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Everything posted by dezerte

  1. Maybe there was but I must have missed it then. And indeed, people are giving their feedback in this topic. I was more referring to before the live rollout, how more feedback could have perhaps helped mitigate some of the issues going on (e.g. category defaults on Search) and the overall reception of the change.
  2. I believe I mentioned this. But in an attempt to clarify what I meant: It could have been a poll with questions addressed specifically for users who left. These questions would have been of different nature than those who polled users who spent a more considerable time in the beta. As I don't know exactly what kind of feedback Nexus was looking for, or were to look for in such a scenario, I can only guess and give examples of questions that could have been useful to Nexus. E.g. "What feature/design choice prompted you to leave the beta and why?"
  3. I don't know if this was the case, though I'm led to believe it is. But it seems only users who joined the beta and used it could give feedback? Users who used it briefly and left the beta were never polled, at least I wasn't. If this was the case, using poll results from people who stayed in the beta would probably skew the results and produce an inaccurate picture of what the average user thought of the new design. This redesign was probably going to happen either way, but polling all users might have produced other results which could have helped Nexus deal with the current landscape. Now there's a lot of feedback coming in, some bad some good, that could have been useful to Nexus during the beta. It's tricky but I do think it would have been better if all users were polled, or at the very least a specific poll for users who left the beta.
  4. For some reason the search is now defaulting to "All content" rather than "Mods". This creates an additional click needed when searching for mods as "All content" and floods thee user with non-relevant results. Could there be a way to save preferences? I'll in 99% of the cases always want to search for "Mods" and not "All content" so it would be nice if that could be the default setting.
  5. I think the first rollout was mostly fine. I thought the contrasting colors change in the recent activity tab made it easier to read. However I did not like the new search pop-up window, it obscures too much of the website preventing you from using the site without closing down the pop-up. The second rollout hit me today, radically changing the landing page for each game. It feels more compact and so far I'm finding it confusing and harder to find and discover mods. This, along with first rollout has resulted in more clicks/key presses being needed to navigate the site. The black background behind the mod tiles is probably a big issue for readability - mod tiles don't "pop out" any longer. It was previously lighter or used a varied image as a background which I think made the contrast more clear and visible. Overall, I think the site UI update made the website look more modern, more sleek. However, it reduced usability. Right now I would prefer to have the old design back.
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