently (for I am also searching for ideas for my own mod) is means to justify the player owning such a safe house. I get the faction safe houses. You earn them by reputation with a faction, but some factions don't really have many means by which to earn positive reputation. I don't want to get off topic here, but I am wondering how to justify the benefit the player receives.

  8. hello everyone, is there a way to reduce weapon/armor value by 5 times (only when sold? and maybe by 2 times when bought)? maybe with a perk or something.. but i dont know how to. changing value for every weapon individually is too much work and it doesnt let me reduce value only when sold. thanks in advance


    I am not sure what you are asking. By value, I am assuming you mean an items worth in trade. You can't change the value of an individual inventory item through scripting or by any other means. You could change the base value of the base object in the GECK, but that is about it.


    What is the purpose of the feature you are asking for?


    If you are looking at making trading more or less difficult then you could use Project Nevada. It has an in-game menu that alters bartering. I assume it alters the game setting values relating to the bartering system. You could potentially create a mod that alters the variables yourself to suit your preference.


    Other than that, altering an item's condition would be a way of adjusting an item's value, but I doubt that even NVSE has the means to do this through scripting. And if so, it might require some complication to implement it. For instance you might have to have the item equipped.

  9. I like the ideas mentioned here. It's been a while since the last relevant reply. I only found this because of the mistake of the last reply. It seems the community is fairly dead, but I surely hope not. I seem to arrive too late for these things. =P
  10. i might be able to make a building for this but someone else will do dialouge and scripting


    I can do scripting. I am willing to learn dialog, but I have no resources for voice acting or lip syncing.


    Sounds very interesting, but just... don't make it in Novac. There are many mods which have problems with that area, to the point where some people can't even go near there. I, myself, can't load any save games what have been made in the Novac area.


    What mods are you using? I have no trouble with Novac. I use Increased Wasteland Spawns, it adds a few Town Guards and Civilians to the place. Other than that, I don't think I have any mods that change the place. One thing I do every time I get to Novac is open the gate to the courtyard. The traveling traders go in there and I remember them having pathing issues in the past, if the gate was closed.


    Hey! I'm actually working on this right this second! I just happened to come across this and though I might want to inform you of this!


    Really! Please share your progress, concepts, features, etc.

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